Another Muslim Soldier Caught At Fort Hood Before He Could Carry Out Attacks


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

A soldier that has been AWOL from here at Ft Campbell was caught outside of Ft Hood with weapons and admitted that he had planned another attack similar to another attack that took place at Ft Hood.

My question is this; Should the Army put Muslims soldiers under investigation? Should they be taken out of Combat Arms units? I had a teammate that went to Somalia with me who converted to Islam. He was never a problem, but it seems quite a few of them are.

Should the Army do something about the increase in violence by converted Muslim soldiers?

I'm not saying I'm for or against it. I'm just asking members what their opinions are.

Army: AWOL soldier admits to Fort Hood attack plan
JAMIE STENGLE, Associated Press
Updated 06:53 p.m., Thursday, July 28, 2011

Read more: Army: AWOL soldier admits to Fort Hood attack plan - Beaumont Enterprise

KILLEEN, Texas (AP) — An AWOL soldier who had weapons stashed in a motel room near Fort Hood has admitted to planning an attack on the Texas post, where 13 people died in 2009 in the worst mass shooting ever on a U.S. military installation, the Army said in an alert issued Thursday.

Pfc. Naser Abdo, a 21-year-old soldier who was granted conscientious objector status this year after he said his Muslim beliefs prevented him from fighting, was arrested Wednesday. Agents found firearms and "items that could be identified as bomb-making components, including gunpowder," in his motel room, according to FBI spokesman Erik Vasys.
Army: AWOL soldier admits to Fort Hood attack plan - Beaumont Enterprise

Here's the kicker. This guy was supposed to have been on trial for possession of child pornography


Search - Beaumont Enterprise
This one case is not a good example because he was in the process of being discharged as a conscientious objector. Then he got involved in some child porn charges and went AWOL, so he was already in deep kimchi.

As for the general question, I don't know how much "history" would show up in an 18 year old recruit's background check. I'm not against smart checks for Muslim soldiers. Let's face it, there's already enough of a trend to indicate that Muslim soldiers require more scrutiny:

Hasan Akbar convicted of killing two officers and wounding 14 others at a base camp in Kuwait.

Ryan Anderson, a convert to Islam who attempted to sell information about troop movements, tactics and vulnerabilities to al Qaeda

Nidal Hasan, the Ft. Hood shooter

Five Muslim soldiers who attempted to poison food supplies of soldiers at Ft. Jackson, SC

I'm not advocating racial profiling or anything unreasonable. However, it is clear that there are a number of troops whose associations are the basis for these acts of terrorism. The Army would be remiss to not dig deep into these things, political correctness be damned, in order to determine if these individuals are either already associated with terrorist groups or have the potential of committing these acts.

I see it no different than the digging into foreign affiliations for possible connections with foreign intelligence agencies as potential spies/traitors.
This one case is not a good example because he was in the process of being discharged as a conscientious objector. Then he got involved in some child porn charges and went AWOL, so he was already in deep kimchi.

As for the general question, I don't know how much "history" would show up in an 18 year old recruit's background check. I'm not against smart checks for Muslim soldiers. Let's face it, there's already enough of a trend to indicate that Muslim soldiers require more scrutiny:

Hasan Akbar convicted of killing two officers and wounding 14 others at a base camp in Kuwait.

Ryan Anderson, a convert to Islam who attempted to sell information about troop movements, tactics and vulnerabilities to al Qaeda

Nidal Hasan, the Ft. Hood shooter

Five Muslim soldiers who attempted to poison food supplies of soldiers at Ft. Jackson, SC

I'm not advocating racial profiling or anything unreasonable. However, it is clear that there are a number of troops whose associations are the basis for these acts of terrorism. The Army would be remiss to not dig deep into these things, political correctness be damned, in order to determine if these individuals are either already associated with terrorist groups or have the potential of committing these acts.

I see it no different than the digging into foreign affiliations for possible connections with foreign intelligence agencies as potential spies/traitors.

Well, looking at his pic, I don't think Racial Profiling would have helped.
If they start doing investigations into Muslim soldiers then won't those who are trying to hurt America simply not claim they are Muslim?
A soldier that has been AWOL from here at Ft Campbell was caught outside of Ft Hood with weapons and admitted that he had planned another attack similar to another attack that took place at Ft Hood.
Send his ass to Abu Ghraib

My question is this; Should the Army put Muslims soldiers under investigation? Should they be taken out of Combat Arms units? I had a teammate that went to Somalia with me who converted to Islam. He was never a problem, but it seems quite a few of them are.
Not sure how the Military would go about doing that, and I honestly don't trust them to do it right. I think the best option is to know the people to your left and right. I've only been in for a little over 3 years, but what I've seen is a lack of cohesion, Soldiers are doing whatever the f they want, and NCO's aren't being leaders. It's like there's this overall consensus that nobody gives a shit. Of course these terrorists are going to slip through, because nobody is paying attention to what's going on around us. We're at war, but we aren't acting like it, and that's the wrong answer.

Should the Army do something about the increase in violence by converted Muslim soldiers?
To me, at least, it seems the current systems in play would make that very difficult. For one, it's a violation of the EO policy. It would also infringe on the rights of Muslim Soldiers who do want to serve their nation, and cause a hostile environment for them, which would have negative effects on cohesion, and combat readiness. Plus, in such an environment, I wouldn't trust any radicalized convert to reveal their religious preference.
SO we can't legally use SBI on only Muslims. So every soldier, no matter what their duty position, MOS, or assignment, should have to pass a TS SBI investigation.

What does disturb me is the statement "and NCO's aren't being leaders".

This is the most disturbing thing and I hope it is an isolated feeling and wrong when it comes to the overall military. Because it is the NCO that makes everything happen.........

Had the gunshop owner not called police when he did, we may have seen a repeat of Maj. Hasan's devastating work at Fort Hood (where I was stationed in 1985) from this young trooper. Our thanks and heartfelt prayers to the fast-acting law enforcement officers who stopped a massacre from taking place.
SO we can't legally use SBI on only Muslims. So every soldier, no matter what their duty position, MOS, or assignment, should have to pass a TS SBI investigation.
I do remember doing an interview in Basic for my security clearance, it was so hum-drum, anyone with half a brain could have lied through it, and a background check will only find so much. All they need is a guy with no criminal record and a clean cut, with a little charisma. It's scary how easy it is to beat the system.

What does disturb me is the statement "and NCO's aren't being leaders".

This is the most disturbing thing and I hope it is an isolated feeling and wrong when it comes to the overall military. Because it is the NCO that makes everything happen.........
I hope it's just a here and there thing too. I've seen some really good NCO's, and I've seen some really bad ones who should have never even seen a board. Honestly, I can't even remember the last time I've seen a Private stand at Parade Rest for an NCO. I even see Soldiers standing however they want, and talking with crazy hands to 1SGTs and SGT MAJ's. It's just craziness all around, and the Army needs a swift kick in the ass to get itself back together.
SO we can't legally use SBI on only Muslims. So every soldier, no matter what their duty position, MOS, or assignment, should have to pass a TS SBI investigation.

What does disturb me is the statement "and NCO's aren't being leaders".

This is the most disturbing thing and I hope it is an isolated feeling and wrong when it comes to the overall military. Because it is the NCO that makes everything happen.........

Indeed, if the NCO's aren't getting it done we are totally fucked.
SO we can't legally use SBI on only Muslims. So every soldier, no matter what their duty position, MOS, or assignment, should have to pass a TS SBI investigation.
I do remember doing an interview in Basic for my security clearance, it was so hum-drum, anyone with half a brain could have lied through it, and a background check will only find so much. All they need is a guy with no criminal record and a clean cut, with a little charisma. It's scary how easy it is to beat the system.

What does disturb me is the statement "and NCO's aren't being leaders".

This is the most disturbing thing and I hope it is an isolated feeling and wrong when it comes to the overall military. Because it is the NCO that makes everything happen.........
I hope it's just a here and there thing too. I've seen some really good NCO's, and I've seen some really bad ones who should have never even seen a board. Honestly, I can't even remember the last time I've seen a Private stand at Parade Rest for an NCO. I even see Soldiers standing however they want, and talking with crazy hands to 1SGTs and SGT MAJ's. It's just craziness all around, and the Army needs a swift kick in the ass to get itself back together.

I doubt they did a TS SBI on you in basic, it wouldn't have been that easy. When I came home on leave I walked up to the corner store and a guy who had been a customer on my paper route stopped me. Wanted to know what those 2 guys in suits were doing asking him if he remembered me.......
No, never got anything thorough. Might be necessary if this Muslim business keeps up, though.

I would hate to be a Muslim in the US Military right now, after the whole thing with this Major Nidal clown and thise child porn loser, I'm sure alot of people are looking at them funny.

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