Another knifeman screaming 'Allah Akbar' - this time in Dutch town

You never shoot in the leg, who's teaching them? You shoot to kill, head shot or central upper torso shot.

Shooting in the leg, especially in that sort of situation, he might have had an explosive strapped under his clothing, he could have detonated it.
Their police need come over here for training. Our cops shoot to kill.
Why the leg? They missed a perfect time to exterminate the animal. Always shoot to kill
The Europeans are more civilized, except for maybe Austria, or some of its extremists.
Considering he could have been wearing explosives, it's irresponsible rather than civilised. And there are 'extremists' all over Europe. Why do you single out Austria?
Because he is an idiot from the Ukraine. He hates Russians too and I am quite sure the Poles also.
You never shoot in the leg, who's teaching them? You shoot to kill, head shot or central upper torso shot.

Shooting in the leg, especially in that sort of situation, he might have had an explosive strapped under his clothing, he could have detonated it.
Their police need come over here for training. Our cops shoot to kill.

We're on the Halal thread.
Why the leg? They missed a perfect time to exterminate the animal. Always shoot to kill
The Europeans are more civilized, except for maybe Austria, or some of its extremists.
Considering he could have been wearing explosives, it's irresponsible rather than civilised. And there are 'extremists' all over Europe. Why do you single out Austria?
Because he is an idiot from the Ukraine. He hates Russians too and I am quite sure the Poles also.
Ya talking about me? Why do you assume, unless you're an ass?

If your reference was to me, you should know that i was born in the USA and have Polish ancestry as well as many friends from both Russia & Ukraine.
I don't hate all Russians; just the bigoted neo-nazi nationalists -- the type who killed the Russian hero Boris Nemtsov.
Hmmm. Yet another mentally ill person. This time in Netherlands.

Police shoot and arrest knifeman screaming 'Allah Akbar' at shoppers in Dutch town
  • The man, 35, yelled the phrase while running at police and waving a knife
  • He was hospitalised after police shot him in the leg, bringing him down
  • The incident occurred near Spijkenisse metro station near Rotterdam
  • Shoppers were worried by 'Allah Akbar' phrase given recent terror cases
  • One said: 'Every person on the planet is shouting 'Allah Akbar' nowadays'

PUBLISHED: 15:53, 10 August 2016 | UPDATED: 15:53, 10 August 2016

Police officers were forced to shoot down a knife wielding man who terrified shoppers with shouts of 'Allah Akbar.'

The incident took place on Tuesday afternoon in Spijkenisse, a commuter-town close to the city of Rotterdam in the west of the Netherlands.

The police spotted a local man, 35, close to the central metro station of Spijkenisse who made wild movements with a butcher's knife. ...

Police shoot and arrest knifeman screaming 'Allah Akbar' at shoppers
Yeah, a mental illness called Islam.

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