Arab Teen Identifies With Kidnapped Teens


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Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
An arab teenager has made a youtube vid demanding that the three kidnapped Israeli teens be returned.

1. "Mohammad Zoabi’s mother defends son, scolds critics

2.The mother of Mohammad Zoabi, an Arab Israeli teen who posted a video on YouTube expressing solidarity with kidnapped Israeli youths, defended her son Wednesday and castigated those who criticized and threatened him ....

3. you know what?” she said on Tel Aviv Radio. “Maybe I taught my son to fight for justice, my son got up and had the courage to speak. In my life, I have never spoken like this. Maybe I felt it inside, but I never dared [to speak out]. He had the courage.

4. Police arrested three relatives of Zoabi Tuesday for threatening him after he called for the release of the three teens, affirmed his own identity as an Israeli, and urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop negotiating with Palestinian terrorists."
Mohammad Zoabi's mother defends son, scolds critics | The Times of Israel

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" – Arab-Israeli MK Haneen Zoabi said in a radio interview on Tuesday that the people who kidnapped the three Israeli teens last week are “not terrorists.”

Zoabi, who is a member of the Arab nationalist party Balad, has had a controversial political career. She has been an outspoken opponent of Israel and participated in the 2010 Gaza flotilla.

On Monday, Zoabi also harshly criticized her relative, 17-year-old Mohammed Zoabi, who posted a YouTube video condemning the kidnappers and calling for them to release the Israeli teens."
Arab-Israeli MK Haneen Zoabi: Kidnappers Are ?Not Terrorists? | Jewish & Israel News
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman: “Not only are the kidnappers terrorists; Haneen Zoabi is also a terrorist. The fate of the kidnappers and those that encourage incitement for kidnapping such as Zoabi should be the same.” MK Miri Regev (Likud) responded: “Her place is not with us but in Gaza. Like I always stated in the past, once a traitor, always a traitor.”
Edelstein rejects calls to punish Zoabi for saying kidnappers are not terrorists.
He was just interviewed on Aaron Klein's Radio Show . The Savage Barbaric Palestinians are sending him Death Threats !

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