Anti-anti-Semitism in Europe!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The Left, of course, hates the democracy in the Middle East, Israel....and, daily, there seem to be articles suggesting that Europe fumes with anti-Semitism, as well.

But, wait......

1. "Over five centuries after the wicked monarchs cruelly expelled the country's Jews in 1492, Spain now finds itself clamoring for their return...

2. ...the government in Madrid approved a draft bill on February 7 offering citizenship to descendants of Sephardi Jews while also easing residency and other requirements

3. ....neighboring Portugal, which forcibly converted and expelled its Jews in 1497, announced that it too is preparing a draft bill along the same lines. economic rationale also lies behind the new law on citizenship.....forging anew a link with potentially millions of people of Sephardi ancestry, and the possible windfall that might ensue as a result of increased investment and tourism, was surely not lost on the decision-makers...

5. ....what makes this development so decidedly ironic: the Expulsion happened in part because Spain wanted the Jews' assets, and now they are welcoming Jews back for the same reason.

6. Coming at a time of rising anti-Semitism across Europe, it is refreshing to see European states making an effort to welcome Jews so openly.

7. It behooves Israel to take notice of this and to consider making its own historic gestures, particularly to the Bnei Anusim, the descendants of Spanish and Portuguese Jews who were compelled to convert to Catholicism in the 14th and 15th centuries.

8. ....many of the Bnei Anusim continued to practice Judaism covertly despite the Inquisition,...descendants can be found in every corner of the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking world, and their numbers are estimated to be in the millions.

9. ....we have seen a huge increase in recent years in the number of Bnei Anusim looking to reaffirm or reclaim their Jewish identity, in places as far afield as northern Portugal, Chile, El Salvador, Sicily and Colombia.

10. .... it is time for the State of Israel to "ease the way for their return."
As Anti-Semitism Waxes Throughout Europe, Spain Makes Historic Move - The New York Sun

First Russian immigration to Israel..... Spanish and Portuguese?

In full disclosure: I love Tapas.
“Demonizing Jews while embracing their murderers—keeps European anti-Semitism thriving.”
March 21, 2017

Joseph Puder


(islamic beasts...)

The latest appeal letter by the World Jewish Congress (WJC), written by its President, Ambassador Ronald S. Lauder, headlined “Is it Time for Jews to Leave Europe?” Lauder cited recent violent attacks against Jews. Current polls indicate moreover, that a majority of European Jews do not feel comfortable wearing clothing or jewelry that identifies them as Jews. Lauder added, “Make no mistake…the safety and security of European Jewry is in Jeopardy.”

The Manchester Evening News reported on September 8, 2015 that, “Moshe Fuerst, 17, from Prestwich was brutally assaulted and suffered a fractured skull at Bowker Vale Metrolink station (in Manchester, England). He was one of four Orthodox Jewish boys beaten up by a gang of three youths.” In another case of an anti-Semitic hate crime occurring in August, 2015 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, two elderly Jewish Holocaust survivors were brutally attacked by two thugs. The attackers called Shmuel and Diane Blog, 87 and 86, respectively, “Dirty Jews.” The beating left them wheelchair-bound, and cost Shmuel his sight. The Dutch foreign minister issued a statement before his meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in which he expressed concern about the rising wave of anti-Semitism in Europe.


Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, former Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom, in a speech before the European Parliament in Brussels (9/27/2016) explained that “Anti-Semitism is not about Jews. It is about anti-Semites. It is about people who cannot accept responsibility for their own failures and have instead to blame someone else.”

Quoting figures from the European Union (EU) Agency for Fundamental Rights, according to Rabbi Sacks, almost a third of Europe’s Jews were considering emigrating because of anti-Semitism. In France the figure was 46 percent; in Hungary 48 percent. Crime was a major problem for Jews in Europe. In France, 83 percent cited it as a problem; 82 percent in Belgium; 77% in Hungary; and 59% in the United Kingdom (UK). The average EU response was 62 percent.


A recent visit to Sweden by this reporter put things into perspective. A synagogue in Stockholm, boarded up to give the appearance of an ordinary house, where one must call in advance and provide a name in order to enter for security reasons, reflects the fear the local Jews feel. Young Jewish Swedes affirmed to this writer that there is no place for them in Sweden or Europe. Another, a veteran of the Swedish army said he planned to move to Israel or the U.S. It is apparent that in Europe hatred of Jews has never gone away.

Anti-Semitism in Europe: The Hate that Never Goes Away
A glimmer of hope in the darkness.
June 19, 2017

Joseph Puder

The recent terrorist attacks in Europe by Muslim jihadists using car (truck) ramming’s and knifings to kill innocent civilian bystanders may have jolted some European governments to recognize that Israel is indeed “the canary in the coal mine.” The car ramming’s and knifings first occurred in Israel with Palestinian jihadists using this method to kill Israelis. It has been emulated by Jihadists in France, Germany, and Britain. It was however, the regime of Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah and Hamas in Gaza who have used their mosques, media, and educational systems to spread incitement and hate of non-Muslims, particularly Israelis and Jews, in what amounts to blatant anti-Semitism.

Some European governments have finally awakened to the reality that their charities, particularly those funding Palestinian NGO’s, are in essence supporting incitement to hate and anti-Semitism. The Swiss parliament decided to change the country’s policy with regards to funding Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) that are involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The new policy would bar funding of organizations that participate in incitement and spreading of hate propaganda, racism and anti-Semitism. The measure was introduced by Christian Imark, a National Council deputy from the conservative Swiss People’s Party. It passed 111 - 78.


The governments of Switzerland, Denmark and Norway have finally recognized that they have been duped by numerous Palestinian NGO’s. These NGO’s have shown that behind their innocuous names and advertising façades lurks hateful missions to do harm to Israel and Jewish people. NGO’s like Miftah have engaged in vicious anti-Semitic incitement that ends up in violence and death. The actions of the above mentioned European governments is a welcomed sign that they are waking up to the evil of Islamic jihadism, be it against Europe or Israel.

Some European Countries Take Firmer Stance Against Anti-Israel NGOs
Hatred of Jews is systemic in European society. Massacres of Jews in Europe are as old as Europe itself. The extremes of the Holocaust caused Europeans to briefly keep their open antisemitism suppressed for a few decades, but they've never been fans of the Jews. The open antisemitism of the newly arrived immigrants and leftist is greeted with a silent smile and passive consent.

While the Nazis were instrumental in the extermination of Jews during the Holocaust, the rest of Europeans gleefully helped them along. The French (even in non-German occupied France) were more than happily to ship their Jews to the Nazis. The Italians, the Poles, and even the enemies of the Nazis (the Russians) were eager to assist or take the initiative to execute Jews in their respective territories. Months before the Germans finalised their plans for 'The Final Solution' at the Wannsee Conference, Ukrainian nationals, under the direction of German forces, slaughtered 35,000 Ukrainian Jews.

A cannibal can wipe off his chin, have a burp and call himself a vegan ... but he's eventually going to miss his taste for human flesh.
While the Nazis were instrumental in the extermination of Jews during the Holocaust, the rest of Europeans gleefully helped them along. The French (even in non-German occupied France) were more than happily to ship their Jews to the Nazis. The Italians, the Poles, and even the enemies of the Nazis (the Russians) were eager to assist or take the initiative to execute Jews in their respective territories. Months before the Germans finalised their plans for 'The Final Solution' at the Wannsee Conference, Ukrainian nationals, under the direction of German forces, slaughtered 35,000 Ukrainian Jews.

A cannibal can wipe off his chin, have a burp and call himself a vegan ... but he's eventually going to miss his taste for human flesh.

So, Poles weren't enemies of the Nazis, and Poles gleefully rounded up the Jews?
Oh really?
Even though Poland had the biggest anti-Nazi resistance in occupied Europe of Armia Krajowa, and had the largest number of Righteous Among the Nations save Holocaust Jews?

Russians liberated the camps, and lost up to nearly 30 million for it, no respect.

It's no wonder why many Europeans don't like Jews.
August 11, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

When Merkel decided to import huge numbers of Muslim migrants, she also brought in a huge population of Nazi sympathizers. The media is largely unable and unwilling to discuss that. This Washington Post story is the closest it comes to it. It mentions the problem of Muslim anti-Semitism while trying to minimize it. And it follows this absurd farce of attempting to educate Muslims about the Holocaust.

It never mentions that Muslims are already perfectly educated about the Holocaust as they participated in it. Instead there's the conventional approach of pretending that they're new to the subject.


This is the sort of thing the Post considers "ambivalent."


One might call them... Nazis. Or Islamofascists.


Importing Muslim migrants, imports anti-Semitism, and creates Jewish refugees. Just look at France.

Muslim Refugees Visit Concentration Camp, Cheer Hitler
Not before time

"Aug 5, 2017 – A new organisation, Jewish Voice for Labour, today announced its foundation as a network for progressive Labour Jews united in opposing all forms of racism.

“Our mission is to contribute to making the Labour Party an open, democratic and inclusive party, encouraging all ethnic groups and cultures to join and participate freely,” the group said in its founding statement.

“We stand for rights and justice for Jewish people everywhere, and against wrongs and injustice to Palestinians and other oppressed people anywhere.” Unlike the (Labour-affiliated) Jewish Labour Movement, JVL does not make promoting the centrality of Israel to Jewish life a condition of membership. Also unlike the JLM, full members of the JVL must be Labour Party members who identify themselves as Jewish."

Media Statement – for immediate release – Jewish Voice for Labour
Those countries trying to get Jews are just putting nails into their own coffins. Jews exist to exploit gentiles, not to work together. This is what their Talmud teaches and this is what they practice. This is why they were pushed out of those countries in the first place.

Ignorant Judas-loving sh1tbrained goy, who lick the boots of those Jews who hate them, don't know anything about Jews. Bnei Anusim aren't Jews. They can go to Hell, as far as Israel is concerned.
The Left, of course, hates the democracy in the Middle East, Israel....and, daily, there seem to be articles suggesting that Europe fumes with anti-Semitism, as well.

But, wait......

1. "Over five centuries after the wicked monarchs cruelly expelled the country's Jews in 1492, Spain now finds itself clamoring for their return...

2. ...the government in Madrid approved a draft bill on February 7 offering citizenship to descendants of Sephardi Jews while also easing residency and other requirements

3. ....neighboring Portugal, which forcibly converted and expelled its Jews in 1497, announced that it too is preparing a draft bill along the same lines. economic rationale also lies behind the new law on citizenship.....forging anew a link with potentially millions of people of Sephardi ancestry, and the possible windfall that might ensue as a result of increased investment and tourism, was surely not lost on the decision-makers...

5. ....what makes this development so decidedly ironic: the Expulsion happened in part because Spain wanted the Jews' assets, and now they are welcoming Jews back for the same reason.

6. Coming at a time of rising anti-Semitism across Europe, it is refreshing to see European states making an effort to welcome Jews so openly.

7. It behooves Israel to take notice of this and to consider making its own historic gestures, particularly to the Bnei Anusim, the descendants of Spanish and Portuguese Jews who were compelled to convert to Catholicism in the 14th and 15th centuries.

8. ....many of the Bnei Anusim continued to practice Judaism covertly despite the Inquisition,...descendants can be found in every corner of the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking world, and their numbers are estimated to be in the millions.

9. ....we have seen a huge increase in recent years in the number of Bnei Anusim looking to reaffirm or reclaim their Jewish identity, in places as far afield as northern Portugal, Chile, El Salvador, Sicily and Colombia.

10. .... it is time for the State of Israel to "ease the way for their return."
As Anti-Semitism Waxes Throughout Europe, Spain Makes Historic Move - The New York Sun

First Russian immigration to Israel..... Spanish and Portuguese?

In full disclosure: I love Tapas.

Every country that the Jews take over gets divided. I guess Spain is next. Get ready for an independent Catalonia and a few other new countries.
Well, it's a good thing that racist speech is illegal. What's your point?

It's a good thing that whites have bigger brains that blacks, even if whites feel guilty about it. Else we wouldn't have this civilization, even if it censors people to protect libtard yellow snowflakes.
Those countries trying to get Jews are just putting nails into their own coffins. Jews exist to exploit gentiles, not to work together. This is what their Talmud teaches and this is what they practice. This is why they were pushed out of those countries in the first place.

Ignorant Judas-loving sh1tbrained goy, who lick the boots of those Jews who hate them, don't know anything about Jews. Bnei Anusim aren't Jews. They can go to Hell, as far as Israel is concerned.

^^^^^ The exact kind of idiotic anti-Semite the OP referenced. Dim-witted clown desperate for a boogeyman.
Well, it's a good thing that racist speech is illegal. What's your point?

It's a good thing that whites have bigger brains that [sic] blacks, even if whites feel guilty about it. Else we wouldn't have this civilization, even if it censors people to protect libtard yellow snowflakes.

You couldn't even manage that idiotic statement in proper English. Damn fool.
You couldn't even manage that idiotic statement in proper English. Damn fool.

You have misrepresent a typo and whine about grammar because you're just so... There's no excuse for the utterly sad and pathetic human being who wants the government to regulate what they can say and hear.

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