Another dead Kid.

Report: Israeli troops kill Palestinian teen in West Bank

Palestinian medical source reports that IDF troops shoot, kill 15-year-old Palestinian during clash in Jelazoun refugee camp, near West Bank city of Ramallah. IDF investigating report

AFP Published: 12.07.13, 19:25 / Israel News

Israeli troops shot dead a 15-year-old Palestinian during a Saturday night clash in Jelazoun refugee camp, near the West Bank city of Ramallah, a Palestinian medical source told AFP.

He named the youth as Wajih al-Ramhi and said that he was dead on arrival at Ramallah, from a single gunshot.

The victim's father said that an IDF soldier shot a single bullet in the direction of his son from a watch tower. According to the father, his son was not taking part in clashes with the IDF.

Report: Israeli troops kill Palestinian teen in West Bank - Israel News, Ynetnews

I know, I know. There is always a good reason to target Palestinian kids.

As long as Jewish people and pro-Israeli posters keep excusing this and do not insist upon independent, neutral party investigations, this will continue. Has the IDF, in the hundreds of deaths of this sort ever received more than the very rare slap on the wrist.

An army is a reflection of the people.

It says the IDF investigates this, what else can we do?

The Army can stop slaughtering children.

Israelis can stop being soldiers and baby killers.
Try not to confuse righteous anger with hysteria. Some unnamed person off in Bumfuk Egypt or wherever being beheaded ten years ago by whomever being used as an excuse to kill on average a Palestinian child every three days, in my opinion, is wanton slaughter.

Gee, so sorry I am not as light-hearted about dead children a you. Must be a cultural thing.

Try not to confuse slogans with objective reality.

I'm not the one using dead children as a means to an end to promote Jooooo hatreds.

That must be an islamist apologist thing.

And you seem to equate those believe in truth and justice with "Jooooo hatreds."

Oh, "truth and justice".

You should have cued-up some background music to add some melodrama to that.
Well, damn. Sorry. I forgot to realize that off somewhere some alleged group severing someone's head exonerated the IDF from their wanton slaughter of children.

That eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, no matter whose eyes or teeth, is working out well or ya, isn't it?

Keep killing kids. I am sure there is a bottomless well of excuses Jews and Israelis can draw trom.

God, you are one sorry individual and not really too bright trying to link my disapproval of the IDF killing kids somehow with an approval of the acts of some vague Arab militants.

"Wanton slaughter of children"?

You're getting hysterical. Don't expect anyone to take you seriously when you offer such saliva-slinging nonsense.

Try not to confuse righteous anger with hysteria. Some unnamed person off in Bumfuk Egypt or wherever being beheaded ten years ago by whomever being used as an excuse to kill on average a Palestinian child every three days, in my opinion, is wanton slaughter.

Gee, so sorry I am not as light-hearted about dead children a you. Must be a cultural thing.

Its a Zionist cultural thing, they love to see Palestinian children and other Gentile/non Jewish children die. It defines who a Zionist is.

And only Zionists cannot spell God and Jew and Muslim, they need to learn to spell English words correctly and /or deal with the Hate that prevents them from spelling these words correctly.

Another child is murdered in Palestine and all you hear Zionist posters do is spew Hate.
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972 Magazine reports the murdered child was not participating in any violence and he was shot in the back.

'Israeli troops shoot Palestinian teen in back near Ramallah'

"Witnesses, Israeli army offer contradictory stories about whether clashes were taking place, but neither suggest the boy took part in any violence. The teen, Wajih*Wajdi al-Ramahi, is pronounced dead at a Ramallah hospital."

?Israeli troops shoot Palestinian teen in back near Ramallah? | +972 Magazine
Try not to confuse slogans with objective reality.

I'm not the one using dead children as a means to an end to promote Jooooo hatreds.

That must be an islamist apologist thing.

And you seem to equate those believe in truth and justice with "Jooooo hatreds."

Oh, "truth and justice".

You should have cued-up some background music to add some melodrama to that.

Probably more appropriate to play melodramatic background music to accompany your unfounded allegation of "Jooooo hatreds".

What, do you think a bunch of vowels makes you more pathetic and needy...well, Whoooooooaaaaaaaah Kaaaaaaaaaayyyyy theeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!
"Is Israel a terrorist state?a simple yes or no will do but you can elaborate if you like!5 mths ago*

Yes. Engaged in many terrorist attacks, including car bombs in Lebanon, killing scientists in Iran, killing civilians on the ships going to Gaza, missiles strikes on Gaza and shooting civilians in other parts of Palestine.5 mths ago*/*Jimm"

Is Israel a terrorist state? - Yahoo Answers
Report: Israeli troops kill Palestinian teen in West Bank

Palestinian medical source reports that IDF troops shoot, kill 15-year-old Palestinian during clash in Jelazoun refugee camp, near West Bank city of Ramallah. IDF investigating report

AFP Published: 12.07.13, 19:25 / Israel News

Israeli troops shot dead a 15-year-old Palestinian during a Saturday night clash in Jelazoun refugee camp, near the West Bank city of Ramallah, a Palestinian medical source told AFP.

He named the youth as Wajih al-Ramhi and said that he was dead on arrival at Ramallah, from a single gunshot.

The victim's father said that an IDF soldier shot a single bullet in the direction of his son from a watch tower. According to the father, his son was not taking part in clashes with the IDF.

Report: Israeli troops kill Palestinian teen in West Bank - Israel News, Ynetnews

I know, I know. There is always a good reason to target Palestinian kids.

As long as Jewish people and pro-Israeli posters keep excusing this and do not insist upon independent, neutral party investigations, this will continue. Has the IDF, in the hundreds of deaths of this sort ever received more than the very rare slap on the wrist.

An army is a reflection of the people.

It says the IDF investigates this, what else can we do?

Let somebody honest investigate.

Ok, I'll bite.

Report: Israeli troops kill Palestinian teen in West Bank

Palestinian medical source reports that IDF troops shoot, kill 15-year-old Palestinian during clash in Jelazoun refugee camp, near West Bank city of Ramallah. IDF investigating report

AFP Published: 12.07.13, 19:25 / Israel News

Israeli troops shot dead a 15-year-old Palestinian during a Saturday night clash in Jelazoun refugee camp, near the West Bank city of Ramallah, a Palestinian medical source told AFP.

He named the youth as Wajih al-Ramhi and said that he was dead on arrival at Ramallah, from a single gunshot.

The victim's father said that an IDF soldier shot a single bullet in the direction of his son from a watch tower. According to the father, his son was not taking part in clashes with the IDF.

Report: Israeli troops kill Palestinian teen in West Bank - Israel News, Ynetnews

I know, I know. There is always a good reason to target Palestinian kids.

As long as Jewish people and pro-Israeli posters keep excusing this and do not insist upon independent, neutral party investigations, this will continue. Has the IDF, in the hundreds of deaths of this sort ever received more than the very rare slap on the wrist.

An army is a reflection of the people.

It says the IDF investigates this, what else can we do?

Yiu can begin to realize, at this point in time, that IDF investigations are regarded by most of the world and many very well respected NGOs as a mockery and that they should enlist the aid of a neutral and disinterested third party.

Let me ask you, would you accept the Palestinian Authorities conclusions were they to investigate these incidents? No? I wouldn't either.

Israel has killed a child on average once every three days and the IDF doesn't target kids? Get real. They brag about their depravity on you tube and facebook and where T-shirts celebrating shooting kids, pregnant women, innocent civilians and you actually expect me, us, to believe they are capable of investigating themselves.

Yiu can begin to realize, at this point in time, that IDF investigations are regarded by most of the world and many very well respected NGOs as a mockery

How does it change anything?

We believe many other groups' investigations are 'mockery'. What meaning does such opinion hold in the results-test?

Let me ask you, would you accept the Palestinian Authorities conclusions were they to investigate these incidents? No? I wouldn't either.

I don't believe the way they report such incidents, not only investigate, but that's a different issue.

Israel has killed a child on average once every three days and the IDF doesn't target kids?

I was clear on what I said, right? suddenly people don't understand my English?

They brag about their depravity on you tube and facebook and where T-shirts celebrating shooting kids, pregnant women, innocent civilians

IDF doesn't shoot pregnant women and surely doesn't brag about it.

to believe they are capable of investigating themselves.

They are. I've sat in enough military court rooms to witness this.

You don't know what you're talking about.
PMW, reading that word is enough to make anyone laugh.

Nobody buys that trash coming from an organization operated by a scum of the earth war criminal illegal settlerr who denies a single person has been expelled from Palestine by Israel.
An Israeli professor and Holocaust survivor who acknowledges the racism in his own country certainly has more credibility than an illegal Zionist settler born in New York.
Ok, I'll bite.


Goldstone did a good job on Cast Lead.

Goldstone couldn't possibly do a good job since this investigation of the incident wasn't balance.

And Goldstone was a war criminal. You want Israel to be judged by a war criminal? Isn't it like the oppisite of what you people try to achieve?

Are you serious. Are you actually implying that an IDF investigation of itself is balanced?

Also, either you are a war criminal or you are not. There is no "was" until he is dead.

What court tried and found Richard Goldstone guilty of war crimes?

He was your bright and shining boy right up until he found against you in the UN investigation at which point the South African Jewish community ostracized him and threatened his family.

It was a disgraceful display by the South African Jewish community, and don't think the world didn't notice.
And what is a Zionists problem with The Hebrew University?

A few things I just read about it, 4 of*Israel's*prime ministers are alumni of*the Hebrew University and I read it is ranked among the top academic and research institutions worldwide.
And what is a Zionists problem with The Hebrew University?

A few things I just read about it, 4 of*Israel's*prime ministers are alumni of*the Hebrew University and I read it is ranked among the top academic and research institutions worldwide.

The Hebrew university developed some of Israel's greatest psychos, and is the cave of the most fanatical leftist. Not to mention unlawfully discriminate students (imagine that, Sherri!) based on political views.

Once a student didn't get in simply because in her personal interview she said that she believes Jerusalem should be totally Jewish and not parted.
PMW, reading that word is enough to make anyone laugh.

Nobody buys that trash coming from an organization operated by a scum of the earth war criminal illegal settlerr who denies a single person has been expelled from Palestine by Israel.

:lol: You just dig yourself deeper and deeper into a hole when you state things like that. Sometimes it is better to say nothing than to show yourself up like that.
PMW, reading that word is enough to make anyone laugh.

Nobody buys that trash coming from an organization operated by a scum of the earth war criminal illegal settlerr who denies a single person has been expelled from Palestine by Israel.

Behold Itimar Marcus

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And what is a Zionists problem with The Hebrew University?

A few things I just read about it, 4 of*Israel's*prime ministers are alumni of*the Hebrew University and I read it is ranked among the top academic and research institutions worldwide.

The Hebrew university developed some of Israel's greatest psychos, and is the cave of the most fanatical leftist. Not to mention unlawfully discriminate students (imagine that, Sherri!) based on political views.

Once a student didn't get in simply because in her personal interview she said that she believes Jerusalem should be totally Jewish and not parted.

The home of the peacemakers in Israel, what is left of them.

God bless them.

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