Anyone Disturbed By A Russian First Lady?

Not a chance that the GOP want to remind everyone that Trump has been married 3 times-and that all of those children being paraded around are from his ex-wives he cheated on.

Not that any of Trump''s supporters care that he is an adulterer.

But none of that has anything to do with attacking Melania for her accent or her national origin- or even for marrying Trump.

Democrats didn't care that Bill Clinton was an adulterer.

Well I guess that makes it okay for Trumpsters not to care that Trump is an adulterer- because you admire Bill Clinton so much.

You have a problem with reading comprehension. You're the one that brought up Trump but seem not to care about Bill's actions.

Do you care about Trump being a serial adulterer?

Should I?.
I don't know- should you?

As a Conservative does personal morality matter to you?
A Slovakian First by far preferable to one with a dick he can't seem to control, no tits, and named William.

God- she is not Slovakian! You are as much of an idiot as Silhouette.

And the only Presidential candidate with a dick he cannot control is Donald Trump- the serial adulterer.

It has been proven beyond a doubt that Hillary cannot control the dick she has had since 1975.

So you are as confused as Silhouette.

Let me clear this up for you and Silhouette
Melania is not from Russia- she is from Slovenia- and is an American.
Hilary is a woman- and doesn't have a dick.

The only Presidential candidate with a dick he cannot control is Donald Trump.

What is 'classier' about Melania than Michelle in your mind- other than their skin color?

Michelle Obama Cries "RACISM" After THIS Happened at a Target (MUST READ) - The Political Insider
Here is the quote from you article- please tell me what you find 'not classy' about the quote

Michelle Obama told one story that recently took place, even as she was first lady of the United States.

“I tell this story – I mean, even as the first lady – during that wonderfully publicized trip I took to Target, not highly disguised, the only person who came up to me in the store was a woman who asked me to help her take something off a shelf. Because she didn’t see me as the first lady, she saw me as someone who could help her. Those kinds of things happen in life. So it isn’t anything new,” Michelle Obama, who is 5’11”, said.

The quote was given in the context of the obamas telling People Magazine about racist experiences in their lives.

Well then you shouldn't have a problem pointing out the problematic part of the quote- what part of what Michelle Obama said do you find objectionable?

Did she say something like Mexicans are rapists?
Of course you don't care whether a Presidential candidate is an adulterer.

Because all you care about is whether he has a dick or not.

Trump has a dick- and is a dick. So he qualifies by your 'standards'

1. Yes, I do care if a candidate is an adulterer.

2. That's not all I care about, but being Male IS one of the main qualifications in my mind.

3. Yes, he has and is a dick. That doesn't mean he's qualified to be POTUS in my mind. I will NOT be voting for him in November.
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The OP is a xenophobe.
If Trump had a modicum of authenticity and wasn't a completely transparent slimy charlatan whose critical whims shift with the breezes, his trophy wife's thick Russian accent wouldn't be nearly as disturbing at it is. But it's obvious she too "cut a deal" and it brings her credibility and origins under the microscope.

Or is it your habit to never admit the obvious in what you see until it's too late?

You are apparently too stupid to know the difference between the country of Russia and the USSR. I will bet you think the R in USSR stands for Russia.
She is Legal, she went through the proper immigration process
She has her own design and beauty businesses.
She also won a $50 million suit over a promotions and distribution dispute of her products
Ivanka also has a similar business, but high end

How would you feel about having Trump's two ex-wives also speak at the convention? :popcorn:

And BTW, look at all the liberals who want Hillary to win this Fall, here on this thread defending Trump and his wife..'d almost think that...

How about getting Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones and Monica Lewinski to speak at the Democrat convention next week.
Democrats didn't care that Bill Clinton was an adulterer.

Well I guess that makes it okay for Trumpsters not to care that Trump is an adulterer- because you admire Bill Clinton so much.

You have a problem with reading comprehension. You're the one that brought up Trump but seem not to care about Bill's actions.

Do you care about Trump being a serial adulterer?

Should I?.
I don't know- should you?

As a Conservative does personal morality matter to you?

You seem to think I should care while ignoring Bill's actions.

Since you're a Liberal, I don't need to ask you. I know you don't. That is, unless it's someone from the other side.
Actually Cruz obviously lying on national TV disturbed me a hell of a lot more. And Hitlery isn't tolerable at all.

I think Trump's wife is a lovely lady and it would be my guess that she brings a lot of class back to the White House that has been missing for awhile. I bet she does not try to steal national treasures, silverware etc.... from the White House either.

And by 'class' you mean 'white'.......
In your own limited mind.....
She already has international favor and you cannot take that away from her no matter how much you try.

'international favor'?


I have nothing against Melania. She is lovely, she speaks more languages than I do, she had the good sense to marry a wealthy American. If Trump were to be elected, she probably would be a fine first lady.

Of course Michelle Obama is also lovely, and has raised two lovely daughters, and has been a great first lady.

Despite all of the attacks by the racists who can't stand the idea of an attractive, strong, accomplished black woman as First Lady.
Michelle's problem is her own racism towards whites and hispanics shows.

Her lack of health knowledge created an unsustainable program in the schools for growing children. You can call that accomplished but I don't and that has nothing to do with racism it has to do with facts.

LOL- her 'racism' towards whites and hispanics?

Has she called Mexicans rapists?

Michelle Obama has promoted a nutrition program passed by Congress- and promoted healthier eating for children. Why you think promoting healthier eating for children is a bad thing is.

You were the one who said "Melania' would 'bring back class' to the White House.

What is 'classier' about Melania than Michelle in your mind- other than their skin color?

She didn't have to get her husband elected to the Presidency to be proud to be an American for the first time in her life..
She is Legal, she went through the proper immigration process
She has her own design and beauty businesses.
She also won a $50 million suit over a promotions and distribution dispute of her products
Ivanka also has a similar business, but high end

How would you feel about having Trump's two ex-wives also speak at the convention? :popcorn:

And BTW, look at all the liberals who want Hillary to win this Fall, here on this thread defending Trump and his wife..'d almost think that...

Not a chance that the GOP want to remind everyone that Trump has been married 3 times-and that all of those children being paraded around are from his ex-wives he cheated on.

Not that any of Trump''s supporters care that he is an adulterer.

But none of that has anything to do with attacking Melania for her accent or her national origin- or even for marrying Trump.
Instead of running off your big mouth, do a bit of research:

Why Did Donald Trump & Marla Maples Divorce? They Have Remained Supportive Of Each Other @ Why Did Donald Trump & Marla Maples Divorce? They Have Remained Supportive Of Each Other

Ivana did claim she was divorcing Donald because he was having an affair with Marla - no proof ever presented but she got $20 million as a settlement.
The Dems were seriously considering a guy who basically adopted himself to the Soviet Union, so what's the problem with Melania, who escaped when she was a teenager.
And by 'class' you mean 'white'.......
In your own limited mind.....
She already has international favor and you cannot take that away from her no matter how much you try.

'international favor'?


I have nothing against Melania. She is lovely, she speaks more languages than I do, she had the good sense to marry a wealthy American. If Trump were to be elected, she probably would be a fine first lady.

Of course Michelle Obama is also lovely, and has raised two lovely daughters, and has been a great first lady.

Despite all of the attacks by the racists who can't stand the idea of an attractive, strong, accomplished black woman as First Lady.
Michelle's problem is her own racism towards whites and hispanics shows.

Her lack of health knowledge created an unsustainable program in the schools for growing children. You can call that accomplished but I don't and that has nothing to do with racism it has to do with facts.

LOL- her 'racism' towards whites and hispanics?

Has she called Mexicans rapists?

Michelle Obama has promoted a nutrition program passed by Congress- and promoted healthier eating for children. Why you think promoting healthier eating for children is a bad thing is.

You were the one who said "Melania' would 'bring back class' to the White House.

What is 'classier' about Melania than Michelle in your mind- other than their skin color?
That nutritional program was designed by Michelle and big business goons. You don't limit a child's calorie intake on a daily basis. Children grow in spurts. You don't mandate children eat more food products that have been desiccated with chemicals or meat that has been fed those desiccated grain products that are enhanced with enzymes, from e.coli, fungi, arsenic and other toxins. Fat stores toxins, when the body does not recognize something as food it stores it which results in fat. Bleached white bread is toxic as it contains 'alloxan' which damages the Pancreas. If you were really concerned for ALL children's health you wouldn't try to skip around and play hop scotch so you don't insult those who are destroying the children's health because they were donors of your husband's last campaign. That desiccating the produce takes the nutrition out of the food.

Has Melania said "let's make white America great". I have not heard her say anything like that. Plus as you said she already has the capability to speak in five languages. She has an established little international fashion business enterprise of her own.

I will give Michelle this much; she has a clown for a husband and that itself would be hard to overcome. View attachment 82144

My grandfather ate all that stuff you mentioned and it killed him with a heart attack when he was 97 years old.
In your own limited mind.....
She already has international favor and you cannot take that away from her no matter how much you try.

'international favor'?


I have nothing against Melania. She is lovely, she speaks more languages than I do, she had the good sense to marry a wealthy American. If Trump were to be elected, she probably would be a fine first lady.

Of course Michelle Obama is also lovely, and has raised two lovely daughters, and has been a great first lady.

Despite all of the attacks by the racists who can't stand the idea of an attractive, strong, accomplished black woman as First Lady.
Michelle's problem is her own racism towards whites and hispanics shows.

Her lack of health knowledge created an unsustainable program in the schools for growing children. You can call that accomplished but I don't and that has nothing to do with racism it has to do with facts.

LOL- her 'racism' towards whites and hispanics?

Has she called Mexicans rapists?

Michelle Obama has promoted a nutrition program passed by Congress- and promoted healthier eating for children. Why you think promoting healthier eating for children is a bad thing is.

You were the one who said "Melania' would 'bring back class' to the White House.

What is 'classier' about Melania than Michelle in your mind- other than their skin color?
That nutritional program was designed by Michelle and big business goons. You don't limit a child's calorie intake on a daily basis. Children grow in spurts. You don't mandate children eat more food products that have been desiccated with chemicals or meat that has been fed those desiccated grain products that are enhanced with enzymes, from e.coli, fungi, arsenic and other toxins. Fat stores toxins, when the body does not recognize something as food it stores it which results in fat. Bleached white bread is toxic as it contains 'alloxan' which damages the Pancreas. If you were really concerned for ALL children's health you wouldn't try to skip around and play hop scotch so you don't insult those who are destroying the children's health because they were donors of your husband's last campaign. That desiccating the produce takes the nutrition out of the food.

Has Melania said "let's make white America great". I have not heard her say anything like that. Plus as you said she already has the capability to speak in five languages. She has an established little international fashion business enterprise of her own.

I will give Michelle this much; she has a clown for a husband and that itself would be hard to overcome. View attachment 82144

My grandfather ate all that stuff you mentioned and it killed him with a heart attack when he was 97 years old.

Well my grandparents lived to the century mark and they did not have to eat grains with glyphosate and other toxins grown into them nor did hey have vaccines and water that is full of toxins while they were just babes. So your point is worthless as the children now are under assault by every means imaginable for a profit for a few.
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How would you feel about having Trump's two ex-wives also speak at the convention? :popcorn:

And BTW, look at all the liberals who want Hillary to win this Fall, here on this thread defending Trump and his wife..'d almost think that...

Not a chance that the GOP want to remind everyone that Trump has been married 3 times-and that all of those children being paraded around are from his ex-wives he cheated on.

Not that any of Trump''s supporters care that he is an adulterer.

But none of that has anything to do with attacking Melania for her accent or her national origin- or even for marrying Trump.

Democrats didn't care that Bill Clinton was an adulterer.

Well I guess that makes it okay for Trumpsters not to care that Trump is an adulterer- because you admire Bill Clinton so much.

You have a problem with reading comprehension. You're the one that brought up Trump but seem not to care about Bill's actions.

Do you care about Trump being a serial adulterer?
Just curious did you have a hissy fit about Wiener showing his wiener over the Internet and about Bill get non sex bj's in the WH while he was having Christians bombed into oblivion so he could be a muslim hero overseas?
'international favor'?


I have nothing against Melania. She is lovely, she speaks more languages than I do, she had the good sense to marry a wealthy American. If Trump were to be elected, she probably would be a fine first lady.

Of course Michelle Obama is also lovely, and has raised two lovely daughters, and has been a great first lady.

Despite all of the attacks by the racists who can't stand the idea of an attractive, strong, accomplished black woman as First Lady.
Michelle's problem is her own racism towards whites and hispanics shows.

Her lack of health knowledge created an unsustainable program in the schools for growing children. You can call that accomplished but I don't and that has nothing to do with racism it has to do with facts.

LOL- her 'racism' towards whites and hispanics?

Has she called Mexicans rapists?

Michelle Obama has promoted a nutrition program passed by Congress- and promoted healthier eating for children. Why you think promoting healthier eating for children is a bad thing is.

You were the one who said "Melania' would 'bring back class' to the White House.

What is 'classier' about Melania than Michelle in your mind- other than their skin color?
That nutritional program was designed by Michelle and big business goons. You don't limit a child's calorie intake on a daily basis. Children grow in spurts. You don't mandate children eat more food products that have been desiccated with chemicals or meat that has been fed those desiccated grain products that are enhanced with enzymes, from e.coli, fungi, arsenic and other toxins. Fat stores toxins, when the body does not recognize something as food it stores it which results in fat. Bleached white bread is toxic as it contains 'alloxan' which damages the Pancreas. If you were really concerned for ALL children's health you wouldn't try to skip around and play hop scotch so you don't insult those who are destroying the children's health because they were donors of your husband's last campaign. That desiccating the produce takes the nutrition out of the food.

Has Melania said "let's make white America great". I have not heard her say anything like that. Plus as you said she already has the capability to speak in five languages. She has an established little international fashion business enterprise of her own.

I will give Michelle this much; she has a clown for a husband and that itself would be hard to overcome. View attachment 82144

My grandfather ate all that stuff you mentioned and it killed him with a heart attack when he was 97 years old.

Well my grandparents lived to the century mark and they did not have to eat grains with glyphosate and other toxins grown into them not did hey have vaccines and water they is full of toxins while they were just babes. So your point is worthless as the children now are under assault by every means imaginable for a profit for a few.

If you grandparents lived to the 100 mark without vaccines congratulations!

But I am sure that they knew plenty of friends and family that died or were crippled by diseases that we now have vaccines for- polio being the most notable.

Children are under assault by vaccines like schools are under assault by fences.
Not a chance that the GOP want to remind everyone that Trump has been married 3 times-and that all of those children being paraded around are from his ex-wives he cheated on.

Not that any of Trump''s supporters care that he is an adulterer.

But none of that has anything to do with attacking Melania for her accent or her national origin- or even for marrying Trump.

Democrats didn't care that Bill Clinton was an adulterer.

Well I guess that makes it okay for Trumpsters not to care that Trump is an adulterer- because you admire Bill Clinton so much.

You have a problem with reading comprehension. You're the one that brought up Trump but seem not to care about Bill's actions.

Do you care about Trump being a serial adulterer?
Just curious did you have a hissy fit about Wiener showing his wiener over the Internet and about Bill get non sex bj's in the WH while he was having Christians bombed into oblivion so he could be a muslim hero overseas?

Just curious- do you care that Trump is a serial adulterer?
The Dems were seriously considering a guy who basically adopted himself to the Soviet Union, so what's the problem with Melania, who escaped when she was a teenager.

Melania didn't 'escape' anywhere. She was born in Slovenia- and 'escaped' by getting a modelling contract.

And good for her.

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