Another Un-Justified Riot Against Justified Police Shooting


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Eight people were arrested during protests in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on Monday, a day after a Lancaster police officer shot and killed a 27-year-old man while responding to a call."

'The police killed someone.'
.......'The police killed another one.'
Conditioned / Knee-jerk response follows rather than finding out the facts of what happened: PROTEST!

"The sister of the knife-wielding Lancaster, Pa man shot dead by a cop said Monday that he was bipolar, schizophrenic and off his medications"

He had a 'mental health episode' and was 'acting out' as the police were on the scene:

"When a cop arrived at the Munozes’ mother’s home around 4:25 p.m., Ricardo Munoz burst through the front door and charged at the lawman, holding the knife aloft, bodycam video shows. The retreating officer squeezed off multiple shots, killing Munoz."

'The footage shows Munoz wielding a knife above his head, "in clear view, in a threatening manner," the district attorney's office said in a release.'

This was an obvious, open-and-shut-case of SELF-DEFENSE.

“He was a sweetheart. He cared,” his sister said.


"In March 2019, Ricardo allegedly slashed and stabbed two men, a woman and a 16-year-old boy in a Lancaster home after he was beaten up outside the house, according to police."

Those damn, racist, murdering cops!

This is what the entire BLM “movement” and its insipid supporters are about. Broaden what is legal and shrink what is arrestable
When you can’t control your behavior then eliminate the behavior controls
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"Eight people were arrested during protests in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on Monday, a day after a Lancaster police officer shot and killed a 27-year-old man while responding to a call."

'The police killed someone.'
.......'The police killed another one.'
Conditioned / Knee-jerk response follows rather than finding out the facts of what happened: PROTEST!

"The sister of the knife-wielding Lancaster, Pa man shot dead by a cop said Monday that he was bipolar, schizophrenic and off his medications"

He had a 'mental health episode' and was 'acting out' as the police were on the scene:

"When a cop arrived at the Munozes’ mother’s home around 4:25 p.m., Ricardo Munoz burst through the front door and charged at the lawman, holding the knife aloft, bodycam video shows. The retreating officer squeezed off multiple shots, killing Munoz."

'The footage shows Munoz wielding a knife above his head, "in clear view, in a threatening manner," the district attorney's office said in a release.'

This was an obvious, open-and-shut-case of SELF-DEFENSE.

“He was a sweetheart. He cared,” his sister said.


"In March 2019, Ricardo allegedly slashed and stabbed two men, a woman and a 16-year-old boy in a Lancaster home after he was beaten up outside the house, according to police."

Those damn, racist, murdering cops!

What we have to come to understand is that leftists have the mentality of children. Once they do something wrong and get away with it, they'll keep repeating it.

It seems to me that if this guy was known to be violent and has a documented history of mental problems, the family should have taken action to make sure he was in a facility that can handle people like him. The officer is less responsible for his death than the family is IMO.
What we have to come to understand is that leftists have the mentality of children.

Thats a pretty childish mentality.

No, it's actually observational. Look at cities across this country the last couple of months. Look at those un-Americans kneeling in front of our flag in protest. Like children, they want no authority over them. They want to behave as badly as they want with nobody to administer any kind of punishment. When was the last time you seen a non-Democrat behave like this over an election?

Screaming .jpeg
What we have to come to understand is that leftists have the mentality of children.

Thats a pretty childish mentality.

No, it's actually observational

Yea, children observe too.

Look at those un-Americans kneeling in front of our flag in protest.

Oh gosh, not the kneeling in front of the flag to protest! Don't they know that adults protest in the corner of their house?

Someone ought to teach them to respect the authority, they need punishment!

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Oh gosh, not the kneeling in front of the flag to protest! Don't they know that adults protest in the corner of their house?

Someone ought to teach them to respect the authority, they need punishment!

They need to learn a lot of things, such as no state in our country says that a police officer or armed citizen can only use deadly force if they are threatened by a person with a deadly weapon. The second thing they need to learn is that most all of these deaths have one thing in common, and that is they didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s). You want to stop black deaths at the hands of police officers, the answer is simple: promote everybody listening to their orders when confronted by authority.

But as I said, we are talking about adults with child like minds. Simple solutions don't ring a bell with them. They'd rather act out, cause tens of millions of dollars in damage, and accomplish absolutely nothing.
Oh gosh, not the kneeling in front of the flag to protest! Don't they know that adults protest in the corner of their house?

Someone ought to teach them to respect the authority, they need punishment!

They need to learn a lot of things, such as no state in our country says that a police officer or armed citizen can only use deadly force if they are threatened by a person with a deadly weapon. The second thing they need to learn is that most all of these deaths have one thing in common, and that is they didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s). You want to stop black deaths at the hands of police officers, the answer is simple: promote everybody listening to their orders when confronted by authority.

But as I said, we are talking about adults with child like minds. Simple solutions don't ring a bell with them. They'd rather act out, cause tens of millions of dollars in damage, and accomplish absolutely nothing.

Who is "them" that you keep reffering to? Lefties? I'm a lefty and I have no problem with Police using deadly force IF AND ONLY IF SOMEONE'S LIFE is reasonably seen as under eminent threat.

Nothing "childish" about that, in fact that IS THE LAW in the US. Meanwhile your suggestion that its ok that people get pumped full of lead for mere resistance of arrest is the stupid, ignorant, position.
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Oh gosh, not the kneeling in front of the flag to protest! Don't they know that adults protest in the corner of their house?

Someone ought to teach them to respect the authority, they need punishment!

They need to learn a lot of things, such as no state in our country says that a police officer or armed citizen can only use deadly force if they are threatened by a person with a deadly weapon. The second thing they need to learn is that most all of these deaths have one thing in common, and that is they didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s). You want to stop black deaths at the hands of police officers, the answer is simple: promote everybody listening to their orders when confronted by authority.

But as I said, we are talking about adults with child like minds. Simple solutions don't ring a bell with them. They'd rather act out, cause tens of millions of dollars in damage, and accomplish absolutely nothing.

Who is "them" that you keep reffering to? Lefties? I'm a lefty and I have no problem with Police using deadly force IF AND ONLY IF SOMEONE'S LIFE is reasonably seen as under eminent threat.

Nothing "childish" about that, in fact that IS THE LAW in the US. Meanwhile your suggestion that its ok that people get pumped full of lead for mere resistance of arrest is the stupid, ignorant, position.

Sorry, but that is our law. I'm a CCW holder in my state. Part of the course is 10 hours of class time which heavily stressed our laws that also reflects most laws in other states. Our law reads:

"A licensed CCW holder can use deadly force if it's believed that they (or others) are in jeopardy of serous bodily harm or death."

In other words, your life does not need to be in eminent threat to use deadly force. If you believe that serious bodily harm can come to you or others, you are permitted by law to use deadly force whether you are a police officer or legally armed citizen.

This is the ignorance of law I spoke about here. They are the people who are kneeling in protest at football games, protesting and blocking traffic in our streets, and of course those who riot and damage public and private property. That's who they are, along with those that support them like the Democrats.
"Eight people were arrested during protests in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on Monday, a day after a Lancaster police officer shot and killed a 27-year-old man while responding to a call."

'The police killed someone.'
.......'The police killed another one.'
Conditioned / Knee-jerk response follows rather than finding out the facts of what happened: PROTEST!

"The sister of the knife-wielding Lancaster, Pa man shot dead by a cop said Monday that he was bipolar, schizophrenic and off his medications"

He had a 'mental health episode' and was 'acting out' as the police were on the scene:

"When a cop arrived at the Munozes’ mother’s home around 4:25 p.m., Ricardo Munoz burst through the front door and charged at the lawman, holding the knife aloft, bodycam video shows. The retreating officer squeezed off multiple shots, killing Munoz."

'The footage shows Munoz wielding a knife above his head, "in clear view, in a threatening manner," the district attorney's office said in a release.'

This was an obvious, open-and-shut-case of SELF-DEFENSE.

“He was a sweetheart. He cared,” his sister said.


"In March 2019, Ricardo allegedly slashed and stabbed two men, a woman and a 16-year-old boy in a Lancaster home after he was beaten up outside the house, according to police."

Those damn, racist, murdering cops!

Actually, this is very good for the election.

Lancaster isn't some small town but they are not a large city either. (60K).

Folks in smaller communities are usually spared this type of nonsense. When they start to see this kind of crazy
in towns their size, that doesn't sit well with them. They know the Dems won't do anything about this. Those that are
undecided will now vote for Trump...across the entire State.
Oh gosh, not the kneeling in front of the flag to protest! Don't they know that adults protest in the corner of their house?

Someone ought to teach them to respect the authority, they need punishment!

They need to learn a lot of things, such as no state in our country says that a police officer or armed citizen can only use deadly force if they are threatened by a person with a deadly weapon. The second thing they need to learn is that most all of these deaths have one thing in common, and that is they didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s). You want to stop black deaths at the hands of police officers, the answer is simple: promote everybody listening to their orders when confronted by authority.

But as I said, we are talking about adults with child like minds. Simple solutions don't ring a bell with them. They'd rather act out, cause tens of millions of dollars in damage, and accomplish absolutely nothing.

Who is "them" that you keep reffering to? Lefties? I'm a lefty and I have no problem with Police using deadly force IF AND ONLY IF SOMEONE'S LIFE is reasonably seen as under eminent threat.

Nothing "childish" about that, in fact that IS THE LAW in the US. Meanwhile your suggestion that its ok that people get pumped full of lead for mere resistance of arrest is the stupid, ignorant, position.

You're not very damn smart, are ya? I'm almost 70, if some 20 or 30 something decides they're going to beat me just because, I'll send them to their maker and take my chances with a jury.

Oh gosh, not the kneeling in front of the flag to protest! Don't they know that adults protest in the corner of their house?

Someone ought to teach them to respect the authority, they need punishment!

They need to learn a lot of things, such as no state in our country says that a police officer or armed citizen can only use deadly force if they are threatened by a person with a deadly weapon. The second thing they need to learn is that most all of these deaths have one thing in common, and that is they didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s). You want to stop black deaths at the hands of police officers, the answer is simple: promote everybody listening to their orders when confronted by authority.

But as I said, we are talking about adults with child like minds. Simple solutions don't ring a bell with them. They'd rather act out, cause tens of millions of dollars in damage, and accomplish absolutely nothing.

Who is "them" that you keep reffering to? Lefties? I'm a lefty and I have no problem with Police using deadly force IF AND ONLY IF SOMEONE'S LIFE is reasonably seen as under eminent threat.

Nothing "childish" about that, in fact that IS THE LAW in the US. Meanwhile your suggestion that its ok that people get pumped full of lead for mere resistance of arrest is the stupid, ignorant, position.
Pumped full of lead” and “mere”.
That’s certainly objective and observational.
This is the new normal. No matter how justified, if a cop shoots someone, the town must burn to the ground.

Then armed law abiding citizens should have the privilege to shoot the terrorists dead in he streets as they attempt to burn down the businesses in Main Street USA in protection of their towns and villages.
Just as citizens did when this nation was young.
We recently had a town meeting and the town's residents swore to come to the aid of each other if such an incident occurred here. BTW our town has a population of 675 souls. We don't have a police force and must rely on the County Sheriff's Office and State Troopers for our protection.
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It seems to me that if this guy was known to be violent and has a documented history of mental problems, the family should have taken action to make sure he was in a facility that can handle people like him. The officer is less responsible for his death than the family is IMO.

Okay, bit of a problem there. Republicans slashed the shit out of mental health spending to give tax cuts to rich people. You see, we used to be able to lock up crazy people and treat them... but no so much anymore.

The other problem is that there is so little trust in the police that no one believes them even when they are "justified" in a shooting.
Oh gosh, not the kneeling in front of the flag to protest! Don't they know that adults protest in the corner of their house?

Someone ought to teach them to respect the authority, they need punishment!

They need to learn a lot of things, such as no state in our country says that a police officer or armed citizen can only use deadly force if they are threatened by a person with a deadly weapon. The second thing they need to learn is that most all of these deaths have one thing in common, and that is they didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s). You want to stop black deaths at the hands of police officers, the answer is simple: promote everybody listening to their orders when confronted by authority.

But as I said, we are talking about adults with child like minds. Simple solutions don't ring a bell with them. They'd rather act out, cause tens of millions of dollars in damage, and accomplish absolutely nothing.

Who is "them" that you keep reffering to? Lefties? I'm a lefty and I have no problem with Police using deadly force IF AND ONLY IF SOMEONE'S LIFE is reasonably seen as under eminent threat.

Nothing "childish" about that, in fact that IS THE LAW in the US. Meanwhile your suggestion that its ok that people get pumped full of lead for mere resistance of arrest is the stupid, ignorant, position.

Sorry, but that is our law. I'm a CCW holder in my state. Part of the course is 10 hours of class time which heavily stressed our laws that also reflects most laws in other states. Our law reads:

"A licensed CCW holder can use deadly force if it's believed that they (or others) are in jeopardy of serous bodily harm or death."

In other words, your life does not need to be in eminent threat to use deadly force. If you believe that serious bodily harm can come to you or others, you are permitted by law to use deadly force whether you are a police officer or legally armed citizen.

This is the ignorance of law I spoke about here. They are the people who are kneeling in protest at football games, protesting and blocking traffic in our streets, and of course those who riot and damage public and private property. That's who they are, along with those that support them like the Democrats.

Resisting arrest is not in itself posing serious bodily harm or death...duh.

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