Anti-Gunners, Gunning For Mall Shooting Hero.

But such outcomes are unusual. Only two out of 61 such attacks last year ended when armed bystanders engaged the active shooter, according to an FBI report in May.

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Which only means we need more armed people. Forget about mass shootings. Anti-gun Chicago has more people killed with firearms on one weekend than most mass shootings.
Now comes the backlash against this young hero. Enraged anti-gunners furious that this young man isn’t being charged for possessing a gun, in a gun-free zone; and recoil from the notion that this man be deemed a “Good Samaritan”.

Yes folks. These fuckers want more dead innocents. As many as it takes to get to your guns. Anything, or anyone that gets in the way, is the enemy.

How can you be surprised by this? The people on the left are Satan's disciples. When have they ever sided with the good over evil? In fact in most matters, they promote evil.
I think it's true that the gun grabbers want to see a higher body count, as well as the school shootings becoming more regular.

Politics has become 'I told you so' now.
Let's hope more good guys with guns step up and we see less Velverde cops standing around outside an active shooter classroom for 45 minutes as they heard POP one after the other and stayed put rather than rush that murderer.
Which only means we need more armed people. Forget about mass shootings. Anti-gun Chicago has more people killed with firearms on one weekend than most mass shootings.
I'm all for more good people getting CCW permits. And if they ever pass a law that you can conceal carry without having to take the classes, I'll be strapped up too.
Does the sign in your state have the force of law?

It doesn't in many states like here in Florida.

Yes they do, but I have no idea what the penalty is, perhaps lose your CCW for a few months or something like that. It may have changed since we went constitutional carry a few months ago, but I never looked into it.
I'm all for more good people getting CCW permits. And if they ever pass a law that you can conceal carry without having to take the classes, I'll be strapped up too.

No likely in your state, but we are a Republican state so that's what they changed it to over here. I don't care for it, but willing to give it a chance to see if it creates any problems.
Yes they do, but I have no idea what the penalty is, perhaps lose your CCW for a few months or something like that. It may have changed since we went constitutional carry a few months ago, but I never looked into it.
I thought the new law or Supreme Court decision meant I could carry without having to take the class. It doesn't. In the past, people had to show they had a reason to conceal carry. My friends when we were younger got CCW's because they owned business and carried around cash.

So me as a normal citizen would be denied a CCW because I had no reason to have one. The Supreme's said I don't have to have a reason.

The penalty for breaking the rules is never lose your CCW for a few months. It's usually for life.
No likely in your state, but we are a Republican state so that's what they changed it to over here. I don't care for it, but willing to give it a chance to see if it creates any problems.
You'd be surprised. My State House, Senate and bet you our Supreme Court are all Republican controlled. Maybe even Veto power.

I know Republicans limited the governors power when they found out a Democrat was going to win.

314 mass shootings in the US as of July 5th.
I think it's somewhere around 330 to date. 2aguy stopped counting at 6.
Some demos did too!
Why do you believe shooting someone is self-defense is "vigilante justice"?
People who skillfully know how to operate a gun with sanity and sobriety are Very Valuable
If it`s gun free what weapon will the mass murderer be using? You`re commenting on the mental capacity of others. :laugh:
I'm glad another real bright proggy like you agrees that gun free zones are a total joke.

Now turn around & tell your boyfriend about your epiphany of common sense

314 mass shootings in the US as of July 5th.
I think it's somewhere around 330 to date. 2aguy stopped counting at 6.
Some demos did too!

You'd be surprised. My State House, Senate and bet you our Supreme Court are all Republican controlled. Maybe even Veto power.

I know Republicans limited the governors power when they found out a Democrat was going to win.

No need to. I can't remember the last time we had a real Republican Governor. All the Governors I can remember were all RINOs like the guy we have now. But, the legislature is pretty hard right here, thus one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country and now concealed carry and the new Stand Your Ground law.
No need to. I can't remember the last time we had a real Republican Governor. All the Governors I can remember were all RINOs like the guy we have now. But, the legislature is pretty hard right here, thus one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country and now concealed carry and the new Stand Your Ground law.
Yes - our state legislature rocks.
Hopefully Keith Faber runs for governor.
I thought the new law or Supreme Court decision meant I could carry without having to take the class. It doesn't. In the past, people had to show they had a reason to conceal carry. My friends when we were younger got CCW's because they owned business and carried around cash.

So me as a normal citizen would be denied a CCW because I had no reason to have one. The Supreme's said I don't have to have a reason.

The penalty for breaking the rules is never lose your CCW for a few months. It's usually for life.

The state can still refuse you a license but it has to be for a legitimate reason like a past felony, a threat to somebody, or things like that. But they placed no restrictions on what guidelines the had to follow. They could make CCW's cost you $800.00 for instance, or require two weeks training or being able to hit a target 30 feet away with a handgun without any misses. Just stupid shit like that.

I don't think the courts went far enough as to what they can be restricted from doing.
The state can still refuse you a license but it has to be for a legitimate reason like a past felony, a threat to somebody, or things like that. But they placed no restrictions on what guidelines the had to follow. They could make CCW's cost you $800.00 for instance, or require two weeks training or being able to hit a target 30 feet away with a handgun without any misses. Just stupid shit like that.
At some point, the court will need to address this.
Yes - our state legislature rocks.
Hopefully Keith Faber runs for governor.

Yes and no. I agree with most of what they did but there are some things I disagree with such as constitutional carry. There was a shooting near my home Sunday night. It sounds like a drug deal of some sort and a 7 year old boy got one in the back. In any case I'm going through my DVR to see if any of my cameras caught something. I don't know which way the cars were going when the shooting took place, but if it was coming towards one of my cameras, I wouldn't be able to give police a plate since they took away the law you need a plate on back and front of a car. If they just kept things the way they were, I'd be able to see the plate if the car was driving towards the camera. Now I only hope it was driving away from it.

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