Anyone Here a Wallander Fan?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

So far I have seen four episodes on Netflix and I love it.

Kenneth Branagh is a great actor and the supporting cast is really good also, including LOKI (Tom Hiddleston)! lol

Just wondering if anyone else likes it as well. At three episodes a season, its more like a serial movie, lol. What's with the Brits and doing so few episodes to their TV series?
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I saw most of the first episode..It's well done.
Netflix offers some good programming.
As far as how many episodes my guess is it's a budget concern.

Saw another good british offering.
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I love Netflix,I hardly watch Network TV anymore.
The Swedish (original) version kicks the living shit out of the English version. Kurt Wallander is played by Krister Henriksson.

All well and good, I suppose, if you speak Swedish, or was that done in English also?


The thing I enjoy about Branagh's Wallander character (don't have a clue about the other, so not excluding them in any way) is how much the guy resonates with my own life experience. My career was not as long as it started later in my life, but the same sense of 'What the hell have I been doing with my life' hit me this past summer when I got a slipped disk and realized I had little to show for twenty years of working as a Software engineer that I was proud of, that gave me satisfaction from my career. Everything I had built was either replaced already or will soon be, and for all that I have a bad back, diabetes and poor health, not to mention a sense of being denigrated by an industry that treats me less than a cog in a machine. After twenty years of labor, my experience was nil compared to the hot freshness of a 22 year old right out of college in the minds of most. I liked my comrades at work almost everywhere I worked, and got several awards from the companies I worked with, but a couple of plaques on a wall are not the same satisfaction as knowing that a bridge I built would still be there a century from now and having respect as a 'venerable' colleague instead of the more frequent 'old fart' attitude, lol.

I'm whining I guess, and should just shut up, take the money and run. But there is a part of a man's life that looks for proof of having lived, worked, loved and prospered, and modern life is too disposable for much of that any more.

Were it not for my wife, two kids and several foreign students I put through school, I would feel like I have accomplished very little in my life.

Wallender, poor guy doesn't even have that.
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