ANYTHING To Stop Trump: Debate Commission Scraps Foreign Policy Focus After Trump's 4th NPP Nomination & Biden's Foreign Crimes Exposed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Debate Commission Scraps Foreign Policy Focus
in Third Debate After Trump Is Nominated Four
Times for Nobel Peace Prize

The news of the third debate leaving a major foreign policy focus out was met with further derision from the Trump campaign, which has already lambasted the Commission for attempting to make the debates virtual, and for choosing moderators with a track record of bias.

The Democrats are trying to keep focus on issues where they believe Trump is more vulnerable, to focus on where Joe has more of a chance to show strongly, to stay away from Trump's historic successful accomplishments and strengths, and to avoid any reference to Joe's exposed Influence Peddling crimes and evidence he sold his ass to China!

One way or another Trump WILL bring those later issues up, and it is guaranteed the Trump-hating Pro-Biden moderator will do their best to immediately shut him down.

One of the biggest questions remaining will not be answered until election day - Will Joe Biden, like Hillary Clinton, LOSE a RIGGED election?

It's a United States tragedy the way that the election is being manipulated.
There is no pretense any longer to look like it's on a even playing field.
The socialists/communists/Marxists have found that they have cover from the media.
and when i see people eat up the shit sammichs in here mocking anyone who doesn't take a bite - it just shows you without a doubt who the trolls and fucking idiots are.
It's a United States tragedy the way that the election is being manipulated.
There is no pretense any longer to look like it's on a even playing field.
The socialists/communists/Marxists have found that they have cover from the media.
It's one thing if the Media is biased against Trump. It's a whole other level when the Media covers for China's virus attack on us and instead BLAMES PRESIDENT TRUMP FOR THE DEATHS caused by China's attack.
trump needs to wea
It's a United States tragedy the way that the election is being manipulated.
There is no pretense any longer to look like it's on a even playing field.
The socialists/communists/Marxists have found that they have cover from the media.
It's one thing if the Media is biased against Trump. It's a whole other level when the Media covers for China's virus attack on us and instead BLAMES PRESIDENT TRUMP FOR THE DEATHS caused by China's attack.
and when you go by some anon random person saying they overheard something as grounds for an impeachment, yet when you have people validating 26k mails it's fake?

fuck those assholes.

Debate Commission Scraps Foreign Policy Focus
in Third Debate After Trump Is Nominated Four
Times for Nobel Peace Prize

The news of the third debate leaving a major foreign policy focus out was met with further derision from the Trump campaign, which has already lambasted the Commission for attempting to make the debates virtual, and for choosing moderators with a track record of bias.

The Democrats are trying to keep focus on issues where they believe Trump is more vulnerable, to focus on where Joe has more of a chance to show strongly, to stay away from Trump's historic successful accomplishments and strengths, and to avoid any reference to Joe's exposed Influence Peddling crimes and evidence he sold his ass to China!

One way or another Trump WILL bring those later issues up, and it is guaranteed the Trump-hating Pro-Biden moderator will do their best to immediately shut him down.

One of the biggest questions remaining will not be answered until election day - Will Joe Biden, like Hillary Clinton, LOSE a RIGGED election?

This fails as a straw man fallacy.
The Democrats have geared up for the greatest fraud in U.S. history. Millions of unsolicited ballots are being stored up to be used, if needed, to elect Joe Biden. They will not have postmarks, and their sheer numbers will turn any attempt at verification into a travesty.

Even if Trump stills wins the electoral vote, these ballots will be used by Democrat historians to smear his presidency and belittle his accomplishments.

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