AOC Makes $174K a Year and Can Openly Practice Insider Trading


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Not only does AOC not write a check to the IRS for above what she owes because she’s rich, she avoids paying her legally obligated taxes.

That’s how socialism works. The 1% live like royalty while they screw the 99%.

It’s not socialism. It’s corrupt capitalist government.

There's a difference?

Here's the thing ... every political system breeds corruption. It isn't a matter of which political system is corrupt, the very concept of politics is corrupt.

However, the difference lies in how much the political system needs to control the economy for it to operate that determines just how widespread the corruption can be.

A Socialist / Communist system cannot exist without strong government. The government must extract tribute from the masses and spend it in ways to keep them in power. The ideal form of that government exists when there is no private property and everything, including people, become property of the state.

A Capitalist government can exist in the absence of a strong government. The minimum amount of government needed for a functioning Capitalist system is courts for the enforcement of property rights and the resolution of conflicts. Any extra government in a Capitalist system lends itself to influence and corruption. The more government, the more corruption.
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Not only does AOC not write a check to the IRS for above what she owes because she’s rich, she avoids paying her legally obligated taxes.

That’s how socialism works. The 1% live like royalty while they screw the 99%.

Just remember this: When she loses a re-election bid, she'll go back to bar tending and turning tricks. That'll be great.
It’s not socialism. It’s corrupt capitalist government.
No government on earth has ever been "capitalist". There has never been a "government" that produced anything, or provided a service that generated a profit.

Governments have never done anything besides establish rules, tax productive people, and eventually failed to deliver. If there ever is a "capitalist" government that efficiently provides something of value, allows competition and generates a profit it will usher in a new era of human progress.

Not only does AOC not write a check to the IRS for above what she owes because she’s rich, she avoids paying her legally obligated taxes.

That’s how socialism works. The 1% live like royalty while they screw the 99%.

So, what's up? You got new info? Your article is from May 2020. She sucks (in my opinion) but she won the primary and her election. The taxes according to the article were in contest. Did she win, pay them, or are they still in contestation? Or is it just a slow news night?
I didn't even get the insider trading part. Did I miss something else last spring?
Just remember this: When she loses a re-election bid, she'll go back to bar tending and turning tricks. That'll be great.

In the meantime she'll have all the profits from the insider trading she was able to amass.
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Not only does AOC not write a check to the IRS for above what she owes because she’s rich, she avoids paying her legally obligated taxes.

That’s how socialism works. The 1% live like royalty while they screw the 99%.


The IRS has owed me and one of mine $ since April and you cannot get hold of anyone at the IRS or so much as receive a spec of accurate information. This is the first time they've owed me in a long while, and the figure is not small. Next year is a different story, because I'll likely owe them. So what the mother fuck is a guy supposed to do to file taxes when those mfers may not have addressed my 2020 taxes yet? I mean fuck, it's only five months, they need five years now? What a cluster fuck.

Good thing we have Xiden running shit huh, he'll right the ship.................PUKE!
No government on earth has ever been "capitalist". There has never been a "government" that produced anything, or provided a service that generated a profit.

Governments have never done anything besides establish rules, tax productive people, and eventually failed to deliver. If there ever is a "capitalist" government that efficiently provides something of value, allows competition and generates a profit it will usher in a new era of human progress.


Your right. Even China, Russia, Venezuela and Cuba tax their enslaved subjects
Pelosi is said to make a base salary of about $235,000.00 a year, plus all the illegal trade and money laundering she can handle. And her husband openly deals in panhandling and has openly dealt in insider trading for many decades now.
It's a perk only political whores and their donors are allowed to take advantage of. There are Panamanian and Caribbean banks overflowing with with money these sociopaths have squirreled away. It ain't just the democrooks of course. Most republicrats are in the game, in fact I'll bet you can't win an elected office as a republicrat unless you're already invested in the system or complicit.

It’s not socialism. It’s corrupt capitalist government.
It's socialism........and its corporation. It's also the product of allowing trash 3rd world people to come in and breed immoral morons and then vote for one of their corrupt morons. AOC wouldn't be in if we didn't allow the non-contributing trash to vote for free shit here.

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