Antifa/BLM vs. Proud Boys


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Antifa/BLM vs. Proud Boys

16 Nov 2020 ~~ By Ryan Smith

Saturday welcomed a huge crowd of President Trump–supporters in Washington D.C. who peacefully protested evidence pointing to massive voter fraud across our country. There were many notable speakers at the event. Notwithstanding, members of the crowd were stalked by the likes of Antifa and BLM activists seeking to intimidate and instigate political violence. Numerous Trump-supporters, who were detached from the main crowd, soon became prey to the cowardly mob of the left. Later in the evening, that mob was soon introduced to the inevitable reaction to their unchecked intimidation and political violence.
As members of the StopTheSteal protest crowd began to disperse, attacks by Antifa and BLM ensued. Numerous assaults on Trump-supporters were caught on camera by live streamers throughout the afternoon hours on the streets of Washington, D.C.
It is heart-wrenching to watch the attacks. A hardened veteran to Antifa violence, Andy Ngo, has several of these videos posted on his Twitter account. In one such video, a family with several small children is swarmed and harassed by an Antifa/BLM mob. The family is thoroughly in fear and quickly vacates the area. One of the children is heard saying, "Just ignore them." No police were evident.
Within hours, several hundred members of the Proud Boys took to the streets of Washington, D.C. to defend the defenseless. After several altercations, rendering many Antifa/BLM members bloodied, the streets of Washington, D.C. became calm. The Proud Boys chanted, "Whose streets, our streets"; "f--- Antifa"; and "USA! USA!" Enrique Tarrio, president and chairman of the Proud Boys, delivered a speech to his fellow members gathered at the base of the Washington Monument.
We are a country of people who have chosen to live in peace, forged by a violent past of revolution and a civil war. Violence is wicked; very few seek it; an overwhelmingly majority decry and avoid it. The primary function of government is to protect the citizenry from it, and quell any form of it. The unchecked rampage of destruction and violence perpetrated by Antifa/BLM mobs over much of the past six months has irrefutably proven governmental disdain for peace in many areas of our country. Saturday night on the streets of Washington, the vacuum of protection of the people was quickly filled.

what I saw on live streaming Twitter and Instagram was police protecting Antifa after Anitifa attacked someone.
Police were also directing the potential victims into Antifa groups. then did nothing to protect those being attacked. Some days it’s hard to be a LEO supporter...
Although the media and the PMS/DSA Leftists have been portraying "Proud Boys" as Facsist and a terror group, they are not. These are patriots love America and their heritage and are not going to bow down to a bunch of America-haters, grifters and anarchists.
Antifa/BLM violence is being directed at local businesses, the elderly and single individuals. The taxbase and jobs are leaving too. Blue Plantation cities are collapsing. What to do? Keep destroying Democratic assets. That's all they have--a make believe revolution.
If the Left believes they can control Antifa and BLM they are wrong. They've created atheir own Frankenstein.
A rapidly growing number of citizens are now looking forward to Antifa and BLM oozing out of their 'safe spaces.' Time to get it over with. Or get it on?
Democrats and blue city LEO's are the real losers by allowing this chaos.
Antifa/BLM vs. Proud Boys

16 Nov 2020 ~~ By Ryan Smith

Saturday welcomed a huge crowd of President Trump–supporters in Washington D.C. who peacefully protested evidence pointing to massive voter fraud across our country. There were many notable speakers at the event. Notwithstanding, members of the crowd were stalked by the likes of Antifa and BLM activists seeking to intimidate and instigate political violence. Numerous Trump-supporters, who were detached from the main crowd, soon became prey to the cowardly mob of the left. Later in the evening, that mob was soon introduced to the inevitable reaction to their unchecked intimidation and political violence.
As members of the StopTheSteal protest crowd began to disperse, attacks by Antifa and BLM ensued. Numerous assaults on Trump-supporters were caught on camera by live streamers throughout the afternoon hours on the streets of Washington, D.C.
It is heart-wrenching to watch the attacks. A hardened veteran to Antifa violence, Andy Ngo, has several of these videos posted on his Twitter account. In one such video, a family with several small children is swarmed and harassed by an Antifa/BLM mob. The family is thoroughly in fear and quickly vacates the area. One of the children is heard saying, "Just ignore them." No police were evident.
Within hours, several hundred members of the Proud Boys took to the streets of Washington, D.C. to defend the defenseless. After several altercations, rendering many Antifa/BLM members bloodied, the streets of Washington, D.C. became calm. The Proud Boys chanted, "Whose streets, our streets"; "f--- Antifa"; and "USA! USA!" Enrique Tarrio, president and chairman of the Proud Boys, delivered a speech to his fellow members gathered at the base of the Washington Monument.
We are a country of people who have chosen to live in peace, forged by a violent past of revolution and a civil war. Violence is wicked; very few seek it; an overwhelmingly majority decry and avoid it. The primary function of government is to protect the citizenry from it, and quell any form of it. The unchecked rampage of destruction and violence perpetrated by Antifa/BLM mobs over much of the past six months has irrefutably proven governmental disdain for peace in many areas of our country. Saturday night on the streets of Washington, the vacuum of protection of the people was quickly filled.

what I saw on live streaming Twitter and Instagram was police protecting Antifa after Anitifa attacked someone.
Police were also directing the potential victims into Antifa groups. then did nothing to protect those being attacked. Some days it’s hard to be a LEO supporter...
Although the media and the PMS/DSA Leftists have been portraying "Proud Boys" as Facsist and a terror group, they are not. These are patriots love America and their heritage and are not going to bow down to a bunch of America-haters, grifters and anarchists.
Antifa/BLM violence is being directed at local businesses, the elderly and single individuals. The taxbase and jobs are leaving too. Blue Plantation cities are collapsing. What to do? Keep destroying Democratic assets. That's all they have--a make believe revolution.
If the Left believes they can control Antifa and BLM they are wrong. They've created atheir own Frankenstein.
A rapidly growing number of citizens are now looking forward to Antifa and BLM oozing out of their 'safe spaces.' Time to get it over with. Or get it on?
Democrats and blue city LEO's are the real losers by allowing this chaos.
I watched several clips earlier this morning of violent acts.
It seems that many on the right are getting fed up with it, and rightfully so.
These Antifa thugs seem to target the weak, and youre right, its the cities and their citizens that are the real losers.
We need different leadership, and that would change.
Antifa/BLM vs. Proud Boys

16 Nov 2020 ~~ By Ryan Smith

Saturday welcomed a huge crowd of President Trump–supporters in Washington D.C. who peacefully protested evidence pointing to massive voter fraud across our country. There were many notable speakers at the event. Notwithstanding, members of the crowd were stalked by the likes of Antifa and BLM activists seeking to intimidate and instigate political violence. Numerous Trump-supporters, who were detached from the main crowd, soon became prey to the cowardly mob of the left. Later in the evening, that mob was soon introduced to the inevitable reaction to their unchecked intimidation and political violence.
As members of the StopTheSteal protest crowd began to disperse, attacks by Antifa and BLM ensued. Numerous assaults on Trump-supporters were caught on camera by live streamers throughout the afternoon hours on the streets of Washington, D.C.
It is heart-wrenching to watch the attacks. A hardened veteran to Antifa violence, Andy Ngo, has several of these videos posted on his Twitter account. In one such video, a family with several small children is swarmed and harassed by an Antifa/BLM mob. The family is thoroughly in fear and quickly vacates the area. One of the children is heard saying, "Just ignore them." No police were evident.
Within hours, several hundred members of the Proud Boys took to the streets of Washington, D.C. to defend the defenseless. After several altercations, rendering many Antifa/BLM members bloodied, the streets of Washington, D.C. became calm. The Proud Boys chanted, "Whose streets, our streets"; "f--- Antifa"; and "USA! USA!" Enrique Tarrio, president and chairman of the Proud Boys, delivered a speech to his fellow members gathered at the base of the Washington Monument.
We are a country of people who have chosen to live in peace, forged by a violent past of revolution and a civil war. Violence is wicked; very few seek it; an overwhelmingly majority decry and avoid it. The primary function of government is to protect the citizenry from it, and quell any form of it. The unchecked rampage of destruction and violence perpetrated by Antifa/BLM mobs over much of the past six months has irrefutably proven governmental disdain for peace in many areas of our country. Saturday night on the streets of Washington, the vacuum of protection of the people was quickly filled.

what I saw on live streaming Twitter and Instagram was police protecting Antifa after Anitifa attacked someone.
Police were also directing the potential victims into Antifa groups. then did nothing to protect those being attacked. Some days it’s hard to be a LEO supporter...
Although the media and the PMS/DSA Leftists have been portraying "Proud Boys" as Facsist and a terror group, they are not. These are patriots love America and their heritage and are not going to bow down to a bunch of America-haters, grifters and anarchists.
Antifa/BLM violence is being directed at local businesses, the elderly and single individuals. The taxbase and jobs are leaving too. Blue Plantation cities are collapsing. What to do? Keep destroying Democratic assets. That's all they have--a make believe revolution.
If the Left believes they can control Antifa and BLM they are wrong. They've created atheir own Frankenstein.
A rapidly growing number of citizens are now looking forward to Antifa and BLM oozing out of their 'safe spaces.' Time to get it over with. Or get it on?
Democrats and blue city LEO's are the real losers by allowing this chaos.
I watched several clips earlier this morning of violent acts.
It seems that many on the right are getting fed up with it, and rightfully so.
These Antifa thugs seem to target the weak, and youre right, its the cities and their citizens that are the real losers.
We need different leadership, and that would change.

China Joe nor Harris nor Democrats will change it one iota. They will more than likely feed the violence just as Obama and his administration did by feeding racial violence....
Proud Boys are as far from a White supremacist group as you can get. They're more like Superman defending Gotham City. Eff BLM and antifa
Depends if you talking about the Kyle Chapman followers, or those with Enrique Tarrio.

and it sure took Trump a long time to condemn them

This substandard shitlet getting knocked into next week will make smile:

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Antifa/BLM vs. Proud Boys

16 Nov 2020 ~~ By Ryan Smith

Saturday welcomed a huge crowd of President Trump–supporters in Washington D.C. who peacefully protested evidence pointing to massive voter fraud across our country. There were many notable speakers at the event. Notwithstanding, members of the crowd were stalked by the likes of Antifa and BLM activists seeking to intimidate and instigate political violence. Numerous Trump-supporters, who were detached from the main crowd, soon became prey to the cowardly mob of the left. Later in the evening, that mob was soon introduced to the inevitable reaction to their unchecked intimidation and political violence.
As members of the StopTheSteal protest crowd began to disperse, attacks by Antifa and BLM ensued. Numerous assaults on Trump-supporters were caught on camera by live streamers throughout the afternoon hours on the streets of Washington, D.C.
It is heart-wrenching to watch the attacks. A hardened veteran to Antifa violence, Andy Ngo, has several of these videos posted on his Twitter account. In one such video, a family with several small children is swarmed and harassed by an Antifa/BLM mob. The family is thoroughly in fear and quickly vacates the area. One of the children is heard saying, "Just ignore them." No police were evident.
Within hours, several hundred members of the Proud Boys took to the streets of Washington, D.C. to defend the defenseless. After several altercations, rendering many Antifa/BLM members bloodied, the streets of Washington, D.C. became calm. The Proud Boys chanted, "Whose streets, our streets"; "f--- Antifa"; and "USA! USA!" Enrique Tarrio, president and chairman of the Proud Boys, delivered a speech to his fellow members gathered at the base of the Washington Monument.
We are a country of people who have chosen to live in peace, forged by a violent past of revolution and a civil war. Violence is wicked; very few seek it; an overwhelmingly majority decry and avoid it. The primary function of government is to protect the citizenry from it, and quell any form of it. The unchecked rampage of destruction and violence perpetrated by Antifa/BLM mobs over much of the past six months has irrefutably proven governmental disdain for peace in many areas of our country. Saturday night on the streets of Washington, the vacuum of protection of the people was quickly filled.

what I saw on live streaming Twitter and Instagram was police protecting Antifa after Anitifa attacked someone.
Police were also directing the potential victims into Antifa groups. then did nothing to protect those being attacked. Some days it’s hard to be a LEO supporter...
Although the media and the PMS/DSA Leftists have been portraying "Proud Boys" as Facsist and a terror group, they are not. These are patriots love America and their heritage and are not going to bow down to a bunch of America-haters, grifters and anarchists.
Antifa/BLM violence is being directed at local businesses, the elderly and single individuals. The taxbase and jobs are leaving too. Blue Plantation cities are collapsing. What to do? Keep destroying Democratic assets. That's all they have--a make believe revolution.
If the Left believes they can control Antifa and BLM they are wrong. They've created atheir own Frankenstein.
A rapidly growing number of citizens are now looking forward to Antifa and BLM oozing out of their 'safe spaces.' Time to get it over with. Or get it on?
Democrats and blue city LEO's are the real losers by allowing this chaos.
But, but, but....muh, Racist!!!

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