Another fine choice for the Biden team

I'm just curious Joe, after that incredibly viscious screed you just posted above, what is it that you think that Democrats have ever fucked up on that cost people their lives, or oppress others? Surely you don't think they walk on water do you?

Never said they did... In fact, I subscribe to the following.

View attachment 444456

So, all rhetoric aside, what exactly are everyday Republican's "nuts" about?
So, all rhetoric aside, what exactly are everyday Republican's "nuts" about?

Forcing women to have babies after they've been impregnated by rape.
Average citizens should have machine guns in case they need to overthrow the government.
Accepting QAnon, Proud Boys and the Bugaloos as treasured members of your coalition.
Thinking there's a vast Chinese conspiracy.
So, all rhetoric aside, what exactly are everyday Republican's "nuts" about?
Forcing women to have babies after they've been impregnated by rape.

No one that I know, that are conservative, think that rape should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term....In fact, the exceptions most often talked about when talking about contraceptive abortion are rape and incest...So, you're lying when you characterize Republican's as wanting this in whole..

Average citizens should have machine guns in case they need to overthrow the government.

Again, this is an outright lie....Machine Guns are not available to the general citizenry, unless you have a special permit to own one....

Accepting QAnon, Proud Boys and the Bugaloos as treasured members of your coalition.

These are extremist groups, just like Democrats have their extremists, BLM, AntiFa, etc...Did you really think that allowing your groups to attack cities over the summer without the first condemnation from you folks wasn't going to result in an opposite but equal force pushing back? really?

Thinking there's a vast Chinese conspiracy.

So, then by your logic, you're nuts by thinking that there was a vast Russian conspiracy to get Trump elected....Right?
No one that I know, that are conservative, think that rape should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term....In fact, the exceptions most often talked about when talking about contraceptive abortion are rape and incest...So, you're lying when you characterize Republican's as wanting this in whole..

Really? Do I need to bring out the Republican Rape Chart? These are all quotes by conservatives either doubting rape or saying a woman should have her rapist's baby. And frankly, if you really, truly believe Globby the Fetus is a person, you have to kind of support that. We don't execute Children for their father's crimes.


Again, this is an outright lie....Machine Guns are not available to the general citizenry, unless you have a special permit to own one....

You aren't going to get into the whole "Machine Gun" vs. "Assault Rifle" claim, are you? Really? No one should own a machine gun, no one should own an assault rifle. These are weapons designed for battlefields, not neighborhoods.

These are extremist groups, just like Democrats have their extremists, BLM, AntiFa, etc...Did you really think that allowing your groups to attack cities over the summer without the first condemnation from you folks wasn't going to result in an opposite but equal force pushing back? really?

Um, no, that's kind of retarded. Thinking black lives matters or you should be anti-fascist aren't "racidal" ideas. Thinking that there is a conspiracy of cannibalistic pedophiles who secretly run the run the government is.

So, then by your logic, you're nuts by thinking that there was a vast Russian conspiracy to get Trump elected....Right?

Uh, no. 17 Intelligence Agencies said that there was. Several Trump associates have been convicted for colluding with the Russians or lying about their contacts with Russia, and Trump pardoned them.


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