Anti Muslim Hysteria in the School. Parents Prefer Ignorance to Learning


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
Hysteria strikes deep in the heart of New Jersey. Supposedly this is a liberal and enlightened state, but even here, the Anti-Muslim bigotry and propaganda has taken hold, largely due to the frenzy that has been wiped up by ( I refuse to say President) Trump and the complicacy of Fox News.
Islamic indoctrination in Chatham! A Fox News fantasy | Editorial

Selected excerpts:

Most Americans know little to nothing about Islam, polls have found, yet have a negative view of the faith. Most don't know any Muslims personally, and say they aren't interested, or don't know whether they want to learn more about the world's second-largest religion.
This is the challenge facing U.S. educators. And as if that weren't bad enough, among this happily ignorant population are some tin foil hats who actually believe their children are being indoctrinated into Islam, by our public schools. And Fox News is happy to put them on air, completely uncontested.

Two mothers from the New Jersey suburb of Chatham, Libby Hilsenrath and Nancy Gayer, recently went on Tucker Carlson's Fox show to complain that a simple cartoon that teaches about Islam is indoctrinating their 7th graders, in a story feverishly embraced by conservative media.
And what is behind this??

Reasons they are appalled: The cartoon teaches the five pillars of the faith: "The first pillar means to believe in God. And he is the only God. And the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him is his messenger." It ends with a kid accompanying his Muslim friend to watch him pray. And as homework, students had to fill in the blanks about Islamic beliefs: "There is no god but BLANK and BLANK is his messenger."

Other conservative outlets also ran wild with it, falsely claiming that Christianity is banned from being taught in Chatham schools.

The fact is that....

State law requires all major world religions to be taught by the eighth grade, from Christianity to Sikhism, as teaching staff later explained exhaustively at a packed school board meeting.

Children are not being indoctrinated! They are being taught about a religion. People need to have this knowledge in this modern, mobile and diverse world to overcome fear and ignorance.
One parent alleges that her some was not allowed to present information on his Christian beliefs because it was considered proselytizing." At the same time, she considers the instruction on Islam to be proselytizing."

Chatham Parents Question Emphasis on Islam in 7th Grade 'World Cultures and Geography" Class

However, there is no corroborating information to support the claim that Islam is being promoted of Christianity or given favorable treatment, except. But that does not stop the right wing media from making that claim:

The Chatham story has been extensively covered in conservative media like Breitbart, the far-right World Net Daily, and most prominently on Fox News. But it is has received little coverage in the mainstream press. The coverage on conservative outlets includes false allegations like Christianity is banned from being taught, and it often does not include comment from the district officials themselves.

Allegations of Islam Indoctrination in Schools Spread to New Jersey - NJ Spotlight

This has got to stop. The children are being caught up in the web of fear and ignorance, and being used as pawns in the war on Islam. The parents are afraid that they will develop an interest in another religion and -god forbid they want to purse it- it would be the end of the world and that is just as stupid as stupid gets.
Hysteria strikes deep in the heart of New Jersey. Supposedly this is a liberal and enlightened state, but even here, the Anti-Muslim bigotry and propaganda has taken hold, largely due to the frenzy that has been wiped up by ( I refuse to say President) Trump and the complicacy of Fox News.
Islamic indoctrination in Chatham! A Fox News fantasy | Editorial

Selected excerpts:

Most Americans know little to nothing about Islam, polls have found, yet have a negative view of the faith. Most don't know any Muslims personally, and say they aren't interested, or don't know whether they want to learn more about the world's second-largest religion.
This is the challenge facing U.S. educators. And as if that weren't bad enough, among this happily ignorant population are some tin foil hats who actually believe their children are being indoctrinated into Islam, by our public schools. And Fox News is happy to put them on air, completely uncontested.

Two mothers from the New Jersey suburb of Chatham, Libby Hilsenrath and Nancy Gayer, recently went on Tucker Carlson's Fox show to complain that a simple cartoon that teaches about Islam is indoctrinating their 7th graders, in a story feverishly embraced by conservative media.
And what is behind this??

Reasons they are appalled: The cartoon teaches the five pillars of the faith: "The first pillar means to believe in God. And he is the only God. And the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him is his messenger." It ends with a kid accompanying his Muslim friend to watch him pray. And as homework, students had to fill in the blanks about Islamic beliefs: "There is no god but BLANK and BLANK is his messenger."

Other conservative outlets also ran wild with it, falsely claiming that Christianity is banned from being taught in Chatham schools.

The fact is that....

State law requires all major world religions to be taught by the eighth grade, from Christianity to Sikhism, as teaching staff later explained exhaustively at a packed school board meeting.

Children are not being indoctrinated! They are being taught about a religion. People need to have this knowledge in this modern, mobile and diverse world to overcome fear and ignorance.
One parent alleges that her some was not allowed to present information on his Christian beliefs because it was considered proselytizing." At the same time, she considers the instruction on Islam to be proselytizing."

Chatham Parents Question Emphasis on Islam in 7th Grade 'World Cultures and Geography" Class

However, there is no corroborating information to support the claim that Islam is being promoted of Christianity or given favorable treatment, except. But that does not stop the right wing media from making that claim:

The Chatham story has been extensively covered in conservative media like Breitbart, the far-right World Net Daily, and most prominently on Fox News. But it is has received little coverage in the mainstream press. The coverage on conservative outlets includes false allegations like Christianity is banned from being taught, and it often does not include comment from the district officials themselves.

Allegations of Islam Indoctrination in Schools Spread to New Jersey - NJ Spotlight

This has got to stop. The children are being caught up in the web of fear and ignorance, and being used as pawns in the war on Islam. The parents are afraid that they will develop an interest in another religion and -god forbid they want to purse it- it would be the end of the world and that is just as stupid as stupid gets.
Schools should be a place of fact, not fiction, well, except maybe in literature class, which they probably don't even have any more. Too many kids come out of high school not knowing the basics properly (like how to make a budget, cook, count, read...) to be wasting time on voodoo and myths.
We learned about all the major religions of the world when I was in middle school. Some of these parents are clearly overreacting.
New Jersey's probably the most racist state, today.

Every single map on different racist factors puts New Jersey towards the top of racism.

Hate crime map of the USA.


Hate group map of the USA.


Use of the N word by USA state.

Media market racism map of the USA.


Biased scores towards Black faces by USA state.


It just eats Regressive Parasite up when people think for themselves.

Try going to Mecca...

Seriously, just TRY getting there.

Supposing you make it, run around and "enlighten" people about gay rights, women's rights, animal rights and religious tolerance.

We won't be waiting to hear back from you.

Fucking imbecile.

The power structure knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy. They destroyed the economic system and now murder unarmed citizens in the streets. It has reverted back to profiteering from bondage with for profit stocks-traded-on-Wall-Street prisons replete with convict leasing; there's a job for you in the future. First they decided they no longer needed the public for production, now they’ve decided they no longer need you for consumption either, that’s what “global” is for. No population on the planet is more incarcerated or more surveilled.

So the masses are going to have to be kept busy with wars, scandals, fake news, anxiety, hysteria, orchestrated confusion, and multiple lines of sic’ing subgroups of the population on one another. Otherwise they may begin to question how free and governmentally represented they truly are.

It just eats Regressive Parasite up when people think for themselves.

Try going to Mecca...

Seriously, just TRY getting there.

Supposing you make it, run around and "enlighten" people about gay rights, women's rights, animal rights and religious tolerance.

We won't be waiting to hear back from you.

Fucking imbecile.

" .... when people think for themselves."

Might we perchance witness any from you in the foreseeable future?
Supposing you make it, run around and "enlighten" people about gay rights, women's rights, animal rights and religious tolerance.

We won't be waiting to hear back from you.

Fucking imbecile.

It totally makes sense to be very pro-Gay, pro-Women, and pro-Animal rights, but to import a people who are notoriously anti-Gay, anti-Women, and anti-Animal rights.
Supposing you make it, run around and "enlighten" people about gay rights, women's rights, animal rights and religious tolerance.

We won't be waiting to hear back from you.

Fucking imbecile.

It totally makes sense to be very pro-Gay, pro-Women, and pro-Animal rights, but to import a people who are notoriously anti-Gay, anti-Women, and anti-Animal rights.
Not if you bring them into america, we have plenty of folks like that.
Studying all the most important religions is not bad. :)
The problem is when somebody want to "convert" people (I've heard in The Netherlands some students are forced to perform Islamic prayers.... :dunno:)
Supposing you make it, run around and "enlighten" people about gay rights, women's rights, animal rights and religious tolerance.

We won't be waiting to hear back from you.

Fucking imbecile.

It totally makes sense to be very pro-Gay, pro-Women, and pro-Animal rights, but to import a people who are notoriously anti-Gay, anti-Women, and anti-Animal rights.
Not if you bring them into america, we have plenty of folks like that.

What about for notoriously tolerant Sweden, that has a much higher Muslim percentage than the USA?

Besides, to say that America's right wing is comparable to the Arab right wing is completely laughable.

There's simply no contest.
Supposing you make it, run around and "enlighten" people about gay rights, women's rights, animal rights and religious tolerance.

We won't be waiting to hear back from you.

Fucking imbecile.

It totally makes sense to be very pro-Gay, pro-Women, and pro-Animal rights, but to import a people who are notoriously anti-Gay, anti-Women, and anti-Animal rights.
Not if you bring them into america, we have plenty of folks like that.

What about for notoriously tolerant Sweden, that has a much higher Muslim percentage than the USA?

Besides, to say that America's right wing is comparable to the Arab right wing is completely laughable.

There's simply no contest.
Well of course, we're exceptional and our God is better than their God.
It totally makes sense to be very pro-Gay, pro-Women, and pro-Animal rights, but to import a people who are notoriously anti-Gay, anti-Women, and anti-Animal rights.

I would say I'm neutral on "gay rights" in that I don't care what adults do in private. I think the marriage thing is silly, but I really don't care about it.

The militant feminazi idea of "women's rights" is actually leftist female domination. They don't give a shit about women who fill traditional roles in the family.

Animal cruelty is rampant in the mooselimb world, and is an indication of pathological traits. Animals have recipies, not "rights".

Only an utter lunatic would be happy about people who oppose either of our perspectives coming into the country, and Regressive Parasite is just such a lunatic.

It wouldn't be as pathetic if those morons didn't run around this country denouncing every religion but that cult of slavery, death and conquest while insisting they're defending the interests of gays, women and animals because of the intolerance of people he's programmed to hate.

Might we perchance witness any from you in the foreseeable future?

As if you recognize it when you see it?

Here's a hint bed wetter....

When someone makes a statement and your instincts tell you to ignore all the facts and parrot some bullshit you read in the NYTimes, that's when someone is thinking for themselves.

You might try it sometime, but because you lack a frontal lobe it will only subject you to further ridicule.

Hysteria strikes deep in the heart of New Jersey. Supposedly this is a liberal and enlightened state, but even here, the Anti-Muslim bigotry and propaganda has taken hold, largely due to the frenzy that has been wiped up by ( I refuse to say President) Trump and the complicacy of Fox News.
Islamic indoctrination in Chatham! A Fox News fantasy | Editorial

Selected excerpts:

Most Americans know little to nothing about Islam, polls have found, yet have a negative view of the faith. Most don't know any Muslims personally, and say they aren't interested, or don't know whether they want to learn more about the world's second-largest religion.
This is the challenge facing U.S. educators. And as if that weren't bad enough, among this happily ignorant population are some tin foil hats who actually believe their children are being indoctrinated into Islam, by our public schools. And Fox News is happy to put them on air, completely uncontested.

Two mothers from the New Jersey suburb of Chatham, Libby Hilsenrath and Nancy Gayer, recently went on Tucker Carlson's Fox show to complain that a simple cartoon that teaches about Islam is indoctrinating their 7th graders, in a story feverishly embraced by conservative media.
And what is behind this??

Reasons they are appalled: The cartoon teaches the five pillars of the faith: "The first pillar means to believe in God. And he is the only God. And the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him is his messenger." It ends with a kid accompanying his Muslim friend to watch him pray. And as homework, students had to fill in the blanks about Islamic beliefs: "There is no god but BLANK and BLANK is his messenger."

Other conservative outlets also ran wild with it, falsely claiming that Christianity is banned from being taught in Chatham schools.

The fact is that....

State law requires all major world religions to be taught by the eighth grade, from Christianity to Sikhism, as teaching staff later explained exhaustively at a packed school board meeting.

Children are not being indoctrinated! They are being taught about a religion. People need to have this knowledge in this modern, mobile and diverse world to overcome fear and ignorance.
One parent alleges that her some was not allowed to present information on his Christian beliefs because it was considered proselytizing." At the same time, she considers the instruction on Islam to be proselytizing."

Chatham Parents Question Emphasis on Islam in 7th Grade 'World Cultures and Geography" Class

However, there is no corroborating information to support the claim that Islam is being promoted of Christianity or given favorable treatment, except. But that does not stop the right wing media from making that claim:

The Chatham story has been extensively covered in conservative media like Breitbart, the far-right World Net Daily, and most prominently on Fox News. But it is has received little coverage in the mainstream press. The coverage on conservative outlets includes false allegations like Christianity is banned from being taught, and it often does not include comment from the district officials themselves.

Allegations of Islam Indoctrination in Schools Spread to New Jersey - NJ Spotlight

This has got to stop. The children are being caught up in the web of fear and ignorance, and being used as pawns in the war on Islam. The parents are afraid that they will develop an interest in another religion and -god forbid they want to purse it- it would be the end of the world and that is just as stupid as stupid gets.
Schools should be a place of fact, not fiction, well, except maybe in literature class, which they probably don't even have any more. Too many kids come out of high school not knowing the basics properly (like how to make a budget, cook, count, read...) to be wasting time on voodoo and myths.
People believe different things and THAT is a FACT that children should understand and appreciate. They are not teaching them that these myths are real but only that people believe them. It is teaching about culture which religion is a part of. The alternative is ignorance and ignorance breeds fear. Would you rather that children learn about Islam from World Net Daily or from impartial educators? What id one of these kids had a chance to become an ambassador to a Muslim majority country? They would need to understand the culture and religion that they are going into.
Hysteria strikes deep in the heart of New Jersey. Supposedly this is a liberal and enlightened state, but even here, the Anti-Muslim bigotry and propaganda has taken hold, largely due to the frenzy that has been wiped up by ( I refuse to say President) Trump and the complicacy of Fox News.
Islamic indoctrination in Chatham! A Fox News fantasy | Editorial

Selected excerpts:

Most Americans know little to nothing about Islam, polls have found, yet have a negative view of the faith. Most don't know any Muslims personally, and say they aren't interested, or don't know whether they want to learn more about the world's second-largest religion.
This is the challenge facing U.S. educators. And as if that weren't bad enough, among this happily ignorant population are some tin foil hats who actually believe their children are being indoctrinated into Islam, by our public schools. And Fox News is happy to put them on air, completely uncontested.

Two mothers from the New Jersey suburb of Chatham, Libby Hilsenrath and Nancy Gayer, recently went on Tucker Carlson's Fox show to complain that a simple cartoon that teaches about Islam is indoctrinating their 7th graders, in a story feverishly embraced by conservative media.
And what is behind this??

Reasons they are appalled: The cartoon teaches the five pillars of the faith: "The first pillar means to believe in God. And he is the only God. And the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him is his messenger." It ends with a kid accompanying his Muslim friend to watch him pray. And as homework, students had to fill in the blanks about Islamic beliefs: "There is no god but BLANK and BLANK is his messenger."

Other conservative outlets also ran wild with it, falsely claiming that Christianity is banned from being taught in Chatham schools.

The fact is that....

State law requires all major world religions to be taught by the eighth grade, from Christianity to Sikhism, as teaching staff later explained exhaustively at a packed school board meeting.

Children are not being indoctrinated! They are being taught about a religion. People need to have this knowledge in this modern, mobile and diverse world to overcome fear and ignorance.
One parent alleges that her some was not allowed to present information on his Christian beliefs because it was considered proselytizing." At the same time, she considers the instruction on Islam to be proselytizing."

Chatham Parents Question Emphasis on Islam in 7th Grade 'World Cultures and Geography" Class

However, there is no corroborating information to support the claim that Islam is being promoted of Christianity or given favorable treatment, except. But that does not stop the right wing media from making that claim:

The Chatham story has been extensively covered in conservative media like Breitbart, the far-right World Net Daily, and most prominently on Fox News. But it is has received little coverage in the mainstream press. The coverage on conservative outlets includes false allegations like Christianity is banned from being taught, and it often does not include comment from the district officials themselves.

Allegations of Islam Indoctrination in Schools Spread to New Jersey - NJ Spotlight

This has got to stop. The children are being caught up in the web of fear and ignorance, and being used as pawns in the war on Islam. The parents are afraid that they will develop an interest in another religion and -god forbid they want to purse it- it would be the end of the world and that is just as stupid as stupid gets.
Schools should be a place of fact, not fiction, well, except maybe in literature class, which they probably don't even have any more. Too many kids come out of high school not knowing the basics properly (like how to make a budget, cook, count, read...) to be wasting time on voodoo and myths.
People believe different things and THAT is a FACT that children should understand and appreciate. They are not teaching them that these myths are real but only that people believe them. It is teaching about culture which religion is a part of. The alternative is ignorance and ignorance breeds fear. Would you rather that children learn about Islam from World Net Daily or from impartial educators? What id one of these kids had a chance to become an ambassador to a Muslim majority country? They would need to understand the culture and religion that they are going into.
Who cares what people believe. Should we have classes on Santa Claus and the Tooth fairy as well? Anyways, if they should be taught anything about Islam, it's that they treat their women in a barbaric fashion, and that they want to take over our country, just ask a few Muslims if they would prefer to live under sharia. Because if they say no, they aren't even a real Muslim anyways. IF our kids got all the basics down, and had proper phys. ed., and had time left over, maybe then they could explore other cultures in the world. As in, which countries are not safe to go to and why.
Hysteria strikes deep in the heart of New Jersey. Supposedly this is a liberal and enlightened state, but even here, the Anti-Muslim bigotry and propaganda has taken hold, largely due to the frenzy that has been wiped up by ( I refuse to say President) Trump and the complicacy of Fox News.
Islamic indoctrination in Chatham! A Fox News fantasy | Editorial

Selected excerpts:

Most Americans know little to nothing about Islam, polls have found, yet have a negative view of the faith. Most don't know any Muslims personally, and say they aren't interested, or don't know whether they want to learn more about the world's second-largest religion.
This is the challenge facing U.S. educators. And as if that weren't bad enough, among this happily ignorant population are some tin foil hats who actually believe their children are being indoctrinated into Islam, by our public schools. And Fox News is happy to put them on air, completely uncontested.

Two mothers from the New Jersey suburb of Chatham, Libby Hilsenrath and Nancy Gayer, recently went on Tucker Carlson's Fox show to complain that a simple cartoon that teaches about Islam is indoctrinating their 7th graders, in a story feverishly embraced by conservative media.
And what is behind this??

Reasons they are appalled: The cartoon teaches the five pillars of the faith: "The first pillar means to believe in God. And he is the only God. And the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him is his messenger." It ends with a kid accompanying his Muslim friend to watch him pray. And as homework, students had to fill in the blanks about Islamic beliefs: "There is no god but BLANK and BLANK is his messenger."

Other conservative outlets also ran wild with it, falsely claiming that Christianity is banned from being taught in Chatham schools.

The fact is that....

State law requires all major world religions to be taught by the eighth grade, from Christianity to Sikhism, as teaching staff later explained exhaustively at a packed school board meeting.

Children are not being indoctrinated! They are being taught about a religion. People need to have this knowledge in this modern, mobile and diverse world to overcome fear and ignorance.
One parent alleges that her some was not allowed to present information on his Christian beliefs because it was considered proselytizing." At the same time, she considers the instruction on Islam to be proselytizing."

Chatham Parents Question Emphasis on Islam in 7th Grade 'World Cultures and Geography" Class

However, there is no corroborating information to support the claim that Islam is being promoted of Christianity or given favorable treatment, except. But that does not stop the right wing media from making that claim:

The Chatham story has been extensively covered in conservative media like Breitbart, the far-right World Net Daily, and most prominently on Fox News. But it is has received little coverage in the mainstream press. The coverage on conservative outlets includes false allegations like Christianity is banned from being taught, and it often does not include comment from the district officials themselves.

Allegations of Islam Indoctrination in Schools Spread to New Jersey - NJ Spotlight

This has got to stop. The children are being caught up in the web of fear and ignorance, and being used as pawns in the war on Islam. The parents are afraid that they will develop an interest in another religion and -god forbid they want to purse it- it would be the end of the world and that is just as stupid as stupid gets.
Schools should be a place of fact, not fiction, well, except maybe in literature class, which they probably don't even have any more. Too many kids come out of high school not knowing the basics properly (like how to make a budget, cook, count, read...) to be wasting time on voodoo and myths.
People believe different things and THAT is a FACT that children should understand and appreciate. They are not teaching them that these myths are real but only that people believe them. It is teaching about culture which religion is a part of. The alternative is ignorance and ignorance breeds fear. Would you rather that children learn about Islam from World Net Daily or from impartial educators? What id one of these kids had a chance to become an ambassador to a Muslim majority country? They would need to understand the culture and religion that they are going into.
Who cares what people believe. Should we have classes on Santa Claus and the Tooth fairy as well? Anyways, if they should be taught anything about Islam, it's that they treat their women in a barbaric fashion, and that they want to take over our country, just ask a few Muslims if they would prefer to live under sharia. Because if they say no, they aren't even a real Muslim anyways. IF our kids got all the basics down, and had proper phys. ed., and had time left over, maybe then they could explore other cultures in the world. As in, which countries are not safe to go to and why.
Well, I crafted a well thought out and reasonable response to your last post. I refrained from directly calling you out on the clear shallowness of your inane viewpoint. You in turn make it clear that you prefer to wallow in ignorance and worse, want the children to remain ignorant, fearful, and hateful of others who are different. You are clearly beyond the reach of logic and reason. I almost feel sorry for people like you. I would just ignore you and go on my way if it were not for the fear that you might be responsible in some way for the education and development of young people, and the knowledge that your ilk make the world a more dangerous and hostile place for humanity

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