Apprenticeships and social mobility


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
A good policy as leftists oppose it for not reason than the president issued an executive order to expand “industry-recognized” apprenticeships in the United States.

Apprenticeship programs tend to deliver stronger economic returns than other career and technical education (CTE) and workforce training programs. (See reports here, here, and here.) In their forthcoming book Making College Work, Harry Holzer and Sandy Balm argue that disadvantaged college students need stronger connections between classwork and the labor market. Apprenticeships create these connections by combining paid work with classroom instruction. There certainly seems to be room for growth, at least if the experience of other countries is anything to go by:

Full story with lots og graphs and links @ Trump gets something right: Apprenticeships and social mobility
. There certainly seems to be room for growth, at least if the experience of other countries is anything to go by:

its not, they copy us we don't copy them. We have 70% of the worlds medical patents the loser countries don't!! Google Facebook INtel TEsla Amazon Oracle Bloomberg MIcrosoft Walmart Apple are American companies!!! Do you understand?

please try to resist using meaningless pictures. Why not practice your thinking and writing?
Why do you think this is meaningless?

I have two degrees: BA psychology, MS International Relations...and I went to night school at a community college for a year and a quarter to learn welding (my chosen retirement job after considering options for about 10 years). I'm not a practicing psychologist (except on this forum! LOL!) and I'm not working in a position that directly uses my MS. The only education I'll directly use is the one from a community college.

Not everyone needs to go to college, but everyone should, IMHO, seek higher education even if that is just VOTECH.

please try to resist using meaningless pictures. Why not practice your thinking and writing?

Please explain why this is meaningless.
is your subject college degrees, technical school,or apprenticeships?
It's clearly that apprenticeships should play an important part in our job education system.
absurd libcommie idea, I don't want to pay for a somebody else's kid to be an apprentice at GM. Let the kid pay or his parent's or GM. I have to pay for my own kids. Are we a libcommie country now??

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