Anothry Day, Another Criminal Obama Administration Official Goes To Prison

Not at all. Yet that did not stop you rubes from thinking he was going to. He played you all like a cheap fiddle.

So says a phony "independent" who sits on his ass all day criticizing Trump and Republicans, while never ever holding any Democrat accountable for anything.

Please feel free to ask me why I never take you seriously. :laughing0301: :lmao::auiqs.jpg::21:
Please feel free to ask me why I never take you seriously.

The bigger question is why you think I would care in the least about a Trump worshiping fool taking me seriously or not
The bigger question is why you think I would care in the least about a Trump worshiping fool taking me seriously or not

And yet, you continually insist on responding?

Dude, you're a phony. A fake. A charlatan who is obsessed with making Republicans look bad, while never giving the same time to Democrats. You're what's known around these parts as a "shill."

"Independent" my ass. :laughing0301:
And yet, you continually insist on responding?

Dude, you're a phony. A fake. A charlatan who is obsessed with making Republicans look bad, while never giving the same time to Democrats. You're what's known around these parts as a "shill."

"Independent" my ass. :laughing0301:

You are fun, thus I respond.
You are obsessed, thus you respond.

You are entertainment, not unlike the court Jester.

So who writes your check? ShareBlue? Correct the Record? Media Matters?

Does David Brock hand-deliver your check every month? How much does a gig like that pay, if you don't mind me asking?

Can honestly say out of the 4 things you listed Media Matters is the only one I have ever even heard of and even with that I had to Google David Brock.

I make a comfortable living that according to the Govt puts me in the top 10% of income earners in the nation.

I do appreciate your entertainment in what can be a rather boring job on certain days. Please continue to play the Jester for you, you do it so well
You are entertainment, not unlike the court Jester.

Can honestly say out of the 4 things you listed Media Matters is the only one I have ever even heard of and even with that I had to Google David Brock.

I make a comfortable living that according to the Govt puts me in the top 10% of income earners in the nation.

I do appreciate your entertainment in what can be a rather boring job on certain days. Please continue to play the Jester for you, you do it so well

Ok Mr. Giggles.

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