Any of you hear or see Pelosi give her speech in Texas on the illegal children

She went to Texas and saw Votes.

The Democrats mean to turn Texas into a Blue State through the process of illegal immigration.

Condoning crime, promoting disobedience to our laws, undermining the general welfare our our citizens--these are not things the Democrats can quite put in their platform, not officially, but when Pelosi says she saw opportunity in the Central American invasion--make no mistake, she was talking about votes.

It is despicable; but it is the Democratic Way.

tell us what's it like ... how does it feel to be so delusional ??? can you tell that you're delusional ??? or do you just not realize it???? OH well I'll help ya... Illegals can't vote... there are ya starting to feel a little better??? why do you immediately feel that a person, who is of Mexican decent, is a criminal right off the bat.... WHAT ??? you republicans don't talk about votes ??? hummm that's funny... seems you don't like the Idea of people voting ... if you republicans want to get elected don't you thinks you should stop bashing Mexicans, Blacks Orientals Indians and any people who isn't white .... don't you think republicans like your self should get off their high horse and start talking to them, as you call them Central American invaders,and talk to them more like Central American human beings ???? do you think that might get an couple of votes... didn't cross your mind did it???
Dead people can't vote either and you are not supposed to vote more than once but that is how the idiot obamashitforbrains got in office, twice. Come back when you can be honest.

tell us how may dead people voted for Obama ???? tell us how many Illegals voted for OBAMA ??? tell us how many voted twice for OBAMA ???? you don't KNOW???? you're just ranting the repub-lie-tards banter ??? when you've got nothing, you rag about illegals voting ... tell me this, you're a illegal ... you know if you create any kind of attention to yourself you're going to get check out by ICE ... they find you're a illegal ... what do they do??? Ice then kicks you out of the country ... Now you have to start all over cause you got stupid and brought attention to yourself, cause you as a illegal thought you should voted ???? Mexican aren't the brightest light bulbs in the packaged, Ill agree but I'm sure they are that stupid ... I know you're that stupid, because you think mexicans will try to vote, Just so they can get caught and thrown out of the country...
She went to Texas and saw Votes.

The Democrats mean to turn Texas into a Blue State through the process of illegal immigration.

Condoning crime, promoting disobedience to our laws, undermining the general welfare our our citizens--these are not things the Democrats can quite put in their platform, not officially, but when Pelosi says she saw opportunity in the Central American invasion--make no mistake, she was talking about votes.

It is despicable; but it is the Democratic Way.

tell us what's it like ... how does it feel to be so delusional ??? can you tell that you're delusional ??? or do you just not realize it???? OH well I'll help ya... Illegals can't vote... there are ya starting to feel a little better??? why do you immediately feel that a person, who is of Mexican decent, is a criminal right off the bat.... WHAT ??? you republicans don't talk about votes ??? hummm that's funny... seems you don't like the Idea of people voting ... if you republicans want to get elected don't you thinks you should stop bashing Mexicans, Blacks Orientals Indians and any people who isn't white .... don't you think republicans like your self should get off their high horse and start talking to them, as you call them Central American invaders,and talk to them more like Central American human beings ???? do you think that might get an couple of votes... didn't cross your mind did it???

Tissue? you seem upset. Alot of that going around today with liberals...booofuckinghoo
She went to Texas and saw Votes.

The Democrats mean to turn Texas into a Blue State through the process of illegal immigration.

Condoning crime, promoting disobedience to our laws, undermining the general welfare our our citizens--these are not things the Democrats can quite put in their platform, not officially, but when Pelosi says she saw opportunity in the Central American invasion--make no mistake, she was talking about votes.

It is despicable; but it is the Democratic Way.

tell us what's it like ... how does it feel to be so delusional ??? can you tell that you're delusional ??? or do you just not realize it???? OH well I'll help ya... Illegals can't vote... there are ya starting to feel a little better??? why do you immediately feel that a person, who is of Mexican decent, is a criminal right off the bat.... WHAT ??? you republicans don't talk about votes ??? hummm that's funny... seems you don't like the Idea of people voting ... if you republicans want to get elected don't you thinks you should stop bashing Mexicans, Blacks Orientals Indians and any people who isn't white .... don't you think republicans like your self should get off their high horse and start talking to them, as you call them Central American invaders,and talk to them more like Central American human beings ???? do you think that might get an couple of votes... didn't cross your mind did it???

Illegals can't vote.

they can when they get "amnesty"....

and talk to them more like Central American human beings

Billy...your precious little party looks at them as votes,not people....and they get that....your party is looked at as the so called "lessor of 2 evils"....does that make you proud?.....

this is how stupid repub-LIE-tards are ... this repub-LIE-tard is saying we give them "amnesty" like Reagan did, and they become instance citizens ... where they can now vote ... you've got to be the stupidest one here yet ... when reagan gave them "amnesty" that was only for them entering into the US illegally... so that they couldn't be arrested for being here illegally... they still had to go through the normal channels to become a citizen you idiot...

as for your second part ... talk about being fuck up in the head... do you hear people talking in your head when nobodies is around?????

Two years and a rep of FOURTEEN.

Crawl back under whatever rock you were under. We're a better board without you.
Any of you hear or see Pelosi give her speech in Texas on the illegal children

No, I long ago stopped listening to propagandists with delusions of grandeur.

you mean you stopped listening to RUSH or HANNITY not to mention Rove and Dick Cheney and Romney and Boehner and Ryan and those lunatic republicans ??? you're doing a lot better then I first thought :lol::lol::lol: ever question what the Democrats tell you?....

when President Johnson went to war in Vietnam, we question him every day ... when Obama tried to cut medicare and medicaid and social security we question him ... we DEMS question our leaders all the time .... the real question here should be, why is it when a republican questions another republican, where they points out his fellow republicans wrong doing, does that republican have to come out to the press, within hours of the questioning his fellow republican then apologies to that fellow republican for question him .... for you to ask this question do we question other democrats ??? we have a history of doing it, Where you on the right don't ... so stop with your condescending question if I question my leaders.. I do all the time and I have a history of doing so ...

Example of questioning Obama: the new trade agreement Obama has been trying to get passed ... we dems are all up in arms over that trade agreement with Obama trying to get it passed we protest everyday over it ... we have written letters to our senator and congressmen and to obama himself ... so for you to think that we dems don't ever disagree with our fellow dems you haven't been paying attention at all ...
Last edited:
She went to Texas and saw Votes.

The Democrats mean to turn Texas into a Blue State through the process of illegal immigration.

Condoning crime, promoting disobedience to our laws, undermining the general welfare our our citizens--these are not things the Democrats can quite put in their platform, not officially, but when Pelosi says she saw opportunity in the Central American invasion--make no mistake, she was talking about votes.

It is despicable; but it is the Democratic Way.

tell us what's it like ... how does it feel to be so delusional ??? can you tell that you're delusional ??? or do you just not realize it???? OH well I'll help ya... Illegals can't vote... there are ya starting to feel a little better??? why do you immediately feel that a person, who is of Mexican decent, is a criminal right off the bat.... WHAT ??? you republicans don't talk about votes ??? hummm that's funny... seems you don't like the Idea of people voting ... if you republicans want to get elected don't you thinks you should stop bashing Mexicans, Blacks Orientals Indians and any people who isn't white .... don't you think republicans like your self should get off their high horse and start talking to them, as you call them Central American invaders,and talk to them more like Central American human beings ???? do you think that might get an couple of votes... didn't cross your mind did it???

Tissue? you seem upset. Alot of that going around today with liberals...booofuckinghoo

Upset??? I'm not Upset ...if any one should be "UPset" it should be you repub-lie-tards ... today your republican selected supreme court Judges said that a company can object to birth control ... but only certain birth control products that cause a abortion ... fine so be it ... now here's the "upsetting" part for you loser republ-lie-tards ... the fact that hobby lobbie won't have to pay for their birth control, just like the people who work for religious organization, don't pay for it, the government steps in and pays for it .... you repub-LIE-tards get to pay for their birth control now ...that would be a reason for you to be "upset" me not at all:lol::lol::lol:

Two years and a rep of FOURTEEN.

Crawl back under whatever rock you were under. We're a better board without you.

poor grampa monkey ... he and his monkey are getting tired of their dick getting jambed in the mud by me... oh well another repub-lie-tard with his dick stuck in the mud

Two years and a rep of FOURTEEN.

Crawl back under whatever rock you were under. We're a better board without you.

poor grampa monkey ... he and his monkey are getting tired of their dick getting jambed in the mud by me... oh well another repub-lie-tard with his dick stuck in the mud

It appears your rep matches the maturity level you represent

Two years and a rep of FOURTEEN.

Crawl back under whatever rock you were under. We're a better board without you.

poor grampa monkey ... he and his monkey are getting tired of their dick getting jambed in the mud by me... oh well another repub-lie-tard with his dick stuck in the mud

Pelosi does not 'inspire', she hands over $$$, in a safe district, she rakes in more than she needs. No one describes her as Presidential material. Sad Republicans never got the best women in the nation to run, Olympia Snowe and Liddy Dole.
tell us what's it like ... how does it feel to be so delusional ??? can you tell that you're delusional ??? or do you just not realize it???? OH well I'll help ya... Illegals can't vote... there are ya starting to feel a little better??? why do you immediately feel that a person, who is of Mexican decent, is a criminal right off the bat.... WHAT ??? you republicans don't talk about votes ??? hummm that's funny... seems you don't like the Idea of people voting ... if you republicans want to get elected don't you thinks you should stop bashing Mexicans, Blacks Orientals Indians and any people who isn't white .... don't you think republicans like your self should get off their high horse and start talking to them, as you call them Central American invaders,and talk to them more like Central American human beings ???? do you think that might get an couple of votes... didn't cross your mind did it???
Dead people can't vote either and you are not supposed to vote more than once but that is how the idiot obamashitforbrains got in office, twice. Come back when you can be honest.

tell us how may dead people voted for Obama ???? tell us how many Illegals voted for OBAMA ??? tell us how many voted twice for OBAMA ???? you don't KNOW???? you're just ranting the repub-lie-tards banter ??? when you've got nothing, you rag about illegals voting ... tell me this, you're a illegal ... you know if you create any kind of attention to yourself you're going to get check out by ICE ... they find you're a illegal ... what do they do??? Ice then kicks you out of the country ... Now you have to start all over cause you got stupid and brought attention to yourself, cause you as a illegal thought you should voted ???? Mexican aren't the brightest light bulbs in the packaged, Ill agree but I'm sure they are that stupid ... I know you're that stupid, because you think mexicans will try to vote, Just so they can get caught and thrown out of the country...
Billy calm down.....take a deep are about to have a shit are a little bit high strung Billy....
tell us what's it like ... how does it feel to be so delusional ??? can you tell that you're delusional ??? or do you just not realize it???? OH well I'll help ya... Illegals can't vote... there are ya starting to feel a little better??? why do you immediately feel that a person, who is of Mexican decent, is a criminal right off the bat.... WHAT ??? you republicans don't talk about votes ??? hummm that's funny... seems you don't like the Idea of people voting ... if you republicans want to get elected don't you thinks you should stop bashing Mexicans, Blacks Orientals Indians and any people who isn't white .... don't you think republicans like your self should get off their high horse and start talking to them, as you call them Central American invaders,and talk to them more like Central American human beings ???? do you think that might get an couple of votes... didn't cross your mind did it???

Illegals can't vote.

they can when they get "amnesty"....

and talk to them more like Central American human beings

Billy...your precious little party looks at them as votes,not people....and they get that....your party is looked at as the so called "lessor of 2 evils"....does that make you proud?.....

this is how stupid repub-LIE-tards are ... this repub-LIE-tard is saying we give them "amnesty" like Reagan did, and they become instance citizens ... where they can now vote ... you've got to be the stupidest one here yet ... when reagan gave them "amnesty" that was only for them entering into the US illegally... so that they couldn't be arrested for being here illegally... they still had to go through the normal channels to become a citizen you idiot...

as for your second part ... talk about being fuck up in the head... do you hear people talking in your head when nobodies is around?????

now im a "repub-LIE-tard".....:lol:...thats a new one.....last week i was a "LibTurd"....

when reagan gave them "amnesty" that was only for them entering into the US illegally... so that they couldn't be arrested for being here illegally...

Billy why the fuck do you think they want to give them Amnesty now?......

they still had to go through the normal channels to become a citizen you idiot...
no shit this group any different?....

as for your second part ... talk about being fuck up in the head... do you hear people talking in your head when nobodies is around?????

Billie....i notice you did not address what i said.....thats because you know its the truth and you cant answer.....

and Billie.....calm are going to piss yourself and start spitting.....
you mean you stopped listening to RUSH or HANNITY not to mention Rove and Dick Cheney and Romney and Boehner and Ryan and those lunatic republicans ??? you're doing a lot better then I first thought :lol::lol::lol: ever question what the Democrats tell you?....

when President Johnson went to war in Vietnam, we question him every day ... when Obama tried to cut medicare and medicaid and social security we question him ... we DEMS question our leaders all the time .... the real question here should be, why is it when a republican questions another republican, where they points out his fellow republicans wrong doing, does that republican have to come out to the press, within hours of the questioning his fellow republican then apologies to that fellow republican for question him .... for you to ask this question do we question other democrats ??? we have a history of doing it, Where you on the right don't ... so stop with your condescending question if I question my leaders.. I do all the time and I have a history of doing so ...

Example of questioning Obama: the new trade agreement Obama has been trying to get passed ... we dems are all up in arms over that trade agreement with Obama trying to get it passed we protest everyday over it ... we have written letters to our senator and congressmen and to obama himself ... so for you to think that we dems don't ever disagree with our fellow dems you haven't been paying attention at all ...

who is "we" billy? talking about you.....and no the "party" people here and out around the Country never question the party.....

Obama tried to cut medicare and medicaid and social security

this is new.....your far left buddies claim only Republicans do that and i have never seen a thread with ANY Democrat claiming Obama wanted to cut those things......sounds kinda fishy Billie....

for you to ask this question do we question other democrats ??? we have a history of doing it,

i asked about YOU Billie.....i know regular Democrats do......

I do all the time and I have a history of doing so .

every time i see a post of yours Billy you are going off on some "righty" who said something about the left that of course you objected too......but no questions.....

Where you on the right don't

learn about the people you post with Billie.....i have bad mouthed the Republican Party and right Wingers many a time.....just because you might agree with the right on certain things does not mean you are one of them....i have agreed with the Left a few times does that make me a "Libturd"?.....
She went to Texas and saw Votes.

The Democrats mean to turn Texas into a Blue State through the process of illegal immigration.

Condoning crime, promoting disobedience to our laws, undermining the general welfare our our citizens--these are not things the Democrats can quite put in their platform, not officially, but when Pelosi says she saw opportunity in the Central American invasion--make no mistake, she was talking about votes.

It is despicable; but it is the Democratic Way.

tell us what's it like ... how does it feel to be so delusional ??? can you tell that you're delusional ??? or do you just not realize it???? OH well I'll help ya... Illegals can't vote... there are ya starting to feel a little better??? why do you immediately feel that a person, who is of Mexican decent, is a criminal right off the bat.... WHAT ??? you republicans don't talk about votes ??? hummm that's funny... seems you don't like the Idea of people voting ... if you republicans want to get elected don't you thinks you should stop bashing Mexicans, Blacks Orientals Indians and any people who isn't white .... don't you think republicans like your self should get off their high horse and start talking to them, as you call them Central American invaders,and talk to them more like Central American human beings ???? do you think that might get an couple of votes... didn't cross your mind did it???
Speaking of delusional, there you are, defending the utterly insane Pelosi.
She called them "sparks" lol and said they deserved dignity. I think she should tell that to the ones that shipped them here like luggage.

Wtf does that even mean?

heres one sad human being you're loling because you don't think the deserve dignity ???? the fact that they came a long way ... the fact that they didn't like seeing their parents murdered ... that they shouldn't take a chance from all the murdering thats going on to come to a place thats call the land of the free and the home of the brave and being between the ages of 6 and 12 years old you think they don't deserve dignity??? you republicans are a lot cruller then I thought... the fact that you start ranting here without any facts, and you ask us Wtf does that even mean????
So, how many sparks are you going to take into your home?
Sending children alone into another country is child abuse.

When a President encourages parents to send their children alone into our country, that is also child abuse.

Our President is a child abuser and so is Nancy Pelosi.

Two years and a rep of FOURTEEN.

Crawl back under whatever rock you were under. We're a better board without you.

poor grampa monkey ... he and his monkey are getting tired of their dick getting jambed in the mud by me... oh well another repub-lie-tard with his dick stuck in the mud
Does it worry you that you spend much of your day babbling incoherently?

It should.
Sending children alone into another country is child abuse.

When a President encourages parents to send their children alone into our country, that is also child abuse.

Our President is a child abuser and so is Nancy Pelosi.
Pffft. It's not like either of them...or most liberals, for that matter...actually give a shit about the kids involved.

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