Anyone seen an autopsy report on Officer Brian Sicknik?

The one above does not show the fire extinguisher being thrown.

let me try this one.......

The only bizarre unanswered question is, why conservatives, republicans, and overall trump supporters would storm the washington capital in a attempt to overthrow democracy. The fact that ppl were killed is not the bizarre unanswered question.

No one was trying to overthrow was just a protest....those who ventured into the people's building just wanted to get in the face of the political hacks and let them know how pissed off everyone is about the stolen election.

If they wanted to take over anything they would have brought weapons....the protestors were unarmed....even the lady protestor shot down in cold blood by a mysterious figure who was allegedly a capitol cop in plain clothes.....since when do capitol cops wear plain clothes.

We demand justice....this killer cop must be identified and brought to justice.

Anyhow if biden tries to sell out America and or begins sending patriots to work camps like his chinese friends then you will see a real revolution.
Right. Figured that out, did you?
It was obvious after many attempts to get an explanation from you, there is simply none you can give.
A tacit admission of election theft is still an admission, all the same.
Who gave an admission, tacit or otherwise, besides you and yours not and admission but an accusation that has failed repeatedly in the courts, due to lack of evidence or lack of representative legal counsel willing to present it for fear of being booted from the bar.
Who gave an admission, tacit or otherwise, besides you and yours not and admission but an accusation that has failed repeatedly in the courts, due to lack of evidence or lack of representative legal counsel willing to present it for fear of being booted from the bar.
Your repeated refusal to address the unprecedented shutdown of vote counting in ALL the swing states at one time and in particular the goings on caught on security video in Fulton County Arena is a tacit admission
that you CANNOT account for what went on.
Or else you would have a very slick and very false rationalization for it all. Like you used to.

You used to claim that the container of ballots pulled out from hiding once the election observers went home
wasn't a "suitcase", as if quibbling over what this large container was called satisfied the question of what it
was doing under a table and why it was only brought out once the observers were no longer present.
But eventually you wouldn't even do that probably tiring of how absurd your blather was.

And thanks for reminding me of the extortion threats of democrats who have threatened to end the careers
of any legal help the Trump team tried to enlist. Nothing says innocence and "I'm not trying to steal this election" like threatening severe retribution for lawyers trying to do their jobs.
That's Mafia style intimidation and extortion and undoubtedly the threats of SLAPP law suits by Dominion
and Smartmatic are more of the same.

The mere threat cost long time Fox personality Lew Dobbs the loss of his show. Wanna bet this threatened
law suit never sees a second of court time? It's already achieved it's goals.
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Who gave an admission, tacit or otherwise, besides you and yours not and admission but an accusation that has failed repeatedly in the courts, due to lack of evidence or lack of representative legal counsel willing to present it for fear of being booted from the bar.
Your repeated refusal to address the unprecedented shutdown of vote counting in ALL the swing states at one time and in particular the goings on caught on security video in Fulton County Arena is a tacit admission
that you CANNOT account for what went on.
Or else you would have a very slick and very false rationalization for it all. Like you used to.

You used to claim that the container of ballots pulled out from hiding once the election observers went home
wasn't a "suitcase", as if quibbling over what this large container was called satisfied the question of what it
was doing under a table and why it was only brought out once the observers were no longer present.
But eventually you wouldn't even do that probably tiring of how absurd your blather was.

And thanks for reminding me of the extortion threats of democrats who have threatened to end the careers
of any legal help the Trump team tried to enlist. Nothing says innocence and "I'm not trying to steal this election" like threatening severe retribution for lawyers trying to do their jobs.
That's Mafia style intimidation and extortion and undoubtedly the threats of SLAPP law suits by Dominion
and Smartmatic are more of the same.

The mere threat cost long time Fox personality Lew Dobbs the loss of his show. Wanna bet this threatened
law suit never sees a second of court time? It's already achieved it's goals.
I have no way to address your concern or accusation or whatever it is, as I have no additional information. You should fork up and hire competent legal assistance if you expect to make headway. Hopefully for your sake, the lawyers of trump have not hopelessly polluted the waters to the point your lawyers are prevented from an objective hearing, if you (unlike team trump) can find a lawyer willing to carry your water in court, with whatever evidense (or lack there of) you can scare up. Good luck with your quest.
I have no way to address your concern or accusation or whatever it is, as I have no additional information. You should fork up and hire competent legal assistance if you expect to make headway. Hopefully for your sake, the lawyers of trump have not hopelessly polluted the waters to the point your lawyers are prevented from an objective hearing, if you (unlike team trump) can find a lawyer willing to carry your water in court, with whatever evidense (or lack there of) you can scare up. Good luck with your quest.
The truth continues to dribble out, like in Maricopa County Arizona, no matter how hard you try to hold it back.
I have no way to address your concern or accusation or whatever it is, as I have no additional information. You should fork up and hire competent legal assistance if you expect to make headway. Hopefully for your sake, the lawyers of trump have not hopelessly polluted the waters to the point your lawyers are prevented from an objective hearing, if you (unlike team trump) can find a lawyer willing to carry your water in court, with whatever evidense (or lack there of) you can scare up. Good luck with your quest.
The truth continues to dribble out, like in Maricopa County Arizona, no matter how hard you try to hold it back.
Good luck to you and your dribble. I look forward to hearing of your case in court. Let us all know, when you have it filed.
Compare and contrast the Media coverage of the death of Policeman David Dorn to the Media coverage of Sicknick.
If you do not understand that the American Press is deep Yellow, U R A Fool.

Widow of retired police officer David Dorn, slain during ...
Aug 28, 2020 · 24yo suspected looter charged with first-degree murder of retired black cop David Dorn Media outlets have posted articles critical of Ann Dorn’s speech even before she speaks. Several of those pieces, including an International Business Times story on Thursday, cited Davi

A HUGE part of the Leftist narrative that fuels today's bogus "impeachment" trial is that Trump unleashed a murderous riot that KILLED A CAPITOL POLICE OFFICER! The narrative is that one of the rioters bashed Officer Sicknick's head with a fire extinguisher, thus resulting in fatal injuries. Sicknick did die, of course, even a Leftist Narrative has a germ of truth. But despite the existence of a nationwide manhunt for everyone who participated in the January festivities, no one has been charged with homicide, and there is no indication that they are looking at any particular human to charge in the Officer's death.

Hasn't the FBI read the Democrat talking points???

But here's the thing: "We" don't know why the officer died; what we do know however is that HE DIDN'T DIE FROM BEING STRUCK WITH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER. His death didn't result from being struck with anything.

"Sources, however, told CNN that the medical examiner 'did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma . . . and early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.'”

So here's a question for you - and I risk being a CONSPIRACY THEORIST: Is the medical examiner's report being held up (it's more than a month since they got their hands on Sicknick's body) until after the Senate impeachment trial? Because it will reveal that Sicknick died of a stroke, or a heart attack, or something only tangentially related to the riots.

How knows? But we do know that the Narrative is a lie.

Still waiting for them to reveal the name of the assassin who executed the unarmed female protester in the Capitol.



A HUGE part of the Leftist narrative that fuels today's bogus "impeachment" trial is that Trump unleashed a murderous riot that KILLED A CAPITOL POLICE OFFICER! The narrative is that one of the rioters bashed Officer Sicknick's head with a fire extinguisher, thus resulting in fatal injuries. Sicknick did die, of course, even a Leftist Narrative has a germ of truth. But despite the existence of a nationwide manhunt for everyone who participated in the January festivities, no one has been charged with homicide, and there is no indication that they are looking at any particular human to charge in the Officer's death.

Hasn't the FBI read the Democrat talking points???

But here's the thing: "We" don't know why the officer died; what we do know however is that HE DIDN'T DIE FROM BEING STRUCK WITH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER. His death didn't result from being struck with anything.

"Sources, however, told CNN that the medical examiner 'did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma . . . and early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.'”

So here's a question for you - and I risk being a CONSPIRACY THEORIST: Is the medical examiner's report being held up (it's more than a month since they got their hands on Sicknick's body) until after the Senate impeachment trial? Because it will reveal that Sicknick died of a stroke, or a heart attack, or something only tangentially related to the riots.

How knows? But we do know that the Narrative is a lie.

What sources told that to CNN?

A HUGE part of the Leftist narrative that fuels today's bogus "impeachment" trial is that Trump unleashed a murderous riot that KILLED A CAPITOL POLICE OFFICER! The narrative is that one of the rioters bashed Officer Sicknick's head with a fire extinguisher, thus resulting in fatal injuries. Sicknick did die, of course, even a Leftist Narrative has a germ of truth. But despite the existence of a nationwide manhunt for everyone who participated in the January festivities, no one has been charged with homicide, and there is no indication that they are looking at any particular human to charge in the Officer's death.

Hasn't the FBI read the Democrat talking points???

But here's the thing: "We" don't know why the officer died; what we do know however is that HE DIDN'T DIE FROM BEING STRUCK WITH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER. His death didn't result from being struck with anything.

"Sources, however, told CNN that the medical examiner 'did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma . . . and early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.'”

So here's a question for you - and I risk being a CONSPIRACY THEORIST: Is the medical examiner's report being held up (it's more than a month since they got their hands on Sicknick's body) until after the Senate impeachment trial? Because it will reveal that Sicknick died of a stroke, or a heart attack, or something only tangentially related to the riots.

How knows? But we do know that the Narrative is a lie.

What sources told that to CNN?
Apparently someone CNN found credible enough to base a report on.

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