Another day - And Rudy steps in another pile


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
How much longer can he last? :)

President Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani told HuffPost Friday that Mr. Trump "denied the merger" between AT&T and Time Warner, which contracits the White House and the Department of Justice earlier statements that the president was not involved.

Giuliani's comments come after it was revealed AT&T's senior executive vice president of external and legislative affairs, Bob Quinn, was involved in agreeing to pay Cohen a reported $600,000 for what the company called "insights" into the Trump administration's positions on telecom regulation, tax reform and other issues.

"Whatever lobbying was done didn't reach the president," Giuliani told HuffPost. "He did drain the swamp ... The president denied the merger. They didn't get the result they wanted."

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, however, insisted in a statement that the Justice Department denied the merger.

"The Department of justice denied the merger," she told CBS News in a brief statement.

Giuliani has not clarified or changed his statement.​

Rudy Giuliani says Trump "denied" AT&T-Time Warner merger - CBS News
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Why do you Lefties strain to construe every remark coming out of this Administration in the most disparaging way?

Only a moron could fail to see that Giuliani was pointing out that whatever AT&T paid to Cohen and whatever they expected to come out of it, it didn't work. This White House is not for sale. It does not favor "big corporations" over "the little people."

I understood it. It wasn't that complicated.
Why do you Lefties strain to construe every remark coming out of this Administration in the most disparaging way?

Only a moron could fail to see that Giuliani was pointing out that whatever AT&T paid to Cohen and whatever they expected to come out of it, it didn't work. This White House is not for sale. It does not favor "big corporations" over "the little people."

I understood it. It wasn't that complicated.
Why is it that trumpanzees get upset with trump and his lackies' own words being held up as examples?
Why do you Lefties strain to construe every remark coming out of this Administration in the most disparaging way?

Only a moron could fail to see that Giuliani was pointing out that whatever AT&T paid to Cohen and whatever they expected to come out of it, it didn't work. This White House is not for sale. It does not favor "big corporations" over "the little people."

I understood it. It wasn't that complicated.
Why is it that trumpanzees get upset with trump and his lackies' own words being held up as examples?
/-----/ Why is it that Libtard Moonbats get upset with Obama and his lackies' own words being held up as examples?
It is not fair that the fake news media and a large portion of citizens demand the White House staff and representatives, along with the President, be expected to be accurate and truthful every time they address the public, tax payers and voters. We are in the age of "free range" truthfulness and alternate facts. Everyone needs to get with the program and modernize.
Why do you Lefties strain to construe every remark coming out of this Administration in the most disparaging way?

Only a moron could fail to see that Giuliani was pointing out that whatever AT&T paid to Cohen and whatever they expected to come out of it, it didn't work. This White House is not for sale. It does not favor "big corporations" over "the little people."

I understood it. It wasn't that complicated.
Why is it that trumpanzees get upset with trump and his lackies' own words being held up as examples?
When you have actions to complain about let me know. All this hand wringing over meaningless statements is beyond stupid.
It is not fair that the fake news media and a large portion of citizens demand the White House staff and representatives, along with the President, be expected to be accurate and truthful every time they address the public, tax payers and voters. We are in the age of "free range" truthfulness and alternate facts. Everyone needs to get with the program and modernize.
/----/ Obozo and the Clintons set the standard for lying to the public. You have them to thank.
How much longer can he last? :)

President Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani told HuffPost Friday that Mr. Trump "denied the merger" between AT&T and Time Warner, which contracits the White House and the Department of Justice earlier statements that the president was not involved.

Giuliani's comments come after it was revealed AT&T's senior executive vice president of external and legislative affairs, Bob Quinn, was involved in agreeing to pay Cohen a reported $600,000 for what the company called "insights" into the Trump administration's positions on telecom regulation, tax reform and other issues.

"Whatever lobbying was done didn't reach the president," Giuliani told HuffPost. "He did drain the swamp ... The president denied the merger. They didn't get the result they wanted."

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, however, insisted in a statement that the Justice Department denied the merger.

"The Department of justice denied the merger," she told CBS News in a brief statement.

Giuliani has not clarified or changed his statement.​

Rudy Giuliani says Trump "denied" AT&T-Time Warner merger - CBS News
He'll last until he tires of traitors.
The current President is not to be scorned for lying because previous White House occupants did it.
That is how one's hero is defended?
Why do you Lefties strain to construe every remark coming out of this Administration in the most disparaging way?

Only a moron could fail to see that Giuliani was pointing out that whatever AT&T paid to Cohen and whatever they expected to come out of it, it didn't work. This White House is not for sale. It does not favor "big corporations" over "the little people."

I understood it. It wasn't that complicated.

What part of "The President denied the merger" didn't you understand? :rolleyes:
It is not fair that the fake news media and a large portion of citizens demand the White House staff and representatives, along with the President, be expected to be accurate and truthful every time they address the public, tax payers and voters. We are in the age of "free range" truthfulness and alternate facts. Everyone needs to get with the program and modernize.
/----/ Obozo and the Clintons set the standard for lying to the public. You have them to thank.
The only comparison is the distortion created in your mind. We do this all the time here at USMB. When you are challenged to name the lies from Clinton and Obama you come up with handfuls while over 16 years of Presidency, four terms. With Trump we have thousands and he has nut completed half of one single term. Thousands.

His lies about having the biggest inauguration in decades is starting to make sense now that it is being revealed that tens of millions of dollars collected for his low attendance inauguration are missing or at least spent on unexplainable expenses. Well over 50 to 70 million dollars in donated inauguration funds simply vanished. No wonder he lies about how "uuge" it was.
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