Apple CEO Tim Cook declares our personal data is being weaponized against us


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Apple CEO Tim Cook on Wednesday called for the U.S. Government to implement a strong consumer data protection law at a speech in Europe.

Apple CEO Declares Our Personal Data Is Being Weaponized Against Us

Oh imagine that one, but if this was ALex Jones telling the worlds idiots this it would be shoved right into a conspiracy slot you know kinda like they do on here when certain pricks like to run and report something " THEY" feel is fake bahahaha. Typical dumbasses.

But it is and will be used against you as it has been told to the sheep a million times by now. You might not see it today, tomorrow or next week oh but they've got every single thing you've ever said, every picture you have ever sent or have been given you know those nude ones....... Why they might even have you on video jerking off since so many idiots in years past never believed how your computer can be turned on and or your cam could be as it spied on you........
Ooooh but dont worry you have nothing to hide, jus tlike you don't when you leave your home and lock the doors right...
you really are idiots.

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