Apportionment Of Congressional Seats From Census Contingent On Number Of Citizens


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Apportionment Of Congressional Seats From Census Contingent On Number Of Citizens "

* Trump Administration Forced To Defend US Citizens In Court *

The Secretary of Commerce has been given what has been referred to as " wide discretion " for whether to include illegal migrants , or temporary visa migrants , in the total census for purposes of congressional representation ( house seats ) ; quite simply , that only us citizens should be counted for apportionment of congressional seates should not be discretionary , and apportionment of congressional seats should be restricted to the number of us citizens in a given area , irrespective of the number of non citizens , by a law that does not depend on political partisan whim .

In the cspan coverage of congressional hearings , the democrats spoke like bobble head idiots bantering over and again with a mantra of ignorance with an over statement of their position - that all people should be counted by the census ; however , the actual intent and concern of the congressional representatives of the democrats to the census administrators was to ensure that americans in their districts be fully accounted by the census bureau as responses were often low .

Alternatively , the republicans kept raising issue that illegal migrants cannot vote in the us , that illegal migrants cannot be elected to office in the us , that illegal migrants can vote in their own country , that illegal migrants can be counted as part of the census in their own country ( counted twice ) , that legal temporary visa migrants were excluded ( without challenge btw ) , that us citizens abroad are counted in us census , and most importantly that if apportionment of congressional seats were based on the population of illegal migrants then the constitutional requirement of " equal representation of citizens " would no longer be valid as a smaller group of us citizens would have greater representation than a larger group of us citizens .

The democrats maintained an ignorance of their public narrative seemingly without understanding that federal funds allocated to disenfranchised elderly and poor in their districts who are actual us citizens would be diminished and that other congressional representatives with unequal representation would also have the congressional weigh in to enforce it .

The us has social security numbers of us citizens and according to us 14th amendment one is a citizen of the united states and a citizen of the state in which they reside , which is easily garnered by irs filings .

Irrespective of whether a census collected the number of individuals in the us that included every illegal migrant those numbers should not ever affect the apportionment of congressional seats based on equal representation of us citizens who alone are entitled to the responsibility of their laws ; " wide discretion " should not exist as a partisan political whim and a law should be in place to absotely ensure it .

It is very clear now how heinous and treasonous the democrat public narrative has been in its assault to undermine us citizens through its facilitation of illegal immigration to entreat itself for purposes of political representation .

* Americans First *

The Congress has charged the Secretary of Commerce (the Secretary) with directing the conduct of the decennial census in such form and content as the Secretary may determine (13 U.S.C. 141(a)).

* Evil Within *

It would be interesting to know whether it is possible to remove the states of new york and california from the united states .

AG James Leads Coalition of States, Cities, and Counties in Opposing Xenophobic Policy hat Would Exclude Undocumented Immigrants from Congressional Apportionment
AG James Previously Won Supreme Court Case That Prevented Addition of Citizenship Question on Census
New York and Other Immigrant-Rich States Stand to Lose Representation in Congress and in Electoral College if Trump Administration Policy is Implemented
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non-citizens should never counted for two reasons.
1) it encourages illegal immigration
2) it encourages the Democrats to enable more illegal immigration
non-citizens have been counted ever since they were called slaves.
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Constitution says persons

If it meant citizens, the t would say so

does the U.S. Constitution apply to undocumented immigrants?

“Yes, without question,” said Cristina Rodriguez, a professor at Yale Law School. “Most of the provisions of the Constitution apply on the basis of personhood and jurisdiction in the United States.”

Many parts of the Constitution use the term “people” or “person” rather than “citizen.” Rodriguez said those laws apply to everyone physically on U.S. soil, whether or not they are a citizen.

" Fuck Illegals "

* Nothing To Do With Equal Representation Of Us Citizens *

does the U.S. Constitution apply to undocumented immigrants?
“Yes, without question,” said Cristina Rodriguez, a professor at Yale Law School. “Most of the provisions of the Constitution apply on the basis of personhood and jurisdiction in the United States.”
Many parts of the Constitution use the term “people” or “person” rather than “citizen.” Rodriguez said those laws apply to everyone physically on U.S. soil, whether or not they are a citizen.

Whether they are counted or not , apportionment of congressional seats should be directly correlated with the number of us citizens .

If the us citizens representing those districts want to contend with the unaided conditions that result , that is their misfortune .

The issue is that us citizens are elected and vote , and equal representation demands that apportionment of congressional representation be directly correlated with the number of us citizens .
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" Most Idiotic Presumptions That Need To Be Clarified Finalized And Dismissed By Law "

* Entitled To NOTHING Especially Congressional Apportionment *

There shouldn't be health insurance. That only encourages people to use up our limited healthcare resources. Logic equivalence.
Illegal migrants are not entitled to social welfare , though they steal it by means of anchor babies who should have been given jus sanguinin citizenship to the country of their parents and their country of origin back charged via social security totalization for the delivery expenses .
" Fuck Illegals "

* Nothing To Do With Equal Representation Of Us Citizens *

Whether they are counted or not , apportionment of congressional seats should be directly correlated with the number of us citizens .
That would be against the original constitution, which based representation based on both the number of citizens, and the number of non-citizens.

The amendments didn't change that.
The issue is that us citizens are elected and vote , and equal representation demands that apportionment of congressional representation be directly correlated with the number of us citizens .

You mention "and vote". Would you base representation on the number of people registered to vote in each state?

So a state that has 90% of it's eligible adults registered, gets twice the representation as one that only has 45% of it's eligibles registered.
Illegal migrants are not entitled to social welfare , though they steal it by means of anchor babies who should have been given jus sanguinin citizenship to the country of their parents and their country of origin back charged via social security totalization for the delivery expenses .
Blame the 14th amendment. If they want to exclude persons born on it's soil from "natural born" citizenship, they have to amend the constitution.
" Apportionment Of Congressional Seats From Census Contingent On Number Of Citizens "

* Trump Administration Forced To Defend US Citizens In Court *

The Secretary of Commerce has been given what has been referred to as " wide discretion " for whether to include illegal migrants , or temporary visa migrants , in the total census for purposes of congressional representation ( house seats ) ; quite simply , that only us citizens should be counted for apportionment of congressional seates should not be discretionary , and apportionment of congressional seats should be restricted to the number of us citizens in a given area , irrespective of the number of non citizens , by a law that does not depend on political partisan whim .

In the cspan coverage of congressional hearings , the democrats spoke like bobble head idiots bantering over and again with a mantra of ignorance with an over statement of their position - that all people should be counted by the census ; however , the actual intent and concern of the congressional representatives of the democrats to the census administrators was to ensure that americans in their districts be fully accounted by the census bureau as responses were often low .

Alternatively , the republicans kept raising issue that illegal migrants cannot vote in the us , that illegal migrants cannot be elected to office in the us , that illegal migrants can vote in their own country , that illegal migrants can be counted as part of the census in their own country ( counted twice ) , that legal temporary visa migrants were excluded ( without challenge btw ) , that us citizens abroad are counted in us census , and most importantly that if apportionment of congressional seats were based on the population of illegal migrants then the constitutional requirement of " equal representation of citizens " would no longer be valid as a smaller group of us citizens would have greater representation than a larger group of us citizens .

The democrats maintained an ignorance of their public narrative seemingly without understanding that federal funds allocated to disenfranchised elderly and poor in their districts who are actual us citizens would be diminished and that other congressional representatives with unequal representation would also have the congressional weigh in to enforce it .

The us has social security numbers of us citizens and according to us 14th amendment one is a citizen of the united states and a citizen of the state in which they reside , which is easily garnered by irs filings .

Irrespective of whether a census collected the number of individuals in the us that included every illegal migrant those numbers should not ever affect the apportionment of congressional seats based on equal representation of us citizens who alone are entitled to the responsibility of their laws ; " wide discretion " should not exist as a partisan political whim and a law should be in place to absotely ensure it .

It is very clear now how heinous and treasonous the democrat public narrative has been in its assault to undermine us citizens through its facilitation of illegal immigration to entreat itself for purposes of political representation .

* Americans First *

The Congress has charged the Secretary of Commerce (the Secretary) with directing the conduct of the decennial census in such form and content as the Secretary may determine (13 U.S.C. 141(a)).

* Evil Within *

It would be interesting to know whether it is possible to remove the states of new york and california from the united states .

AG James Leads Coalition of States, Cities, and Counties in Opposing Xenophobic Policy hat Would Exclude Undocumented Immigrants from Congressional Apportionment
AG James Previously Won Supreme Court Case That Prevented Addition of Citizenship Question on Census
New York and Other Immigrant-Rich States Stand to Lose Representation in Congress and in Electoral College if Trump Administration Policy is Implemented
The right wing made sure blacks could not be citizens back then.
Whether they are counted or not , apportionment of congressional seats should be directly correlated with the number of us citizens .
I can do you one better. The apportionment of congressional seats should be directly correlated with the number of citizens who vote in a decennial federal election.

So representation would be based on the 80 million who voted for Biden plus the 74 million for Trump, plus the couple of million for the other candidates.

The states that can get the most people to vote (independent of their actual population) gets the most representatives.

That would encourage states to make voting as easy as possible.
" States Are Comprised Of And For Citizens "

* Undermines Us Citizen Integrity *

You mention "and vote". Would you base representation on the number of people registered to vote in each state?
So a state that has 90% of it's eligible adults registered, gets twice the representation as one that only has 45% of it's eligibles registered.
That is a nonsense question as the number of us citizens is the issue .

Article 1 section 2 is idiotic and should not have persisted this long , period - 3/5ths for non free men ?

Whether the us gets FUCKED AGAIN or not , the goddamned amendment needs to change , it is fucking stupid !

So you believe that one congressional citizen representing 35,000 illegal migrants should have an equal weight in votes cast against one congressional citizen representing 35,000 us citizens ?
So you believe that one congressional citizen representing 35,000 illegal migrants should have an equal weight in votes cast against one congressional citizen representing 35,000 us citizens ?
I took an oath to support protect and defend the constitution. So I have to go with what the constitution says above any personal interpretation I might have.

So equal numbers require equal weight, independent of citizenship status. Just like the constitution and the 14th amendment requires.
" Citizenship Had Not Been Introduced And Amendment Is Nullified "

* Antiquated Tripe *

I took an oath to support protect and defend the constitution. So I have to go with what the constitution says above any personal interpretation I might have.
So equal numbers require equal weight, independent of citizenship status. Just like the constitution and the 14th amendment requires.
In spite of a fact that if the us government has such volumes of funds ( it is borrowing so it does not ) , it should not have taken the money from its citizens in the first place .

Facts are that us federal government DOES NOT COLLECT DIRECT TAXES , rather us federal government collects INDIRECT TAXES THROUGH COMMERCE and should not be apportioning any funds according to article 1 section 2 .

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.
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" Promoting The Indefensible Or Applying Deontology For An Idiotic Policy "

* Change The Idiotic Policy Or Not *

I took an oath to support protect and defend the constitution. So I have to go with what the constitution says above any personal interpretation I might have.
So equal numbers require equal weight, independent of citizenship status. Just like the constitution and the 14th amendment requires.
This is about article 1 section 2 , which has nothing to do with us 14th amendment , other that congress has failed to represent the us citizens .

So , do you believe that a 35,000 illegal migrants should get an equal portion of taxes as 35,000 us citizens is fair , or that the article should be amended ?
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.
which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.

Those "other persons" that they counted, were non-citizens.
So , do you believe that a 35,000 illegal migrants should get an equal portion of taxes as 35,000 us citizens is fair , or that the article should be amended ?
Until the constitution is amended, I will follow the constitution as currently written.

Which means those 35,000 non citizens, count as much as the 35,000 citizens.
" Technical Jargon With Undefined Ambiguity "

* Stealing An Election By Fraud And Trying To Steal US Citizen Wrights *

Until the constitution is amended, I will follow the constitution as currently written.
Which means those 35,000 non citizens, count as much as the 35,000 citizens.
The constitution is poorly written but it does not validate a pretense that apportionment based upon populations of illegal migrants relative with us citizens must be equal .

There is NOTHING in article 1 section 2 that explains the meaning of " actual Enumeration ... in such Manner as they shall by Law direct . " .

In other words , congress has given the secretary of commerce " wide discretion " on how the " actual Enumeration " will occur and the trump administration has decided for purposes of congressional apportionment , that us citizens and not illegal migrants will be considered .

If you wish to contest this further , specify the manner directed by law , as that is not included in article 1 section 2 .

The " wide discretion " of the secretary of commerce needs to be removed entirely and a law specifying that only us citizens will be considered for purpose of congressional apportionment implementd that does not rely upon the whimsy of political partisanship .

The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct .
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