Anti-Trump Agitator Mike Dunn, Boogaloo Boys, Brag About Inciting Capitol Riot


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Antifa is above all other things anarchist, they believe in no government at all, be it of the left or right, though that is theoretically the end stage of perfect Marxism, in which the state "withers away." Dunn was miscast as a "supremacist" by Richmond Mayor Stoney though BLM denies that he is.


Below: Dunn in center

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Antifa is above all other things anarchist, they believe in no government at all, be it of the left or right, though that is theoretically the end stage of perfect Marxism, in which the state "withers away." Dunn was miscast as a "supremacist" by Richmond Mayor Stoney though BLM denies that he is.

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Below: Dunn in center
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But Chuck and Nanc will see him as a rabid Trump supporter.
I have to laugh about the statement they made:

"It's to revel in the breach of security while mocking the defenses that protect Tyrants...whether that be Trump or others."

So just how long before they start turning those guns on Biden, Harris, and their partners in crime?
Antifa is above all other things anarchist, they believe in no government at all, be it of the left or right, though that is theoretically the end stage of perfect Marxism, in which the state "withers away." Dunn was miscast as a "supremacist" by Richmond Mayor Stoney though BLM denies that he is.

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Below: Dunn in center
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So the left brown shirts are not only causing the attacks-----but also FILMING The events making sure to keep their people out. This means
1) that they are filming for the real person in charge---the money man
2) Makes it abundantly clear that who murdered the cop------since he or there weren't put on film---are certainly the LEFT's BROWN SHIRTS................
So Trump supports were led by ANTIFA, Boogaloo boys, and various lefties. So we are to assume that those Trump supporters were not really Trump supporters. Trump has called these groups out by name and that they are anti American. Imagine proud patriots being played by extreme leftists. The gullibility factor of the rioters has just risen.
So Trump supports were led by ANTIFA, Boogaloo boys, and various lefties. So we are to assume that those Trump supporters were not really Trump supporters. Trump has called these groups out by name and that they are anti American. Imagine proud patriots being played by extreme leftists. The gullibility factor of the rioters has just risen.
It was partly an inside job. I downloaded a brief video of them taking weapons from a panel taken off. I think Pelosi and others planned it to make it look like patriots and Trump supporters but someone got wind of their plans. Anyhow whole thing is a cluster fuck and old Bushites involved heavily and with contracts they are getting funds from the peoples moneys to prevent us from having an actual duly elected president of our own choice. This company just changed their name to checkmate. Just think of all the money Bush an even Obama spent with private military contractors. They do not want to give up that cash cow from the American public and their endless wars.
Antifa is above all other things anarchist, they believe in no government at all, be it of the left or right, though that is theoretically the end stage of perfect Marxism, in which the state "withers away." Dunn was miscast as a "supremacist" by Richmond Mayor Stoney though BLM denies that he is.

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Below: Dunn in center
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But Chuck and Nanc will see him as a rabid Trump supporter.
Nancy's just the flip side of the same corrupt coin.
The BLM/Antifa infiltration should have been obvious to Trump supporters. But the Deep State let the BLM/Antifa in to the Capital Building. Get ready for Patriot Act 2.0 or whatever to persecute law abiding, taxpaying White people.
The BLM/Antifa infiltration should have been obvious to Trump supporters. But the Deep State let the BLM/Antifa in to the Capital Building. Get ready for Patriot Act 2.0 or whatever to persecute law abiding, taxpaying White people.

Hahaha.. it just means all these fringe people are morons.

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