Another knifeman screaming 'Allah Akbar' - this time in Dutch town


Hmmm. Yet another mentally ill person. This time in Netherlands.

Police shoot and arrest knifeman screaming 'Allah Akbar' at shoppers in Dutch town
  • The man, 35, yelled the phrase while running at police and waving a knife
  • He was hospitalised after police shot him in the leg, bringing him down
  • The incident occurred near Spijkenisse metro station near Rotterdam
  • Shoppers were worried by 'Allah Akbar' phrase given recent terror cases
  • One said: 'Every person on the planet is shouting 'Allah Akbar' nowadays'

PUBLISHED: 15:53, 10 August 2016 | UPDATED: 15:53, 10 August 2016

Police officers were forced to shoot down a knife wielding man who terrified shoppers with shouts of 'Allah Akbar.'

The incident took place on Tuesday afternoon in Spijkenisse, a commuter-town close to the city of Rotterdam in the west of the Netherlands.

The police spotted a local man, 35, close to the central metro station of Spijkenisse who made wild movements with a butcher's knife. ...

Police shoot and arrest knifeman screaming 'Allah Akbar' at shoppers
Was he screaming it in French for the Walloons or in Dutch?
i am surprised that the shoppers were terrified by the allah akbar shouting and not by the knife-wielding.

"One eye-witness said: 'About every person on the planet is shouting 'Allah Akbar' nowadays.'

The man heard from a group of girls that the suspect also dropped his pants in front of them before making a scene with the butcher's knife."

Probably a conditioned response. Allah akbar is usually followed by bomb blasts. How many allah akbar's do you think Hillary should flood America with?

42, or a million a year for the next 10 years...

What is your comment in response to? I'm seeing it as a stand alone comment.
seems to be your problem, originating from you using and not understanding the ignore function.
Hmmm. Yet another mentally ill person. This time in Netherlands.

Police shoot and arrest knifeman screaming 'Allah Akbar' at shoppers in Dutch town
  • The man, 35, yelled the phrase while running at police and waving a knife
  • He was hospitalised after police shot him in the leg, bringing him down
  • The incident occurred near Spijkenisse metro station near Rotterdam
  • Shoppers were worried by 'Allah Akbar' phrase given recent terror cases
  • One said: 'Every person on the planet is shouting 'Allah Akbar' nowadays'

PUBLISHED: 15:53, 10 August 2016 | UPDATED: 15:53, 10 August 2016

Police officers were forced to shoot down a knife wielding man who terrified shoppers with shouts of 'Allah Akbar.'

The incident took place on Tuesday afternoon in Spijkenisse, a commuter-town close to the city of Rotterdam in the west of the Netherlands.

The police spotted a local man, 35, close to the central metro station of Spijkenisse who made wild movements with a butcher's knife. ...

Police shoot and arrest knifeman screaming 'Allah Akbar' at shoppers
Was he screaming it in French for the Walloons or in Dutch?
if he screamed it, i guess he screamed it in arabic.
Hmmm. Yet another mentally ill person. This time in Netherlands.

Police shoot and arrest knifeman screaming 'Allah Akbar' at shoppers in Dutch town
  • The man, 35, yelled the phrase while running at police and waving a knife
  • He was hospitalised after police shot him in the leg, bringing him down
  • The incident occurred near Spijkenisse metro station near Rotterdam
  • Shoppers were worried by 'Allah Akbar' phrase given recent terror cases
  • One said: 'Every person on the planet is shouting 'Allah Akbar' nowadays'

PUBLISHED: 15:53, 10 August 2016 | UPDATED: 15:53, 10 August 2016

Police officers were forced to shoot down a knife wielding man who terrified shoppers with shouts of 'Allah Akbar.'

The incident took place on Tuesday afternoon in Spijkenisse, a commuter-town close to the city of Rotterdam in the west of the Netherlands.

The police spotted a local man, 35, close to the central metro station of Spijkenisse who made wild movements with a butcher's knife. ...

Police shoot and arrest knifeman screaming 'Allah Akbar' at shoppers
Was he screaming it in French for the Walloons or in Dutch?
if he screamed it, i guess he screamed it in arabic.
I doubt very many understood what he was yelling...But they did pick up on the body language...
Why the leg? They missed a perfect time to exterminate the animal. Always shoot to kill
The Europeans are more civilized, except for maybe Austria, or some of its extremists.
Considering he could have been wearing explosives, it's irresponsible rather than civilised. And there are 'extremists' all over Europe. Why do you single out Austria?

The Islamic Apologists list about these perpetrators is:

Mentally ill.

Even though they all shout Allahu Akbar, it has NOTHING to do with Islam.

Work Place Violence.

Perpetrator was a gay, see Orlando shooter, see Nice lunatic that mowed down the 86 people.

Perpetrator was an Anders Breivik fanboy.

Remember NONE have ANYTHING to do with Islam or Islamic Terrorism :rolleyes-41:

If that was the case they would holler 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts before the bombs went off.
It has everything to do with Islam.
Last edited:
To do any really serious damage with a blade weapon you need at least a machete or a Japanese samurai sword.

What a fucking retard.

Knives are great for Jack The Ripper crimes in a knife culture that is anti gun like Europe. But not very effective for mass murders.

Utter bullshit, ignorant hack.

Well a machete is a knife, as is a meat cleaver.
It's no epee...

I have several Épée, also Foil and Sabre, I was mentioning Fencing the other night to someone in a thread that wasn't about Fencing, but they said they would have liked to have Fenced.

If anyone needed protecting, I could protect them with a variety of instruments, the above or if need be my Glocks.
To do any really serious damage with a blade weapon you need at least a machete or a Japanese samurai sword.

What a fucking retard.

Knives are great for Jack The Ripper crimes in a knife culture that is anti gun like Europe. But not very effective for mass murders.

Utter bullshit, ignorant hack.

Well a machete is a knife, as is a meat cleaver.
It's no epee...

I have several Épée, also Foil and Sabre, I was mentioning Fencing the other night to someone in a thread that wasn't about Fencing, but they said they would have liked to have Fenced.

If anyone needed protecting, I could protect them with a variety of instruments, the above or if need be my Glocks.

I highly recommend the Glock
Why the leg? They missed a perfect time to exterminate the animal. Always shoot to kill
The Europeans are more civilized, except for maybe Austria, or some of its extremists.
Considering he could have been wearing explosives, it's irresponsible rather than civilised. And there are 'extremists' all over Europe. Why do you single out Austria?

The Islamic Apologists list about these perpetrators is:

Mentally ill.

Even though they all shout Allahu Akbar, it has NOTHING to do with Islam.

Work Place Violence.

Perpetrator was a gay, see Orlando shooter, see Nice lunatic that mowed down the 86 people.

Perpetrator was an Anders Breivik fanboy.

Remember NONE have ANYTHING to do with Islam or Islamic Terrorism :rolleyes-41:

If that was the case they would holler 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts before the bombs went off.
It has everything to do with Islam.

I vote Dunkin Donuts :eek-52:

Yes it has everything to do with Islam, but the pro-Islamic Apologists/Collaborators/Enablers insist it has nothing to do with Islam, not that anyone is paying attention to this bizarro stuff from them anymore.

Even the MSM when they babble this stuff, most people aren't listening anymore, the people know the deal now, the people aren't stupid.
To do any really serious damage with a blade weapon you need at least a machete or a Japanese samurai sword.

What a fucking retard.

Knives are great for Jack The Ripper crimes in a knife culture that is anti gun like Europe. But not very effective for mass murders.

Utter bullshit, ignorant hack.

Well a machete is a knife, as is a meat cleaver.
It's no epee...

I have several Épée, also Foil and Sabre, I was mentioning Fencing the other night to someone in a thread that wasn't about Fencing, but they said they would have liked to have Fenced.

If anyone needed protecting, I could protect them with a variety of instruments, the above or if need be my Glocks.

I highly recommend the Glock

I have a Glock 17, a Glock 19 and a Glock 26, that's a cute thing but it packs a big punch.

Any savage attempted anything with my family, or with any member of the public and I was about, they'd be met with one of the below.



To do any really serious damage with a blade weapon you need at least a machete or a Japanese samurai sword.

What a fucking retard.

Knives are great for Jack The Ripper crimes in a knife culture that is anti gun like Europe. But not very effective for mass murders.

Utter bullshit, ignorant hack.

Well a machete is a knife, as is a meat cleaver.
It's no epee...

I have several Épée, also Foil and Sabre, I was mentioning Fencing the other night to someone in a thread that wasn't about Fencing, but they said they would have liked to have Fenced.

If anyone needed protecting, I could protect them with a variety of instruments, the above or if need be my Glocks.
I just throw a brick and hit him in da eye..
Why the leg? They missed a perfect time to exterminate the animal. Always shoot to kill
The Europeans are more civilized, except for maybe Austria, or some of its extremists.
Considering he could have been wearing explosives, it's irresponsible rather than civilised. And there are 'extremists' all over Europe. Why do you single out Austria?

The Islamic Apologists list about these perpetrators is:

Mentally ill.

Even though they all shout Allahu Akbar, it has NOTHING to do with Islam.

Work Place Violence.

Perpetrator was a gay, see Orlando shooter, see Nice lunatic that mowed down the 86 people.

Perpetrator was an Anders Breivik fanboy.

Remember NONE have ANYTHING to do with Islam or Islamic Terrorism :rolleyes-41:

If work place violence was the case they would holler 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts before the bombs went off.
It has everything to do with Islam.
No one would yell going postal in a room full of postal workers...
Well a machete is a knife, as is a meat cleaver.

Depends on length. A knife is a blade length of 18" or less.

A person with a 3" blade in a crowd can do enormous damage. Because the blade is concealed, the attacker moves quickly from victim to victim. The Assasini of Florence, Venice, and Sicily used knives exclusively, because of their ability to kill silently and with stealth. In a crowd, the victims don't know who the attacker is.

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