Another 'Occupier' Raped

He is just posting what the police said.... how is that ignoring facts?

The police did not say that the woman was a Breibart plant, that is out of the fevered imagination of Rati.

They Occupiers (shitters) are bunch of unwashed idiots and we already know that... a theft, rape, racist sign, and lies... well those are normal at one of their events so mehhhh.

I'm sort of the same same way. If you put your hand in a meat grinder and it gets mangled, I'm not going to feel sorry for you. If a young woman goes to a Shitter rally and gets raped - it's hard to have too much sympathy, she put herself in harms way.

I'm sorry but this is just sooooooooo wrong.

Any woman in our great country should be able to go anywhere and be respected. It may show a lack of judgement but certainly does not suddenly remove her rights to protection or due process.
I'm sorry but this is just sooooooooo wrong.

Any woman in our great country should be able to go anywhere and be respected. It may show a lack of judgement but certainly does not suddenly remove her rights to protection or due process.

Honestly, I agree with you. They SHOULD be able to be safe, but "should" and "are" often are two distinct propositions. A man sent to state prison SHOULD be safe from being ass-raped by other prisoners, but the fact is that they aren't

A Shitter rally simply is not safe for a young woman. A woman with any sense gets gone when the sun goes down.

He is just posting what the police said.... how is that ignoring facts?

The police did not say that the woman was a Breibart plant, that is out of the fevered imagination of Rati.

They Occupiers (shitters) are bunch of unwashed idiots and we already know that... a theft, rape, racist sign, and lies... well those are normal at one of their events so mehhhh.

I'm sort of the same same way. If you put your hand in a meat grinder and it gets mangled, I'm not going to feel sorry for you. If a young woman goes to a Shitter rally and gets raped - it's hard to have too much sympathy, she put herself in harms way.

I'm sorry but this is just sooooooooo wrong.

Any woman in our great country should be able to go anywhere and be respected. It may show a lack of judgement but certainly does not suddenly remove her rights to protection or due process.

I don't think anyone should EXPECT this kind of treatment... and I would HOPE people would feel safer in a public area... but I will say this.. I would not allow or advise my kids (if they were so politically inclined) to go to one of these things... I do not expect this to be like the carnival at the VFD, and I do not personally trust any of these extremist whackos

Shocker! May have been another Brietbart plant.

no, she was robbed of $1800, and the occupy people do apparently discourage reporting crimes to the police.

i suspect midterms will thin the herd

The thinning has commenced!

Occupy OKC participant found dead in tent at Kerr Park

A man involved with Occupy OKC was found dead inside a tent at Kerr Park on Monday afternoon, police said. The man is thought to have died of natural causes, but the medical examiner's office will determine cause of death.

BY MATT DINGER [email protected]
Published: October 31, 2011

A man thought to be a protester was found dead Monday inside a tent at Kerr Park, police said.

The man's name has not been released by police, but he was thought to be in his 20s, Oklahoma City police Capt. Dexter Nelson said.

Occupy OKC participant found dead in tent at Kerr Park |

"The man is thought to have died of natural causes, but the medical examiner's office will determine cause of death."

:eusa_eh: Died of "natural causes" in his 20's?
Another 'Occupier' Raped - Occupy Baltimore - Fox Nation

And THIS is the alternative to the Tea Party?

How many rapes were there at Tea Party rallies? NONE!

Yet the left tells us the Tea Party is "violent."

And the OWS rallies represent the 99%!


Bull Shit, the Tea party commits 308,745,538 rapes a day. We’re all getting fucked.

In all seriousness though that’s what happens when you let a bunch of ex-convicts and drug addicts camp with you (and even let them do security in some cases). There are in fact only a tiny fraction (like 5% or so) that are law abiding citizens who have suffered from circumstances beyond their control, the rest are pure scum, I kid you not.

I understand they want to help the homeless but the only way to do that is to win political clout and that can’t be done with said homeless in and amongst them, but one can’t tell them such either because their just so sure peace and love will cure all.

The issue of the corporate corruption of Washington is valid however and is not in any way invalidated by said incidents.

But then, that’s the one issue that’s not really on the occupiers agenda anyway.
Remember the rightous indignation of the tea party haters into the alleged "spitting" scandal of 2010? I believe some suggested a full scale investigation into that atrocious "assault". My, how times have changed.
Bull Shit, the Tea party commits 308,745,538 rapes a day. We’re all getting fucked.

So you born mentally retarded then?

In all seriousness though that’s what happens when you let a bunch of ex-convicts and drug addicts camp with you (and even let them do security in some cases). There are in fact only a tiny fraction (like 5% or so) that are law abiding citizens who have suffered from circumstances beyond their control, the rest are pure scum, I kid you not.

That's the base of the Shitter revolution.

I understand they want to help the homeless but the only way to do that is to win political clout and that can’t be done with said homeless in and amongst them, but one can’t tell them such either because their just so sure peace and love will cure all.

The issue of the corporate corruption of Washington is valid however and is not in any way invalidated by said incidents.

But then, that’s the one issue that’s not really on the occupiers agenda anyway.

They want to use drugs and get laid.
picture, I can't quote the link.

Why does it look like the golden arches are on her face?
Good question. Has she explained that anywhere?

And is this the same girl who complains she was raped but manifested no evidence of assault other than scratches on her buttocks -- and who claims she climbed into a tent with a strange man and went to sleep with $1,800 in her purse (rather than in a pocket)?

While I'm not suggesting her complaint be offhandedly dismissed the fact that self-inflicted superficial mutilations are often reported as assaults must be considered. This girl could be delusional neurotic.

Excellent point

Any woman crying "Rape" at OWS is clearly either: a Breibart plant, going to the rally because she's heard its a sure place to get raped, or mentally unbalanced and looking to fake a rape to get attention

yeah, shit like that has happened in most of the 57 states.

always remember: if you join a street protest, carry huge amounts of cash.
This is scary & bizarre stuff. What's going on with these people? What kind of people are showing up at these "Occupations?" I know most Felons vote Democrat legally or not,but this is just crazy. Best to stay away from this dangerous freak show. If you're smart anyway.
uh, no. after being on a board for awhile, i understand that people posts things that are *opinions* or *suppositions* or *humorous comments*

y'all really ought to lighten the fuck up. :lol:

Rati was not going for humor, she was being a partisan hack, as always.

when it comes to humor, you're not exactly my go to guy, but thanks for sharing.
This is scary & bizarre stuff. What's going on with these people? What kind of people are showing up at these "Occupations?" I know most Felons vote Democrat legally or not,but this is just crazy. Best to stay away from this dangerous freak show. If you're smart anyway.

paulitician said:
This is scary & bizarre stuff. What's going on with these people? What kind of people are showing up at these "Occupations?"

The same kind of people that show up here and prop them?

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