Wingnuts have been lied to so much by the GOP, it wouldn't surprise me that is now ingrained in them to always vote for the guy/party who will do the least for them.
Trump is the last person concerned about you, your politics, your beliefs and anything you care about.
"Lie" is one the five pillars of your manifesto.
1. Promise the poor and minorities the world.
Nobody is promising the poor and minorities 'the world'.
2. Cater to the entertainment industry, the lawyers, and the media.
Duck Dynasty, Anthony Sebato Jr. and Scott Baio. It's not that you guys don't try to get celebrity endorsements, it's that for the most part, they don't want anything to do with you. Hell, even Bruce Willis gives money to Hillary Clinton, you've lost him.
The GOP loves lawyers, they just don't have the support of trial lawyer organizations.
The media is mostly only biased when it comes to their bottom line.
3. Make it look like any law or restriction towards the rights of freaks is inhumane and bigoted.
The fact that you call the LGBTQ community and possibly minorities freaks is reason to have laws protecting them. Your views are not of the majority but there are still enough of you around, you'll continue to die off.
4. Put out a lot of demagogic bullshit on sex and make Christians look mean.
Trump is the queen of demagogic bullshit. He's also about as Christian as hanukkah.
5. Lie --- to the public, or the congress as needed.
I don't expect politicians, like most people to not lie. However I don't expect them to introduce new lies at the rate of the current GOP nominee.
>>Nobody is promising the poor and minorities 'the world'.
Whatever you say. At least we can confirm you have not delivered.
>>Duck Dynasty, Anthony Sebato Jr. and Scott Baio. It's not that you guys don't try to get celebrity endorsements, it's that for the most part, they don't want anything to do with you. Hell, even Bruce Willis gives money to Hillary Clinton, you've lost him.
Don’t miss the point. Hollywood powers rule and their raunchy movies promoting every kind of vice and grossness possible proves that. The kind of filth liberals gladly tolerate. If you are a known Christian or even supporter of conservatism, call it a career killer.
>>The GOP loves lawyers, they just don't have the support of trial lawyer organizations.
Exactly, the trial lawyers rule, just like the leftist unions call all the shots for their members and influence politics on issues that have nothing to do with their industry.
>>The media is mostly only biased when it comes to their bottom line.
Oh for crying out loud, your fantasy imagination is controlling your real life narrative.
>>The fact that you call the LGBTQ community and possibly minorities freaks is reason to have laws protecting them. Your views are not of the majority but there are still enough of you around, you'll continue to die off.
I call transgenders freaks, I call gay marriage a sinful evolution, I call the promotion of homosexuality and bisexuality and guilt-free sex as any child wishes by our govt and schools a bane on this nation.
4. Put out a lot of demagogic bullshit on sex and make Christians look mean.
>>Trump is the queen of demagogic bullshit. He's also about as Christian as hanukkah.
IOW, you are not denying #4. How could you?
5. Lie --- to the public, or the congress as needed.
>>I don't expect politicians, like most people to not lie. However I don't expect them to introduce new lies at the rate of the current GOP nominee.
And I don’t expect you to ever admit to the high crimes and lies of your leaders --- which is not exactly a lie on your part, just another cover up.