AOC votes not to fund government.

Are you shitting me right now? Trump says retarded things on a daily basis but you pretend otherwise and harp on something AOC says every once in a while? Good god. Trump is an international embarrassment. It blows my mind you people are in still in denial about it.

What did Trump ever say that was dumber than the world will end in 12 years because of global warming?

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She did not say that. She said Millennials and Genxers feel the world will end in 12 years. It was hyperbole. When climate change does become the number one issue, which is inevitable, she would have set herself nicely provided she does not self-destruct before then.

Maybe you better watch it again. She said other generations will be LOOKING UP TO US and we're LIKE ............the world is going to end in 12 years.

thats not the interview i saw...the one i saw she said young people believe we have like 12 years to live......

I didn't hear about that one. This is the one I was making reference to. And even if she said that in a different interview, what generation does she belong to?

in the one i saw i believe she was talking about HS kids...
She did not say that. She said Millennials and Genxers feel the world will end in 12 years. It was hyperbole. When climate change does become the number one issue, which is inevitable, she would have set herself nicely provided she does not self-destruct before then.

Maybe you better watch it again. She said other generations will be LOOKING UP TO US and we're LIKE ............the world is going to end in 12 years.

12 years is the tipping point.

So, after 12 years, you'll stop yammering on about it?


If nothing is done in 12 years and the tipping point begins, you will no longer care what I am saying now because the decline of human civilization would be apparent to you. Frequent hurricanes, wildfires from drought, mass migration away from the east will become the new norm.

Oh, that's only the start of it.

Global warming 'could trigger alien attack'

Study: Global warming will cause 180,000 more rapes by 2099

How Climate Change Helped ISIS | HuffPost

Climate Change Helped Fuel The Syrian Conflict, New Paper Finds | HuffPost

Oh for fuck sake. The first article is just some scientist at NASA saying something. It’s not based on actual research. It’s not like anyone else in the scientific community cares what he is saying. Also, all the other articles are completely grounded in reality. They all make sense.
She did not say that. She said Millennials and Genxers feel the world will end in 12 years. It was hyperbole. When climate change does become the number one issue, which is inevitable, she would have set herself nicely provided she does not self-destruct before then.

Maybe you better watch it again. She said other generations will be LOOKING UP TO US and we're LIKE ............the world is going to end in 12 years.

12 years is the tipping point.

Sure it is. Where have I heard that before?

You ask, I provide. November 2nd, 1922. Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish and Icebergs Melt.

Flashback 1989: UN Predicted Global Warming Would Destroy Entire Nations By 2000

FLASHBACK: ABC News Warns NYC Will Be Under Water by 2015 Due to Global Warming and Polar Bears Will Fall From Sky

Lol okay so one of those is something ABC news said and another is from 1922 when there as barely any research done. Luckily some forecasts have turned out to not he true, but that was before the entire world’s scientists have invested decades of research into this. Science isn’t perfect, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. It still makes a hell of a lot more sense than just blindly believing the GOP and Fox News that it is all a myth. If they both weren’t sucking fossil fuel industry dick, they wouldn’t bother denying it.

Let me explain something to you: Politicians (particularly on the left) have been trying to gain more and more control over the people. To some degree, they have had great success. The only two things stopping them from total control are energy and healthcare. If they could have total control over those two things, they will have total control over the people.

The point of my posts is that GB is nothing but a scare. Sucking the dicks of fossil fuel industries? Let me ask: where do you think all these scientists get their paychecks from? Where does their funding come from?

Climate models are wrong today and always were wrong. Their accuracy is 0%.

Okay, so just so I get this straight. You think the scientists are purely motivated by financial gain, but the GOP isn’t even though we know the fossil fuel industry has bought them? If the GOP isn’t motivated by financial gain, what is motivating them? It’s not like their dumbasses understand science on any level. If they wanted to, they could be skeptical about any scientific theory. Instead they chose this one where they stand to gain money from by denying.

Lol okay so one of those is something ABC news said and another is from 1922 when there as barely any research done. Luckily some forecasts have turned out to not he true, but that was before the entire world’s scientists have invested decades of research into this. Science isn’t perfect, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. It still makes a hell of a lot more sense than just blindly believing the GOP and Fox News that it is all a myth. If they both weren’t sucking fossil fuel industry dick, they wouldn’t bother denying it.

Let me explain something to you: Politicians (particularly on the left) have been trying to gain more and more control over the people. To some degree, they have had great success. The only two things stopping them from total control are energy and healthcare. If they could have total control over those two things, they will have total control over the people.

The point of my posts is that GB is nothing but a scare. Sucking the dicks of fossil fuel industries? Let me ask: where do you think all these scientists get their paychecks from? Where does their funding come from?

Climate models are wrong today and always were wrong. Their accuracy is 0%.

Okay, so just so I get this straight. You think the scientists are purely motivated by financial gain, but the GOP isn’t even though we know the fossil fuel industry has bought them? If the GOP isn’t motivated by financial gain, what is motivating them? It’s not like their dumbasses understand science on any level. If they wanted to, they could be skeptical about any scientific theory. Instead they chose this one where they stand to gain money from by denying.

Not at all. Look where our country was at before the drastic decrease in fuel prices. Believe it or not, fuel runs this country. It makes zero sense to limit fuel or make it so expensive it's a major expenditure. The more disposable income we have, the better for our economy.

For the most part, science gets their money from governments. It only makes sense to do their bidding. And like I said, fuel is also a way to control people, and governments around the world would like nothing more. What do you think was behind the Paris Accord?

Global warming is a theory, not a science. We've spent trillions of dollars because of this theory and there are more unhappy people today than when we started. The people who orchestrate this fear? They are flying around the world in private planes or driving around in gas guzzling SUV's, taking expensive vacations and living in homes that consume the amount of energy of 20 average houses in America.

When I have these discussions, I often think about kids in the future. I envision a classroom in about 100 years from now, and the teacher telling the students at one time, man though they could control the climate, and the children bust out in laughter as we did when our teachers told us man once thought the earth was flat, and if you go to far, you'd fall off.
Maybe you better watch it again. She said other generations will be LOOKING UP TO US and we're LIKE ............the world is going to end in 12 years.

12 years is the tipping point.

So, after 12 years, you'll stop yammering on about it?


If nothing is done in 12 years and the tipping point begins, you will no longer care what I am saying now because the decline of human civilization would be apparent to you. Frequent hurricanes, wildfires from drought, mass migration away from the east will become the new norm.

Oh, that's only the start of it.

Global warming 'could trigger alien attack'

Study: Global warming will cause 180,000 more rapes by 2099

How Climate Change Helped ISIS | HuffPost

Climate Change Helped Fuel The Syrian Conflict, New Paper Finds | HuffPost

Oh for fuck sake. The first article is just some scientist at NASA saying something. It’s not based on actual research. It’s not like anyone else in the scientific community cares what he is saying. Also, all the other articles are completely grounded in reality. They all make sense.

They do?

Luaghing animated .gif
Lol okay so one of those is something ABC news said and another is from 1922 when there as barely any research done. Luckily some forecasts have turned out to not he true, but that was before the entire world’s scientists have invested decades of research into this. Science isn’t perfect, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. It still makes a hell of a lot more sense than just blindly believing the GOP and Fox News that it is all a myth. If they both weren’t sucking fossil fuel industry dick, they wouldn’t bother denying it.

Let me explain something to you: Politicians (particularly on the left) have been trying to gain more and more control over the people. To some degree, they have had great success. The only two things stopping them from total control are energy and healthcare. If they could have total control over those two things, they will have total control over the people.

The point of my posts is that GB is nothing but a scare. Sucking the dicks of fossil fuel industries? Let me ask: where do you think all these scientists get their paychecks from? Where does their funding come from?

Climate models are wrong today and always were wrong. Their accuracy is 0%.
Okay, so just so I get this straight. You think the scientists are purely motivated by financial gain, but the GOP isn’t even though we know the fossil fuel industry has bought them? If the GOP isn’t motivated by financial gain, what is motivating them? It’s not like their dumbasses understand science on any level. If they wanted to, they could be skeptical about any scientific theory. Instead they chose this one where they stand to gain money from by denying.

Not at all. Look where our country was at before the drastic decrease in fuel prices. Believe it or not, fuel runs this country. It makes zero sense to limit fuel or make it so expensive it's a major expenditure. The more disposable income we have, the better for our economy.

For the most part, science gets their money from governments. It only makes sense to do their bidding. And like I said, fuel is also a way to control people, and governments around the world would like nothing more. What do you think was behind the Paris Accord?

Global warming is a theory, not a science. We've spent trillions of dollars because of this theory and there are more unhappy people today than when we started. The people who orchestrate this fear? They are flying around the world in private planes or driving around in gas guzzling SUV's, taking expensive vacations and living in homes that consume the amount of energy of 20 average houses in America.

When I have these discussions, I often think about kids in the future. I envision a classroom in about 100 years from now, and the teacher telling the students at one time, man though they could control the climate, and the children bust out in laughter as we did when our teachers told us man once thought the earth was flat, and if you go to far, you'd fall off.
Yeah, fuel does run our country and it’s a damn shame. It’s what makes it so discouraging that the US won’t do jack shit to re-Invent itself. We already know alternative energy can be very profitable. If we just make that necessary transition, it will work. The odds of doing it are just pretty bleak. I know that doesn’t bother you but it really should.

Your reasoning really doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. You’re saying that the reason why the climate theory is a scam is because governments funding science programs and pay scientists? What does that have to do with climate change exactly? If climate change was all a hoax, what incentive would governments have in pushing for it if it would just be easier for them to accept the status quo and become powerful off of fossil fuels? As you said it runs the world, therefore there wouldn’t be any point in rocking the boat. If it was a hoax, these governments don’t stand to gain anything by passing up a lucrative economic policy like fossil fuels just to transform their economies. It’s also dumb to just be skeptical about it simply becuaw scientists get paid. I mean come on really? Obviously these people have to make a living.
12 years is the tipping point.

So, after 12 years, you'll stop yammering on about it?

If nothing is done in 12 years and the tipping point begins, you will no longer care what I am saying now because the decline of human civilization would be apparent to you. Frequent hurricanes, wildfires from drought, mass migration away from the east will become the new norm.

Oh, that's only the start of it.

Global warming 'could trigger alien attack'

Study: Global warming will cause 180,000 more rapes by 2099

How Climate Change Helped ISIS | HuffPost

Climate Change Helped Fuel The Syrian Conflict, New Paper Finds | HuffPost
Oh for fuck sake. The first article is just some scientist at NASA saying something. It’s not based on actual research. It’s not like anyone else in the scientific community cares what he is saying. Also, all the other articles are completely grounded in reality. They all make sense.

They do?

View attachment 242208
Uh, yes actually. If you bothered researching climate change you will see that it is intertwined with economic policy and sociology. Becuase of climate change, the earth’s food source is in serious jeapordy in the coming decades. Less food means more conflict. Both war and crime itself will spike because of depleting resources.
Man, this obsession you people have with this chick is kind of bizarre.

She is a once in a lifetime opportunity for us.

Unlike the left who had to get a comedian to try and make Palin look stupid, this broad needs no help whatsoever. Every time you think she said the stupidest thing, she says something even dumber.
Are you shitting me right now? Trump says retarded things on a daily basis but you pretend otherwise and harp on something AOC says every once in a while? Good god. Trump is an international embarrassment. It blows my mind you people are in still in denial about it.

What did Trump ever say that was dumber than the world will end in 12 years because of global warming?

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Christ. What she said was that the world will inevitably end if radical change isn’t made within 12 years. As in, if nothing is done within 12 years, the world will go down an irreversible path of cataclysm after that point. The climate change report released said the same thing. After that 12 year tipping point, humans will be extinct within 100 years.

Even so, it doesn’t get any dumber than suggesting climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese. Good god.
We have been over the supposed tipping point for decades now and have even exceeded a few of the estimates predicting our complete annihilation. It is all nonsense.

12 years doesn’t mean shit.
Man, this obsession you people have with this chick is kind of bizarre.

She is a once in a lifetime opportunity for us.

Unlike the left who had to get a comedian to try and make Palin look stupid, this broad needs no help whatsoever. Every time you think she said the stupidest thing, she says something even dumber.
Are you shitting me right now? Trump says retarded things on a daily basis but you pretend otherwise and harp on something AOC says every once in a while? Good god. Trump is an international embarrassment. It blows my mind you people are in still in denial about it.

What did Trump ever say that was dumber than the world will end in 12 years because of global warming?

Sent from my iPad using
She did not say that. She said Millennials and Genxers feel the world will end in 12 years. It was hyperbole. When climate change does become the number one issue, which is inevitable, she would have set herself nicely provided she does not self-destruct before then.
Climate change will never become the number one issue.
So, after 12 years, you'll stop yammering on about it?

If nothing is done in 12 years and the tipping point begins, you will no longer care what I am saying now because the decline of human civilization would be apparent to you. Frequent hurricanes, wildfires from drought, mass migration away from the east will become the new norm.

Oh, that's only the start of it.

Global warming 'could trigger alien attack'

Study: Global warming will cause 180,000 more rapes by 2099

How Climate Change Helped ISIS | HuffPost

Climate Change Helped Fuel The Syrian Conflict, New Paper Finds | HuffPost
Oh for fuck sake. The first article is just some scientist at NASA saying something. It’s not based on actual research. It’s not like anyone else in the scientific community cares what he is saying. Also, all the other articles are completely grounded in reality. They all make sense.

They do?

View attachment 242208
Uh, yes actually. If you bothered researching climate change you will see that it is intertwined with economic policy and sociology. Becuase of climate change, the earth’s food source is in serious jeapordy in the coming decades. Less food means more conflict. Both war and crime itself will spike because of depleting resources.

And yet I"m sure when we started to burn up our food supply for ethanol, you had no problem with that.

If you want to see a depletion of food, keep bringing immigrants here where we have to keep expanding living areas even into those areas where we grow food now. Keep giving them welfare to encourage them to have as many children as possible.

Global warming isn't a real threat to the US--liberalism is.
Lol okay so one of those is something ABC news said and another is from 1922 when there as barely any research done. Luckily some forecasts have turned out to not he true, but that was before the entire world’s scientists have invested decades of research into this. Science isn’t perfect, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. It still makes a hell of a lot more sense than just blindly believing the GOP and Fox News that it is all a myth. If they both weren’t sucking fossil fuel industry dick, they wouldn’t bother denying it.

Let me explain something to you: Politicians (particularly on the left) have been trying to gain more and more control over the people. To some degree, they have had great success. The only two things stopping them from total control are energy and healthcare. If they could have total control over those two things, they will have total control over the people.

The point of my posts is that GB is nothing but a scare. Sucking the dicks of fossil fuel industries? Let me ask: where do you think all these scientists get their paychecks from? Where does their funding come from?

Climate models are wrong today and always were wrong. Their accuracy is 0%.
Okay, so just so I get this straight. You think the scientists are purely motivated by financial gain, but the GOP isn’t even though we know the fossil fuel industry has bought them? If the GOP isn’t motivated by financial gain, what is motivating them? It’s not like their dumbasses understand science on any level. If they wanted to, they could be skeptical about any scientific theory. Instead they chose this one where they stand to gain money from by denying.

Not at all. Look where our country was at before the drastic decrease in fuel prices. Believe it or not, fuel runs this country. It makes zero sense to limit fuel or make it so expensive it's a major expenditure. The more disposable income we have, the better for our economy.

For the most part, science gets their money from governments. It only makes sense to do their bidding. And like I said, fuel is also a way to control people, and governments around the world would like nothing more. What do you think was behind the Paris Accord?

Global warming is a theory, not a science. We've spent trillions of dollars because of this theory and there are more unhappy people today than when we started. The people who orchestrate this fear? They are flying around the world in private planes or driving around in gas guzzling SUV's, taking expensive vacations and living in homes that consume the amount of energy of 20 average houses in America.

When I have these discussions, I often think about kids in the future. I envision a classroom in about 100 years from now, and the teacher telling the students at one time, man though they could control the climate, and the children bust out in laughter as we did when our teachers told us man once thought the earth was flat, and if you go to far, you'd fall off.
Yeah, fuel does run our country and it’s a damn shame. It’s what makes it so discouraging that the US won’t do jack shit to re-Invent itself. We already know alternative energy can be very profitable. If we just make that necessary transition, it will work. The odds of doing it are just pretty bleak. I know that doesn’t bother you but it really should.

Your reasoning really doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. You’re saying that the reason why the climate theory is a scam is because governments funding science programs and pay scientists? What does that have to do with climate change exactly? If climate change was all a hoax, what incentive would governments have in pushing for it if it would just be easier for them to accept the status quo and become powerful off of fossil fuels? As you said it runs the world, therefore there wouldn’t be any point in rocking the boat. If it was a hoax, these governments don’t stand to gain anything by passing up a lucrative economic policy like fossil fuels just to transform their economies. It’s also dumb to just be skeptical about it simply becuaw scientists get paid. I mean come on really? Obviously these people have to make a living.

You are talking out of both sides of your mouth. On one hand, you say Republicans are in the pockets of fuel producers because it benefits them, and on the other hand, you say that scientists who get their paychecks from government that wants total control over fuel is not an incentive for them to create bogus theories.

If alternative energy could be profitable, you wouldn't need government. Private markets would have cornered that already. Government subsidizes things that nobody wants like electric cars, windmills and solar panels. Without those subsidies, nobody would want them.

The reason government can't get a piece of fossil fuels is because most of it in our country comes from private land. If government were to regulate it to the point they are the main beneficiaries, it would be too expensive to produce.
Not even McDonald’s will save us. They depend on materials produced all over the globe.

Pretty sure nothing served at McDonald's comes from Mother Nature ... we're all good.
No, but those materials are produced in areas very vulnerable to climate change conditions. The US will suffer no matter what.
Global Warming......bwhaaa!....Global Cooling.....bwhhaa.....Climate Change...bwhaaa!!
If nothing is done in 12 years and the tipping point begins, you will no longer care what I am saying now because the decline of human civilization would be apparent to you. Frequent hurricanes, wildfires from drought, mass migration away from the east will become the new norm.

Oh, that's only the start of it.

Global warming 'could trigger alien attack'

Study: Global warming will cause 180,000 more rapes by 2099

How Climate Change Helped ISIS | HuffPost

Climate Change Helped Fuel The Syrian Conflict, New Paper Finds | HuffPost
Oh for fuck sake. The first article is just some scientist at NASA saying something. It’s not based on actual research. It’s not like anyone else in the scientific community cares what he is saying. Also, all the other articles are completely grounded in reality. They all make sense.

They do?

View attachment 242208
Uh, yes actually. If you bothered researching climate change you will see that it is intertwined with economic policy and sociology. Becuase of climate change, the earth’s food source is in serious jeapordy in the coming decades. Less food means more conflict. Both war and crime itself will spike because of depleting resources.

And yet I"m sure when we started to burn up our food supply for ethanol, you had no problem with that.

If you want to see a depletion of food, keep bringing immigrants here where we have to keep expanding living areas even into those areas where we grow food now. Keep giving them welfare to encourage them to have as many children as possible.

Global warming isn't a real threat to the US--liberalism is.
Lol dude welfare should be the least of your worries when it comes to our food supply. You could cut those people off completely but we would still be fucked decades from now.

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