another Dem city being destroyed by crime


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
Chicago shoplifting!! --like San Fran.....Dems are destroying their OWN cities--fking THEMSLEVES over--and they don't even realize it !! = idiots
defund police/Biden and the left say FU to police
don't prosecute criminals
HONOR criminals with statues/funerals/murals/plaques/etc

  • Thieves know they can grab armfuls of merchandise without being stopped by store security
blacks/Dem prosecute people for DEFENDING themselves and not CRIMINALS = idiots
Some of us don't want

in our future
And yet people in big cities continue to vote for the democrats. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen. They get kicked in the balls and then say do it again.'s ingrained ..they voted for Barry AFTER he was outed as nothing but a dumbass black thug....they think with their emotions and not their brains
Chicago shoplifting!! --like San Fran.....Dems are destroying their OWN cities--fking THEMSLEVES over--and they don't even realize it !! = idiots
defund police/Biden and the left say FU to police
don't prosecute criminals
HONOR criminals with statues/funerals/murals/plaques/etc

  • Thieves know they can grab armfuls of merchandise without being stopped by store security
blacks/Dem prosecute people for DEFENDING themselves and not CRIMINALS = idiots
That's true for the most part. I won't risk it
Who is the minority in Chicago. Take any street and drive from one end to the other and then tell me who's the minority. I don't think the census is very accurate anymore

In places like Chicago certainly the minority is white.

Let me be more blunt. 90% of the shoplifting is by blacks. Anyone else here have the balls to speak the truth?
And you wonder why there is racial profiling.

In places like Chicago certainly the minority is white.

Let me be more blunt. 90% of the shoplifting is by blacks. Anyone else here have the balls to speak the truth?
I was thinking about driving through Chicago and filming Street by Street for my YouTube channel or one of my YouTube channels. I will post it on here when I do.
And I guarantee you 90% of the shoplifting is by minorities.

You can say it, blacks steal a lot of stuff

And you wonder why there is racial profiling.

Racial profiling doesn't really exist, there is just profiling. It's a catch phrase created so blacks can seem discriminated against for being arrested when they break the law.

Imagine you're a cop in a city with a lot of blacks and the majority of the crime is comited by blacks. Who are you going to eyeball most often? Blacks. If a city has crimes mostly done by young black males that walk and talk like ignorant thugs then that's who you will watch out for most often. It's called playing the percentages.

Just like if you're a cop in Lincoln Nebraska you're going to be eyeballing whites because it's mostly white people there and mostly them comitting crimes.

Everyone profiles. If you see a stranger and think even something positive like "she looks smart" you profiled them, or think "he wears nice clothes I bet he has money" you profiled them. And if you live in a area where dumb ass thug blacks are always comitting crimes and see a black dude with his pants below his ass, walking like a retard, stinks of pot smoke, and can't even speak decent English and you think "I bet he is a criminal" well chances are you'd right.

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