Another Obama-era turd floats to the top of Biden's toilet


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Remember Rahm "Dead Fish" Emanuel? How would you like for him to be your next Secretary of Transportation?

"CHICAGO - President-elect Joe Biden is considering former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a substantial and somewhat divisive figure in Democratic Party politics, to serve as his transportation secretary.

Biden’s selection of his nominee to lead the Transportation Department is not believed to be imminent, and Emanuel is among multiple candidates in the running for the Cabinet position, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private deliberations.

But his candidacy threatens to pull at the divisions among Democrats that Biden has largely managed to avoid as he begins to fill out his administration. Progressive leaders, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, have been especially vocal in criticizing the prospect of Emanuel joining the Cabinet.

Emanuel, a former three-term congressman who served as Barack Obama’s first White House chief of staff and was a senior adviser in Bill Clinton’s administration, has been a significant force in Democratic Party politics for much of the last three decades.

He also turned reviving Chicago’s ragged public transportation system and overhauling the city’s two busy, worn airports into a top issue during his eight years as mayor. He is also credited with making Chicago one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in country during his time in office.

But selecting Emanuel could be a tough sell to some in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party who are critical of his handling of the high-profile police shooting death of Laquan McDonald, a Black teenager killed by a white officer, during his time as Chicago’s mayor."

Joe Biden weighs Rahm Emanuel for transportation secretary

Remember Rahm "Dead Fish" Emanuel? How would you like for him to be your next Secretary of Transportation?

"CHICAGO - President-elect Joe Biden is considering former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a substantial and somewhat divisive figure in Democratic Party politics, to serve as his transportation secretary.

Biden’s selection of his nominee to lead the Transportation Department is not believed to be imminent, and Emanuel is among multiple candidates in the running for the Cabinet position, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private deliberations.

But his candidacy threatens to pull at the divisions among Democrats that Biden has largely managed to avoid as he begins to fill out his administration. Progressive leaders, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, have been especially vocal in criticizing the prospect of Emanuel joining the Cabinet.

Emanuel, a former three-term congressman who served as Barack Obama’s first White House chief of staff and was a senior adviser in Bill Clinton’s administration, has been a significant force in Democratic Party politics for much of the last three decades.

He also turned reviving Chicago’s ragged public transportation system and overhauling the city’s two busy, worn airports into a top issue during his eight years as mayor. He is also credited with making Chicago one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in country during his time in office.

But selecting Emanuel could be a tough sell to some in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party who are critical of his handling of the high-profile police shooting death of Laquan McDonald, a Black teenager killed by a white officer, during his time as Chicago’s mayor."

Joe Biden weighs Rahm Emanuel for transportation secretary


Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Remember Rahm "Dead Fish" Emanuel? How would you like for him to be your next Secretary of Transportation?

"CHICAGO - President-elect Joe Biden is considering former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a substantial and somewhat divisive figure in Democratic Party politics, to serve as his transportation secretary.

Biden’s selection of his nominee to lead the Transportation Department is not believed to be imminent, and Emanuel is among multiple candidates in the running for the Cabinet position, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private deliberations.

But his candidacy threatens to pull at the divisions among Democrats that Biden has largely managed to avoid as he begins to fill out his administration. Progressive leaders, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, have been especially vocal in criticizing the prospect of Emanuel joining the Cabinet.

Emanuel, a former three-term congressman who served as Barack Obama’s first White House chief of staff and was a senior adviser in Bill Clinton’s administration, has been a significant force in Democratic Party politics for much of the last three decades.

He also turned reviving Chicago’s ragged public transportation system and overhauling the city’s two busy, worn airports into a top issue during his eight years as mayor. He is also credited with making Chicago one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in country during his time in office.

But selecting Emanuel could be a tough sell to some in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party who are critical of his handling of the high-profile police shooting death of Laquan McDonald, a Black teenager killed by a white officer, during his time as Chicago’s mayor."

Joe Biden weighs Rahm Emanuel for transportation secretary


Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Apparently the Democrats and Joe Biden believe "Never let a good turd to go to waste."
Dumb Biden plans on what he thinks will be 44.2 policies and administration. The only only problem is like 44 so plainly put it, he could fuck up anything. So the result will be a far worse outcome.
The band is getting back together! Like Van Halen in 2007!

I agree. He's calling on all of Obama's posse. Guess he forgot they didn't do a very good job the first time.

More imbeciles sucking off the tax payer tit. If he makes it to the WH that is. LOL
The band is getting back together! Like Van Halen in 2007!

I agree. He's calling on all of Obama's posse. Guess he forgot they didn't do a very good job the first time.

More imbeciles sucking off the tax payer tit. If he makes it to the WH that is. LOL

Assad cant be happy. He wont be in power for long.

Biden is cranking up the war machines and the war pigs will soon be feeding at the trough. Thousands of Americans and brown people in the middle east will soon be blown up because of Biden voters.
Remember Rahm "Dead Fish" Emanuel? How would you like for him to be your next Secretary of Transportation?

I see a fascinating pattern developing, JG! Apparently there are only 6-12 people in all of the country's 340 million able to actually run the country, and they all just happen to be people who used to work under Obama!

Of course, Democrats will claim that is good qualification. Normal people will see that as justification for regimes like Kim's North Korea! Those people have served for years and years and have LOTS of experience! Put another way: the logical end of a democrat's way of thinking is to have a small cadre of "professional" politicians in charge! You know, like Cuba and NK whose leaders just never go away. :smoke:

Interesting that while Trump excelled at bringing in people from the private sector who have real job experience in making a business work profitably, once again we see a "pro" like Joe pick nothing but public sector academicians.

Other than that, I think Rahm could make a FINE Sect. of Transportation! I mean, who else has more experience in transporting dead bodies and caskets in and out of the city?
Rahm is not a great pick but I'm rational and know I'm not going to like everyone in the new administration.

Remember Jeff Sessions, wingnuts?
Remember Rahm "Dead Fish" Emanuel? How would you like for him to be your next Secretary of Transportation?

"CHICAGO - President-elect Joe Biden is considering former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a substantial and somewhat divisive figure in Democratic Party politics, to serve as his transportation secretary.

Biden’s selection of his nominee to lead the Transportation Department is not believed to be imminent, and Emanuel is among multiple candidates in the running for the Cabinet position, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private deliberations.

But his candidacy threatens to pull at the divisions among Democrats that Biden has largely managed to avoid as he begins to fill out his administration. Progressive leaders, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, have been especially vocal in criticizing the prospect of Emanuel joining the Cabinet.

Emanuel, a former three-term congressman who served as Barack Obama’s first White House chief of staff and was a senior adviser in Bill Clinton’s administration, has been a significant force in Democratic Party politics for much of the last three decades.

He also turned reviving Chicago’s ragged public transportation system and overhauling the city’s two busy, worn airports into a top issue during his eight years as mayor. He is also credited with making Chicago one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in country during his time in office.

But selecting Emanuel could be a tough sell to some in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party who are critical of his handling of the high-profile police shooting death of Laquan McDonald, a Black teenager killed by a white officer, during his time as Chicago’s mayor."

Joe Biden weighs Rahm Emanuel for transportation secretary


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