Another Kook Anti-Trumper You Should Know About

I don't talk politics at work, but I have to listen to left-wing looks that do, and all I heard was the CNN talking points about Roy Moore. I live in MICHIGAN, and these people have it in their heads that he is Satan incarnate. These people are literally CONTROLLED by the Left-Wing Media. They are robots, spewing what they've been programmed to say.

And what was the rightwing attitude toward Obama? LOL You folks are really entertaining.
My attitude toward Obama was that i should not vote for him because he was a Chicago democrat, the most corrupt of the corrupt. Once elected in 2008 I said i would give him a chance and see what he did. Nigga failed. No media formed my opinon nor do they ever because all the media is good for is controlling sheep.
And yet you use one of the most disgusting, offensive words in our language to describe him. Well, you are an SOB and worse, and a LIAR: you obviously hated him because he was black. That term in not used other than to denigrate.
Well you're right about one thing, my mother is a bitch. But a question if I may, why does it not offend you when blacks say the "N" word a trillion times a day? :)
It's not okay for men to call women bitches, but it is okay for women to call women bitches. It is not okay for thin people to call over weight people fat, but it is okay for them to use the word. Same thing for blacks. Not okay for whites to use it, okay for blacks to use it. These words have a different meaning when used by their own identifying group. Okay for a redneck to call his redneck friend a redneck, not okay for me to do it. Okay for an individual to say, 'Oh what a fool I am,' not okay for someone else to say it. Does that make sense?
I don't talk politics at work, but I have to listen to left-wing looks that do, and all I heard was the CNN talking points about Roy Moore. I live in MICHIGAN, and these people have it in their heads that he is Satan incarnate. These people are literally CONTROLLED by the Left-Wing Media. They are robots, spewing what they've been programmed to say.

And what was the rightwing attitude toward Obama? LOL You folks are really entertaining.
My attitude toward Obama was that i should not vote for him because he was a Chicago democrat, the most corrupt of the corrupt. Once elected in 2008 I said i would give him a chance and see what he did. Nigga failed. No media formed my opinon nor do they ever because all the media is good for is controlling sheep.
And yet you use one of the most disgusting, offensive words in our language to describe him. Well, you are an SOB and worse, and a LIAR: you obviously hated him because he was black. That term in not used other than to denigrate.
Well you're right about one thing, my mother is a bitch. But a question if I may, why does it not offend you when blacks say the "N" word a trillion times a day? :)
When we say SOB we are not actually referencing the mother. It's a direct insult aimed at the individual to whom it is directed.
I don't talk politics at work, but I have to listen to left-wing looks that do, and all I heard was the CNN talking points about Roy Moore. I live in MICHIGAN, and these people have it in their heads that he is Satan incarnate. These people are literally CONTROLLED by the Left-Wing Media. They are robots, spewing what they've been programmed to say.

And what was the rightwing attitude toward Obama? LOL You folks are really entertaining.
My attitude toward Obama was that i should not vote for him because he was a Chicago democrat, the most corrupt of the corrupt. Once elected in 2008 I said i would give him a chance and see what he did. Nigga failed. No media formed my opinon nor do they ever because all the media is good for is controlling sheep.
And yet you use one of the most disgusting, offensive words in our language to describe him. Well, you are an SOB and worse, and a LIAR: you obviously hated him because he was black. That term in not used other than to denigrate.
Well you're right about one thing, my mother is a bitch. But a question if I may, why does it not offend you when blacks say the "N" word a trillion times a day? :)
When we say SOB we are not actually referencing the mother. It's a direct insult aimed at the individual to whom it is directed.
Now you redefine what "son" means. How progressive of you. Why don't you pee yourself when blacks say nigga a trillion times? Oh, gasp...could it be, you are discriminating? lol!

And what was the rightwing attitude toward Obama? LOL You folks are really entertaining.
My attitude toward Obama was that i should not vote for him because he was a Chicago democrat, the most corrupt of the corrupt. Once elected in 2008 I said i would give him a chance and see what he did. Nigga failed. No media formed my opinon nor do they ever because all the media is good for is controlling sheep.
And yet you use one of the most disgusting, offensive words in our language to describe him. Well, you are an SOB and worse, and a LIAR: you obviously hated him because he was black. That term in not used other than to denigrate.
Well you're right about one thing, my mother is a bitch. But a question if I may, why does it not offend you when blacks say the "N" word a trillion times a day? :)
When we say SOB we are not actually referencing the mother. It's a direct insult aimed at the individual to whom it is directed.
Now you redefine what "son" means. How progressive of you. Why don't you pee yourself when blacks say nigga a trillion times? Oh, gasp...could it be, you are discriminating? lol!
Are you really that dense or is it wilful ignorance? How many times in your life have you been called an SOB? Do you really think those people were casting aspersions on your mother?
I don't talk politics at work, but I have to listen to left-wing looks that do, and all I heard was the CNN talking points about Roy Moore. I live in MICHIGAN, and these people have it in their heads that he is Satan incarnate. These people are literally CONTROLLED by the Left-Wing Media. They are robots, spewing what they've been programmed to say.

And what was the rightwing attitude toward Obama? LOL You folks are really entertaining.
My attitude toward Obama was that i should not vote for him because he was a Chicago democrat, the most corrupt of the corrupt. Once elected in 2008 I said i would give him a chance and see what he did. Nigga failed. No media formed my opinon nor do they ever because all the media is good for is controlling sheep.
And yet you use one of the most disgusting, offensive words in our language to describe him. Well, you are an SOB and worse, and a LIAR: you obviously hated him because he was black. That term in not used other than to denigrate.
Well you're right about one thing, my mother is a bitch. But a question if I may, why does it not offend you when blacks say the "N" word a trillion times a day? :)
It's not okay for men to call women bitches, but it is okay for women to call women bitches. It is not okay for thin people to call over weight people fat, but it is okay for them to use the word. Same thing for blacks. Not okay for whites to use it, okay for blacks to use it. These words have a different meaning when used by their own identifying group. Okay for a redneck to call his redneck friend a redneck, not okay for me to do it. Okay for an individual to say, 'Oh what a fool I am,' not okay for someone else to say it. Does that make sense?
If someone is fat, and they get called fat, why should that be a offensive? Or is it that you just cannot grasp reality and want to define your own set of ridiculous rules? If some woman is bitchy, she's a bitch. Why not call her that. if she's fat then she's a fat bitch. Unless she is directly harassing me, i wouldn't call her that though. My mother is a fat old bitch. lol.
We can think a corrupt propagandist media for inflaming many ignorant Americans.
Ignorant Americans like the ones that thought Mexico would pay for a wall for them to hide behind? Ignorant Americans who thought the orange clown was going to repeal and replace Obamacare on day 1? Ignorant Americans who thought he would withdraw from the Iran agreement? The same morons who thought he was going to ban Muslims?
It`s the media`s fault that trump supporters are are gullible idiots? :)
Are you aware of this and do you think it is a problem?

America Has a Fifth Column
By Michael S. Rozeff

November 14, 2017

America has a fifth column. A fifth column is a “group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation.” The fifth column in this case consists of all those in the deep state and elsewhere such as academia, politics, and the media who have worked for a soft coup against Trump, who have spread falsehoods to undermine his presidency, and who are actively working to impeach him or invoke the 25th Amendment on specious grounds. The fifth column aims to undermine the far larger group within this nation who accept the results of last November’s election and who are not trying to overturn it by devious non-election hook or by non-election crook. The fifth column aims to undermine and overturn a legitimate election using foul play, not fair play. The fifth column cuts across party lines. It’s defined by its adoption of underhanded non-election means to bring Trump’s presidency to a premature end. The fifth column wants to see Trump deposed by anti-Trump forces within the government.
The US Fifth Column - LewRockwell

And what was the rightwing attitude toward Obama? LOL You folks are really entertaining.
My attitude toward Obama was that i should not vote for him because he was a Chicago democrat, the most corrupt of the corrupt. Once elected in 2008 I said i would give him a chance and see what he did. Nigga failed. No media formed my opinon nor do they ever because all the media is good for is controlling sheep.
And yet you use one of the most disgusting, offensive words in our language to describe him. Well, you are an SOB and worse, and a LIAR: you obviously hated him because he was black. That term in not used other than to denigrate.
Well you're right about one thing, my mother is a bitch. But a question if I may, why does it not offend you when blacks say the "N" word a trillion times a day? :)
It's not okay for men to call women bitches, but it is okay for women to call women bitches. It is not okay for thin people to call over weight people fat, but it is okay for them to use the word. Same thing for blacks. Not okay for whites to use it, okay for blacks to use it. These words have a different meaning when used by their own identifying group. Okay for a redneck to call his redneck friend a redneck, not okay for me to do it. Okay for an individual to say, 'Oh what a fool I am,' not okay for someone else to say it. Does that make sense?
If someone is fat, and they get called fat, why should that be a offensive? Or is it that you just cannot grasp reality and want to define your own set of ridiculous rules? If some woman is bitchy, she's a bitch. Why not call her that. if she's fat then she's a fat bitch. Unless she is directly harassing me, i wouldn't call her that though. My mother is a fat old bitch. lol.
:rolleyes: Wilful ignorance.
My attitude toward Obama was that i should not vote for him because he was a Chicago democrat, the most corrupt of the corrupt. Once elected in 2008 I said i would give him a chance and see what he did. Nigga failed. No media formed my opinon nor do they ever because all the media is good for is controlling sheep.
And yet you use one of the most disgusting, offensive words in our language to describe him. Well, you are an SOB and worse, and a LIAR: you obviously hated him because he was black. That term in not used other than to denigrate.
Well you're right about one thing, my mother is a bitch. But a question if I may, why does it not offend you when blacks say the "N" word a trillion times a day? :)
It's not okay for men to call women bitches, but it is okay for women to call women bitches. It is not okay for thin people to call over weight people fat, but it is okay for them to use the word. Same thing for blacks. Not okay for whites to use it, okay for blacks to use it. These words have a different meaning when used by their own identifying group. Okay for a redneck to call his redneck friend a redneck, not okay for me to do it. Okay for an individual to say, 'Oh what a fool I am,' not okay for someone else to say it. Does that make sense?
If someone is fat, and they get called fat, why should that be a offensive? Or is it that you just cannot grasp reality and want to define your own set of ridiculous rules? If some woman is bitchy, she's a bitch. Why not call her that. if she's fat then she's a fat bitch. Unless she is directly harassing me, i wouldn't call her that though. My mother is a fat old bitch. lol.
:rolleyes: Wilful ignorance.
When pinned down, regressive blows smoke and deflects.
We can think a corrupt propagandist media for inflaming many ignorant Americans.
Ignorant Americans like the ones that thought Mexico would pay for a wall for them to hide behind? Ignorant Americans who thought the orange clown was going to repeal and replace Obamacare on day 1? Ignorant Americans who thought he would withdraw from the Iran agreement? The same morons who thought he was going to ban Muslims?
It`s the media`s fault that trump supporters are are gullible idiots? :)[/QUOTE
Not even one year and you are expecting end results,

Not even one of the things you mention will be like Gitmo still open after 8 years.

I don't talk politics at work, but I have to listen to left-wing looks that do, and all I heard was the CNN talking points about Roy Moore. I live in MICHIGAN, and these people have it in their heads that he is Satan incarnate. These people are literally CONTROLLED by the Left-Wing Media. They are robots, spewing what they've been programmed to say.

And what was the rightwing attitude toward Obama? LOL You folks are really entertaining.
My attitude toward Obama was that i should not vote for him because he was a Chicago democrat, the most corrupt of the corrupt. Once elected in 2008 I said i would give him a chance and see what he did. Nigga failed. No media formed my opinon nor do they ever because all the media is good for is controlling sheep.
And yet you use one of the most disgusting, offensive words in our language to describe him. Well, you are an SOB and worse, and a LIAR: you obviously hated him because he was black. That term in not used other than to denigrate.
Well you're right about one thing, my mother is a bitch. But a question if I may, why does it not offend you when blacks say the "N" word a trillion times a day? :)
When we say SOB we are not actually referencing the mother. It's a direct insult aimed at the individual to whom it is directed.

Nope. It is insulting your mother and her affect on your upbringing.
I don't talk politics at work, but I have to listen to left-wing looks that do, and all I heard was the CNN talking points about Roy Moore. I live in MICHIGAN, and these people have it in their heads that he is Satan incarnate. These people are literally CONTROLLED by the Left-Wing Media. They are robots, spewing what they've been programmed to say.

And what was the rightwing attitude toward Obama? LOL You folks are really entertaining.

I don’t remember anything being burnt to the ground, no crayons, no safe spaces. We didn’t like his policies, but he got everything he wanted, I don’t remember the media constantly bashing him 24/7.
Could you refresh my memory.

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When the media reports on the various investigations is that considered bashing him 24/7 ?

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