Another former republican, with nothing left to lose, speaks the truth

The Tea Party is over, Brain.


And as far as liberal deficit hawks, they'll be history too, if they get back into office. None of the 2 dozen liberal wannabes running has a plan to pay off the debt, should they actually get in. They don't even have a plan to pay for their New Green Deal which has a $94 Trillion price tag.
Yes they are, shame. We need fiscal responsibility.

That doesn’t change that nothing trump has done is working. Huge deficits and economy is sputtering. Stocks have been stagnant for a year.

Have any Democratic candidates spoken of the need to cut government spending?
Vote out the guy who has proven a BIG spender.

You dodged my question.
Really not following dem candidates. But I do follow deficits and trump the worst.

Anyway, NONE of the Democratic candidates have mentioned cutting spending. On the contrary, they're wanting to spend TRILLIONS on free college and free healthcare, including for illegal immigrants.

Do you support that?
He is spot on.

If Mr. Walsh were to run and win the nomination, you wouldn't vote for him either.

In fact, Walsh would be demonized as Literally Hitler and a racist.
Any tea party person should be in complete agreement with joe. Trump is a fiscal disaster. Most of the right have proven they are hypocrites. Good to see one who isn’t,

What would happen if Trump and Republicans wanted to drastically cut government spending?
They could have done nothing and deficits were shrinking under Obama. Repubs take over and they explode.

Not true.

So how did Obama lower the deficit by more than 60 percent? Here is the answer. The Left starts counting Obama's deficit meter in 2010 AFTER he passed the $800 billion debt bomb fiscal stimulus bill. So they assigned the gargantuan deficit in Obama's first year to Bush. It is true that we were four months into the fiscal year 2009 when Obama was sworn into office. And it is true that the deficit was going to be much higher no matter what Obama did in his first year because of the deep recession that ended in June 2009. So in fairness, some of the bad numbers in 2009 were Bush's fault.
Just another jealous crackpot.
Billy, I promise that when your eyes and ears return to reality I will not call you a crackpot.

I am well bolted into reality, bullwinkle. I didn't get the runs over Trump's joking offer to buy Greenland seriously (neither did he), as did the increasingly gullible Democrats and their patented media.

Next year will be interesting for me in a small aside. I have accurately chosen the winner in every presidential election since Jack Kennedy, save for Obama. I just could not believe there was that much collective stupidity extant in America for that to happen not once, but twice, even with the two clowns the Republicans ran in opposition. Had he not been black, he'd have never been president.

I believe I will have resumed my streak when 2020 rolls in.
Good for Joe Walsh. The GOP should not have to march in lockstep with President Trump.
He is spot on.

If Mr. Walsh were to run and win the nomination, you wouldn't vote for him either.

In fact, Walsh would be demonized as Literally Hitler and a racist.
Any tea party person should be in complete agreement with joe. Trump is a fiscal disaster. Most of the right have proven they are hypocrites. Good to see one who isn’t,

What would happen if Trump and Republicans wanted to drastically cut government spending?

Yes they are, shame. We need fiscal responsibility.

That doesn’t change that nothing trump has done is working. Huge deficits and economy is sputtering. Stocks have been stagnant for a year.

Have any Democratic candidates spoken of the need to cut government spending?
Vote out the guy who has proven a BIG spender.

You dodged my question.
Really not following dem candidates. But I do follow deficits and trump the worst.

But the Dems will be a lot worse.

The costs of their program are tremendous.
Repubs always say that then increase deficits. Deficits were declining under Obama. Trump then made them worse. You have no argument. Bush ruined a balanced budget, Reagan tripled the debt...
Trump has been really bad, and now even rabid right wing joe Walsh has to admit it.
The man is entitled to his opinion but if he feels that strongly about this maybe he should be a primary challenger to Trump. Somehow I suspect he won’t much easier to write opinion articles than actually do what you say needs to be done.
Opinion | Joe Walsh: Trump Needs a Primary Challenge

It's a shame none of the republican cowards currently holding office have the balls to speak the truth.

Joe Walsh, a former Illinois tea party republican congressman, is spot on in this piece.

"Republicans should view Mr. Trump as the liability that he is: No matter his flag-hugging, or his military parades, he’s no patriot. In front of the world, he sides with Vladimir Putin over our own intelligence community. That’s dangerous. He encouraged Russian interference in the 2016 election, and he refuses to take foreign threats seriously as we enter the 2020 election. That’s reckless.

For three years, he has been at war with our federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies, as he embraces tyrants abroad and embarrasses our allies. That’s un-American.

And despite what his enablers claim, Mr. Trump isn’t a conservative. He’s reckless on fiscal issues; he’s incompetent on the border; he’s clueless on trade; he misunderstands executive power; and he subverts the rule of law. It’s his poor record that makes him most worthy of a primary challenge.

Mr. Trump has taken the legitimate differences that Americans have on policy and turned them into personal division. He’s caused me to change my tone and to reflect upon where I went over the line and to focus on policy differences moving forward.

We now have a president who retweets conspiracy theories implicating his political opponents in Jeffrey Epstein’s death. We now have a president who does his level best to avoid condemning white supremacy and white nationalism...............................................................

What's dangerous about getting help beating the faggot tax hungry drain on society liberals... The enemy with in.
Former Republican that turned, because it benefits him. Now he wants to attract more attention, and more dims. Not caring.

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Opinion | Joe Walsh: Trump Needs a Primary Challenge

It's a shame none of the republican cowards currently holding office have the balls to speak the truth.

Joe Walsh, a former Illinois tea party republican congressman, is spot on in this piece.

"Republicans should view Mr. Trump as the liability that he is: No matter his flag-hugging, or his military parades, he’s no patriot. In front of the world, he sides with Vladimir Putin over our own intelligence community. That’s dangerous. He encouraged Russian interference in the 2016 election, and he refuses to take foreign threats seriously as we enter the 2020 election. That’s reckless.

For three years, he has been at war with our federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies, as he embraces tyrants abroad and embarrasses our allies. That’s un-American.

And despite what his enablers claim, Mr. Trump isn’t a conservative. He’s reckless on fiscal issues; he’s incompetent on the border; he’s clueless on trade; he misunderstands executive power; and he subverts the rule of law. It’s his poor record that makes him most worthy of a primary challenge.

Mr. Trump has taken the legitimate differences that Americans have on policy and turned them into personal division. He’s caused me to change my tone and to reflect upon where I went over the line and to focus on policy differences moving forward.

We now have a president who retweets conspiracy theories implicating his political opponents in Jeffrey Epstein’s death. We now have a president who does his level best to avoid condemning white supremacy and white nationalism...............................................................

Walsh sounds like another elitist, deep-state clown.

Finally there it is the DEEP STATE!

There is. The federal government is riddled with leftist hacks whose loyalty is to the Democratic Party. Why do you think the IRS prevented conservatives from participating in the 2012 election?

Really no RethugiKKKons even participated in the 2012 elections, really?
All part of the DEEP STATE!
Really no RethugiKKKons even participated in the 2012 elections, really?
All part of the DEEP STATE!

DId Lois Lerner and other high-ranking IRS officials plead the 5th? Did the IRS later publicly and officially apologize for doing exactly what I said they did? Now might be a good time to get on Google and educate yourself.
They could have done nothing and deficits were shrinking under Obama. Repubs take over and they explode.

If Bernie or Warren was president and if the Democrats had control of the senate and house, the debt and deficits would SKYROCKET and you would be mute.

In any event, you are a dishonest shill, sort of like Baghdad Bob but, unlike Bob, you're not getting paid. You're just dumb.
They could have done nothing and deficits were shrinking under Obama. Repubs take over and they explode.

If Bernie or Warren was president and if the Democrats had control of the senate and house, the debt and deficits would SKYROCKET and you would be mute.

In any event, you are a dishonest shill, sort of like Baghdad Bob but, unlike Bob, you're not getting paid. You're just dumb.
You have some imagination. We went from Obama to trump and full repub control and deficits skyrocketed...
You have some imagination. We went from Obama to trump and full repub control and deficits skyrocketed...

Will government spending increase or decrease if Democratic promises to provide free college and free healthcare are implemented?