AP Hides Biden’s Double Standards on Foreign Travel


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

AP Hides Biden’s Double Standards on Foreign Travel​

5 Aug 2021 ~~ By Nicholas Forte
Yesterday I wrote about the AP announcement that it was joining with Twitter to expand the reach of “factual journalism” by “leveraging AP’s scale and speed to add context to online conversations.” It took only one day to prove that this was a lie. In today’s AP story US plans to require COVID-19 shots for foreign travelers, the AP purposely left out key context that would show that the Biden regime is applying a double standard on legal vs. illegal travel across US borders. According to the AP story:
“Eventually, all foreign citizens entering the country, with some limited exceptions, [emphasis added] are expected to need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to enter the U.S.”​
What the AP left out of the story was that the Biden regime is currently accepting thousands of illegal aliens crossing our southern border who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 or even being tested. Even worse, the Biden regime is actively transporting these potential COVID-19 carriers throughout the country without even informing local officials of their presence. In all, immigration experts now expect that illegal crossings will exceed 1.7 million this year. Is this what the White House and the AP believes is a “limited exception?”

The "Big" question is where have the approximate million illegal aliens that have entered the U.S. since January 2021 been distributed too within the U.S.
Were they checked for Chinese Covid-19 virus when they entered or were disbursed throughout the U.S.
Were any other them treated for the virus or vaccinated?
Why is Hidalgo County Texas one of the main entry points of illegal aliens suffering so greatly from Covid-19?

DHS continues releasing busloads of migrants at overcrowded shelter, prompting urgent calls for pause
Bidet needs all those illegals to turn several Blue States Red. That is all it is, and Americans can fuck-off as far as the DemonRats are concerned.
customs inspection at the airport

customs inspection at the border
You don’t understand Christianity.
Sin is inevitable. Forgiveness is grace. This doesn’t excuse presumptuous sin. But contrition is still mandatory.
Yes, but if you don't live a Christian life, then your requests for forgiveness are not heartfelt, are they? Most Christians do neither. If you continue to steal (pick one), and continue to ask forgiveness for it, those requests ring untrue. GOD, who created your heart, who knows your heart, and will not forgive you. Why? Because you are lying to God.
Simply ASKING for forgiveness is not a get out of Hell free card.

BESIDES...how many Christians, do you think, ask for forgiveness regularly? Now, how many requests are TRULY heartfelt?
Yes, but if you don't live a Christian life, then your requests for forgiveness are not heartfelt, are they? Most Christians do neither. If you continue to steal (pick one), and continue to ask forgiveness for it, those requests ring untrue. GOD, who created your heart, who knows your heart, and will not forgive you. Why? Because you are lying to God.
Simply ASKING for forgiveness is not a get out of Hell free card.

BESIDES...how many Christians, do you think, ask for forgiveness regularly? Now, how many requests are TRULY heartfelt?
Can’t answer those questions because they’re up to the individuals.
However, you’re inaccurately describing a Christian life. No Christian is perfect and most are far from it. That’s why it needs to exist.
If you want to mention Biden or pelosi then you may have a legit point. I don’t think either is truly Christian.
Can’t answer those questions because they’re up to the individuals.
However, you’re inaccurately describing a Christian life. No Christian is perfect and most are far from it. That’s why it needs to exist.
If you want to mention Biden or pelosi then you may have a legit point. I don’t think either is truly Christian.
Never said Christians were perfect. However Christians are held to a much higher standard. In order for your sins to be forgiven you must exhibit TRUE, HEARTFELT contrition. When you call to God to forgive you, it must be heartfelt, it must be true. God knows your sin, he knows your heart, but MOST important, he knows your intention.
I see a world around me filled with Christians (at least in the US) and not a lot of contrition, not a lot of acceptance of fault.

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.”

God hates hypocrites, especially religious ones.
Never said Christians were perfect. However Christians are held to a much higher standard. In order for your sins to be forgiven you must exhibit TRUE, HEARTFELT contrition. When you call to God to forgive you, it must be heartfelt, it must be true. God knows your sin, he knows your heart, but MOST important, he knows your intention.
I see a world around me filled with Christians (at least in the US) and not a lot of contrition, not a lot of acceptance of fault.

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.”

God hates hypocrites, especially religious ones.
I guess you’ll see what you want to see.

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