Archbishop Vigano says Resist Tyranny


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2016
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Not only medical totalitarianism but any attempt to crush individuality:

Viganò:”those who resist the NWO will have the help and protection of God”

I think that every priest has the right, or rather the duty, to warn his faithful about the real danger – not at all merely hypothetical – represented by the inoculation of this experimental medical product. This is especially the case when the entire psycho-pandemic farce clearly aims to lead toward the establishment of a dictatorship, whose purpose is to control the citizens through a violation of their constitutional and natural rights under the guise of a health emergency.
Our Constitution founded a government based on Popular Sovereignty--i.e., the rule by the people.

In Oregon, a health bureaucracy is telling that state's government to indefinitely prolong mandatory wearing of masks. That is not rule by the people, it is a circle of government bureaucracy telling the government (government telling government) what to do. Emergency mandates are for three months. What should be mandatory is that after three months, the people then have the option to continue wearing masks or not. The government was saying, "We think this will work." People had three months to decided whether to agree or disagree and then people decide for themselves what they will do.

The people lead, the people rule.
Bravo Archbishop Vigano! :clap:
Not only medical totalitarianism but any attempt to crush individuality:

Viganò:”those who resist the NWO will have the help and protection of God”

I think that every priest has the right, or rather the duty, to warn his faithful about the real danger – not at all merely hypothetical – represented by the inoculation of this experimental medical product. This is especially the case when the entire psycho-pandemic farce clearly aims to lead toward the establishment of a dictatorship, whose purpose is to control the citizens through a violation of their constitutional and natural rights under the guise of a health emergency.
Not only medical totalitarianism but any attempt to crush individuality:

Viganò:”those who resist the NWO will have the help and protection of God”

I think that every priest has the right, or rather the duty, to warn his faithful about the real danger – not at all merely hypothetical – represented by the inoculation of this experimental medical product. This is especially the case when the entire psycho-pandemic farce clearly aims to lead toward the establishment of a dictatorship, whose purpose is to control the citizens through a violation of their constitutional and natural rights under the guise of a health emergency.
So he's not a fan of pro wrestling?
Our Constitution founded a government based on Popular Sovereignty--i.e., the rule by the people.

In Oregon, a health bureaucracy is telling that state's government to indefinitely prolong mandatory wearing of masks. That is not rule by the people, it is a circle of government bureaucracy telling the government (government telling government) what to do. Emergency mandates are for three months. What should be mandatory is that after three months, the people then have the option to continue wearing masks or not. The government was saying, "We think this will work." People had three months to decided whether to agree or disagree and then people decide for themselves what they will do.

The people lead, the people rule.
So the United States of America is a democracy?
So the United States of America is a democracy?
You should know better. We are a republic, meaning that we elect representatives to govern in our (the peoples) stead not the stead of a government bureaucracy. Our representatives should be looking to us, the people.
You should know better. We are a republic, meaning that we elect representatives to govern in our (the peoples) stead not the stead of a government bureaucracy. Our representatives should be looking to us, the people.
Tell the guy I quoters not me.
Then why are you contradicting yourself?
No. I was giving everyone credit for knowing that in the US, 'the people' (the words I used) have the power. The people elect representatives to take care of the nation's business. This makes us a Republic, i.e. people ruling via elected officials.
No. I was giving everyone credit for knowing that in the US, 'the people' (the words I used) have the power. The people elect representatives to take care of the nation's business. This makes us a Republic, i.e. people ruling via elected officials.
When elected representatives are all massively wealthy, and only able to maintain their positions with the aid of other massively wealthy people, a republic becomes an oligarchy.
No. I was giving everyone credit for knowing that in the US, 'the people' (the words I used) have the power. The people elect representatives to take care of the nation's business. This makes us a Republic, i.e. people ruling via elected officials.
Representative democracy.
When elected representatives are all massively wealthy, and only able to maintain their positions with the aid of other massively wealthy people, a republic becomes an oligarchy.
In addition (and I forget who said this, or words to that effect): When a government becomes corrupt, the only solution is rule by a despot.

I would hate to go from Democracy to Despot in a period of a few hundred years.
In addition (and I forget who said this, or words to that effect): When a government becomes corrupt, the only solution is rule by a despot.

I would hate to go from Democracy to Despot in a period of a few hundred years.
We had an interesting enough run

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