Another Liberal Politician Makes a Fool of Himself


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
This time it was Tim Caine on the ABC TV talk show, hosted by George Stephanopolous. Caine, a US Senator, bashed President Trump's missle strike against Syria. He said Trump's action was unconstitutional, and that only the Congress has the power to declare war.

Caine also said Trump "had plenty of time" to go to the Congress, and allow the Congress to act, instead of doing things as he did. Well, maybe Tim Caine, in his safe, tree-shaded comfy home in New Jersey, might have had plenty of time, there. But if he had been a Syrian, living in a place where Syrian president Assad was maybe considering hitting with another chemical gas attack, he might have had a rather different notion about "time".

Then there's another definition that Senator Caine doesn't seem to have such a firm grasp on. That is the word "war". The missle strike was a one time strike, and meant to be only that. Nothing more was planned for it. But war is much more than that. War is many strikes, in various places at various times, all connected to one another, with the goal of completely defeating the enemy. This was not the purpose, Sect of Defense Mattis confirmed.

Maybe instead of teaming up with Hillary Clinton (how goofy is that ?), and being a Vice-Presidential candidate, Caine should go back to his former elementary school, and learn the meaning of the word "war", before going on any more TV talk shows.
That's nice. Trump makes a fool of himself on a daily basis, and you cheer him simply because he stands behind the Republican name.

That's nice. Trump makes a fool of himself on a daily basis, and you cheer him simply because he stands behind the Republican name.

Actually, you boo him simply because of the R by his name. Schumer (D) says it was legal.
That's nice. Trump makes a fool of himself on a daily basis, and you cheer him simply because he stands behind the Republican name.

Actually, you boo him simply because of the R by his name. Schumer (D) says it was legal.

I boo most of the US government, and yes, I hate the Republicans and Democrats because I see these people on the take and representing themselves and the rich and not those they're supposed to represent.
This time it was Tim Caine on the ABC TV talk show, hosted by George Stephanopolous. Caine, a US Senator, bashed President Trump's missle strike against Syria. He said Trump's action was unconstitutional, and that only the Congress has the power to declare war.

Caine also said Trump "had plenty of time" to go to the Congress, and allow the Congress to act, instead of doing things as he did. Well, maybe Tim Caine, in his safe, tree-shaded comfy home in New Jersey, might have had plenty of time, there. But if he had been a Syrian, living in a place where Syrian president Assad was maybe considering hitting with another chemical gas attack, he might have had a rather different notion about "time".

Then there's another definition that Senator Caine doesn't seem to have such a firm grasp on. That is the word "war". The missle strike was a one time strike, and meant to be only that. Nothing more was planned for it. But war is much more than that. War is many strikes, in various places at various times, all connected to one another, with the goal of completely defeating the enemy. This was not the purpose, Sect of Defense Mattis confirmed.

Maybe instead of teaming up with Hillary Clinton (how goofy is that ?), and being a Vice-Presidential candidate, Caine should go back to his former elementary school, and learn the meaning of the word "war", before going on any more TV talk shows.
^ Supposedly informed about this Senator, but can’t even spell his name correctly
By the way, Pence and Mathis informed Congressional leaders before the strikes.
Trump didn't declare war
he has every right to blast terrorists/etc and their war making infrastructure
I boo most of the US government, and yes, I hate the Republicans and Democrats because I see these people on the take and representing themselves and the rich and not those they're supposed to represent.
And the Democrats are representing whom ? (other then themselves) It sure couldn't be America's workers, since they've been deprived of millions of jobs from the millions of illegal aliens the Democrats have imported in.


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