Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

The same folks who preach about empathy supported an "art show" which depicted Christ upside down in a vat of urine and the Virgin Mary smeared with animal dung. The same folks who preach about empathy fought for the "right" to use the Stars and Stripes as toilet paper. Before y'all start preaching about empathy you need to clean your own house. Where the hell is Indio anyway?
How about we leave it to the reader to decide who the idiot is...M'kay?
On a site filled with morons like you who live in their own make-believe worlds ah, no.
It's evangelical/militia/redneck lah lah land. "A.K.A" The bubble.

All you need is isolation in some red state, and cable.

"All you need is isolation in some red state, and cable."

Why do you suppose the Left-wing supporting media reversed the designations for red state-blue state from their traditional meanings????

Carefull.. ....if this is the first time you've tried to think you could wind up with an aneurysm!

BTW....for your edification, no one does more wide-ranging research, or is better read than I.

True story.
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Easily fixed eh?

The district fears the homosexual lobby, What we have seen is that this is a national lobby which is vicious and backed by the filthy democratic party.

I wonder how long until the parents start recall action on the BOE. It's a community of prison guards, doubt they like having the Obama gay agenda forced on their children.
The same folks who preach about empathy supported an "art show" which depicted Christ upside down in a vat of urine and the Virgin Mary smeared with animal dung. The same folks who preach about empathy fought for the "right" to use the Stars and Stripes as toilet paper. Before y'all start preaching about empathy you need to clean your own house. Where the hell is Indio anyway?

There is an old but true axiom, that, if one need know what the Left is doing, watch what they blame the Right for.
Easily fixed eh?

The district fears the homosexual lobby, What we have seen is that this is a national lobby which is vicious and backed by the filthy democratic party.

I wonder how long until the parents start recall action on the BOE. It's a community of prison guards, doubt they like having the Obama gay agenda forced on their children.
You really do live in a world all of your own...
The same folks who preach about empathy supported an "art show" which depicted Christ upside down in a vat of urine and the Virgin Mary smeared with animal dung. The same folks who preach about empathy fought for the "right" to use the Stars and Stripes as toilet paper. Before y'all start preaching about empathy you need to clean your own house. Where the hell is Indio anyway?

Indio is in Riverside County, California. It's East of Coachella, in the deep desert. It's economy is based on the Coachella State Prison.
You really do live in a world all of your own...

I live in Orange County, CA. I know all about Indio. Just head East on the 10 until you almost reach the Arizona border.

What distresses you of the left is that local school boards are elected by the people in the district, rather than appointed by Washington DC as you would prefer.
You really do live in a world all of your own...

I live in Orange County, CA. I know all about Indio. Just head East on the 10 until you almost reach the Arizona border.

What distresses you of the left is that local school boards are elected by the people in the district, rather than appointed by Washington DC as you would prefer.
Nope. And learn what In Loco Parentis means...

There's that make-believe world of yours again.

LOL; and you slandered that I didn't know what in loco parentis means... :eusa_whistle:

Are you not advocating for the school to assume parenting responsibility, sploogy?

Again, what you cannot come to grips with is that the actual parents are the ones who elect, and can recall, the school board.

There's that make-believe world of yours again.

LOL; and you slandered that I didn't know what in loco parentis means... :eusa_whistle:

Are you not advocating for the school to assume parenting responsibility, sploogy?

Again, what you cannot come to grips with is that the actual parents are the ones who elect, and can recall, the school board.
Now you're just going on about nonsense. My position is clear, no stickers. That's it, the rest is your fantasy that all liberals are evil fascists, even in the total lack of evidence.
There are close to 70 members according to a granddaughter that defected but yes, most of them are family.

They make their money by suing the government and making their family tithe a shit ton of money to the church.
The reviled Westboro Baptist Church makes a ton of money by suing communities that don't let them protest

You desperately want The WBC to be labeled as liberal b/c it is convenient to your narrative. They are universally despised by both sides of the political spectrum. That clan of buffoons doesn't represent anyone but themselves.

I don't "want" anything. I am pointing out that Fred Phelps was an ACLU lawyer, a delegate for Al Gore for President, ran for congress twice as a democrat, ran for governor of Kansas three times as a democrat, and remained in the left inner circle to his death.

Facts are what I point out. I'm sure you believe Archie Bunker was a real, live conservative, and the KKK was started by Republicans as well.
You lie when you say I don't defend Free Speech. My kind invented it.

Your kind, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, et al. invented death camps.

Your kind crushes free speech in every case where you gain power. You attack free speech, you don't defend it.
You're just lying to yourself again.

Even in this thread I defend free speech.
There are close to 70 members according to a granddaughter that defected but yes, most of them are family.

They make their money by suing the government and making their family tithe a shit ton of money to the church.
The reviled Westboro Baptist Church makes a ton of money by suing communities that don't let them protest

You desperately want The WBC to be labeled as liberal b/c it is convenient to your narrative. They are universally despised by both sides of the political spectrum. That clan of buffoons doesn't represent anyone but themselves.

I don't "want" anything. I am pointing out that Fred Phelps was an ACLU lawyer, a delegate for Al Gore for President, ran for congress twice as a democrat, ran for governor of Kansas three times as a democrat, and remained in the left inner circle to his death.

Facts are what I point out. I'm sure you believe Archie Bunker was a real, live conservative, and the KKK was started by Republicans as well.

Oh, I see. You're one of those silly people that believe running a Democrat makes one a liberal. Does one running as Republican make one a conservative? Hardly. The WCB are whacked out social conservatives whom make their money suing the state b/c liberals and conservatives in the government tried to make their protests illegal. You are so desperate to lay these ghouls at the feet of the left b/c that is your narrative.
Oh, I see. You're one of those silly people that believe running a Democrat makes one a liberal. Does one running as Republican make one a conservative? Hardly. The WCB are whacked out social conservatives whom make their money suing the state b/c liberals and conservatives in the government tried to make their protests illegal. You are so desperate to lay these ghouls at the feet of the left b/c that is your narrative.

The left in America is founded on demagoguery. From claiming that Reagan was "throwing old people into the streets" and forcing them to eat dog food, to claims that Dubya was ripping babies from mothers arms to deport illegals, democrats spew the most vile slander and libel against those whom they hate - it is the very foundation of the left.

democrats hate white people and Christians (if you counter that they don't, you're not rational and there is no point dealing with you.) All through the 80's the party made vile and absurd claims of what the awful Christians were doing. The only problem was, no one could ever find these hateful Christians. I mean, screaming Howie Dean could spew steaming piles of hate at Jerry Falwell, but could never produce anything from him that backed up the bullshit. Same with Pat Roberstson and the others. You may not like them, but no calls to kill homosexuals or anything like that.

democrats had the hate, but the damned Christians just wouldn't play along and say or do anything to support the little Goebbels of the DNC.

That's where party thug Phelps comes in. This is an ACLU alumni - radical left. After his failure to win office (he came close!) and his failure to get Gore elected, (pre-VP) he suddenly starts a "church" that just so happens to illustrate EVERY prejudice that the leftists had been claiming for years.

What an amazing coinkydink...

Phelps was a ringer, it was all he was.

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