Apocalypto Aromatherapy


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Sep 22, 2013
This is an 'apocalypto-punk' comic book stylized fan-fic about a New Orleans gate.

The purpose of this short-story is to ask the question, "Does the Devil use spices of perfumes?"

I want to visit New Orleans someday and see what kind of storytelling that place kindles in me.


Sandra gained all of her psychic skills from her contact with nuclear radiation, having grown up near a small reactor lab and experimental power-plant, which spewed radiation into the area's drinking water. She made herself a vigilante-outfit and started calling herself Scarlet Witch, since she was also a believer in the Occult. Sandra believed her 'extra-sensory' mutation-crystallized powers made her a 'prophetess of anti-industrialization and anti-orthodox metaphysics.

Sheila also acquired psychic skills but gained them through an evil self-hypnosis which gave her the focused ability to deeply meditate on the connectedness and inter-dependency of all minds on Earth. It was her belief in the inter-dependency of all minds that made her dangerous, since this belief crystallized in her the motivation to become a tyrant of intellectual cynicism. "Look how needy human minds seem --- they depend on kindness and friendship!" Sheila started carrying a flame-thrower and calling herself the anti-heroine 'Dark Phoenix'!

Scarlet Witch and Dark Phoenix soon became sworn enemies. They vowed to fight on different sides of the war over the mind and the appropriate use of psychic powers. Scarlet Witch helped crime detectives chase down criminals in hiding through the use of telekinetic probing, while Dark Phoenix used her powers to insert unholy scandalous thoughts into male visitors at a swanky Mardi Gras cabaret show where she got a job as a gypsy dancer (she would then lure men into her tent and burn them alive). Scarlet Witch and Dark Phoenix found each other during a criminal investigation in New Orleans and became rivals.

The funny thing about New Orleans was --- vampires. There were a multitude of vampires roaming the place camouflaged as regular-working people during the day. These blood-creatures would terrorize people at pubs and in alleyways late at night --- biting people in the neck and drinking their blood like monsters. Scarlet Witch decided to fight them, but Dark Phoenix became their friend. The vampires told Dark Phoenix they believed Jesus Christ was actually a woman disguised as a transvestite to fight gender-stereotypes and keep hidden the fact that he (or rather she) was actually a vampire. Scarlet Witch started realizing that Dark Phoenix was actually the prophesied harlot of Babylon appearing at the End of Days to magnify the mental power of the AntiChrist.

The AntiChrist had actually descended upon Earth and taken the form of an American movie star, and he wanted to make a film in New Orleans about vampires. The AntiChrist (Leo DiCaprio) believed he was actually a grown man with the soul and mind of an adolescent boy, and he wanted to recruit Dark Phoenix as his special female 'vizier.' It was the vampire Lucifer who introduced Leo to Dark Phoenix (on a Halloween Eve). Scarlet Witch learned of all this through gypsy street-gossip and asked herself, "Should I take up arms and wits against these weirdos or should I cower in humbled fear and commit suicide to avoid the Apocalypse?" The only thing the AntiChrist wanted to see was Scarlet Witch and Dark Phoenix destroy each other.

ANTICHRIST: Don't you see that the Internet is simply a 'cyber-rendition' of telepathy?
SCARLET WITCH: Wireless communications (e.g., email) is still element-based (electricity)!
DARK PHOENIX: Internet hackers are simply 'bureaucracy terrorists.'

ANTICHRIST: By 'hacking into' the human mind, you will become a craftsman!
SCARLET WITCH: I don't want to 'rewire' human imagination.
DARK PHOENIX: I'd rather just fight Scarlet Witch!

ANTICHRIST: Who is smarter between you two?
SCARLET WITCH: I am more prudent.
DARK PHOENIX: I am more curious.

ANTICHRIST: One of you is red, and the other is yellow.
SCARLET WITCH: I'd rather not become 'green with envy'!
DARK PHOENIX: Yellow is the color of mustard and the diseased phalanx (finger-bone).


A New Orleans Dragnet

Here's a gender-reversed tale.


The AntiChrist had descended upon Earth and became a powerful Congressman-turned-President named Frank Tesla. He decided to lure the prominent American movie star and social celebrity Tom Cruise to becoming a ruthless terrorism super-leader in his new anti-federalism army in the swamps of Louisiana (and in New Orleans). He also sought to lure an idealistic Internet journalist from Armenia named Ibo Gobi to becoming the rival of this super-leader.

Frank chose Tom Cruise to be 'Cobra Commander' and Ibo Gobi to be 'Storm Shadow' and they would compete to see who deserved bragging-rights as the worthy prime-incendiary agent for Cobra after being both deposed by the new Cobra Emperor - Frank Tesla. Cobra Commander (Cruise) and Storm Shadow (Gobi) met in New Orleans during Mardi Gras in masks ironically looking festive when in fact loosely wearing the pronounced colors of their respective anti-federalism terrorism stance design work.

The AntiChrist declared Tom Cruise (Cobra Commander) to be the winner after the movie star deposed the motivated Ibo Gibo (Storm Shadow) in a car-chase through New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Nevertheless, Frank wanted to address the intriguing macho-male dominance/domination symbolism in current Christian mainstream mythology. Frank started asking questions such as, "Could Jesus have been a transvestite?" His controversial beliefs remained secret, but he interviewed Cruise and Gobi (after they were arrested).

FRANK: Do you think Jesus could have been a transvestite?
CRUISE: I think Jesus may have been a woman --- he was very powerful!
GOBI: Jesus may have been eccentric.

FRANK: Do you think the AntiChrist is a heterosexual male?
CRUISE: Definitely. He must exhibit signs of aggressive defense of mainstream values.
GOBI: Of course. People must 'worship' him!

FRANK: Do you feel demoralized by this engagement which resulted in prison?
CRUISE: I like how prison affords me the private meditation time to think about terrorism.
GOBI: I'm reading Frantz Fanon.

FRANK: What will be won in a battle against 'mainstream sanity'?
CRUISE: The hearts of a people yearning to understand Wall Street.
GOBI: Social attention granted to cyber-comic artists.



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