AOC & Pressley Lead Squad In Attempted Hyde Amendm Reversal, Robbing Tax Payers To Pay For Abortions


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Leftist Socialists, led by the Squad's AOC & Presdley, launch another attack on the most defenseless of us all, seeking to steal tax dollars from Americans to pay for their murdering babies by repealing the Hatch Amendment:

"Freshman lawmakers Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., appeared in a video on Monday with former Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., to push for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal money from funding abortions."

Dems have declared in the past that Pro-Life Americans have no right to impose their morals and beliefs on them...yet AOC, Pressley, and Leftist Democrats want to force their embrace of murdering babies onto all Americans by forcing all Americans to pay for THEIR (lack of) morals and belief - abortions.

Democrats, as we have seen, would support federal tax dollars funding abortions - ALL types of abortions: Late Term, Partial Birth, and even post-birth abortions.

Democrats claim to care about life; yet, far more lives are taken through abortions than mass shooting each year. Perhaps the reason Democrats want to take guns away from law-abiding citizens is to make citizens as defenseless, non-threatening, and as easy to kill as newborn babies or those still in the womb.



‘Squad’ members Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley team up to push for Hyde Amendment repeal
Leftist Socialists, led by the Squad's AOC & Presdley, launch another attack on the most defenseless of us all, seeking to steal tax dollars from Americans to pay for their murdering babies by repealing the Hatch Amendment:

The Fraud Squad in drag:


Pressley, AOC, Omar and Tlaib.

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