Angry left wing knuttjob John Oliver called Laura Ingraham a racist

Please tell me how her quote was supposed to be construed as "racist"

“In some parts of the country it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people. And they’re changes that none of us ever voted for . . . Much of this is related to both illegal and, in some cases, legal, immigration that — of course — progressives love.”

Was it the "immigrant" thing she spoke about? You do know that Hispanic is not really a "race", per se, right? There is no race called "Hispanics".

Unless you consider the extreme left-wing Hispanic group "La Raza", which translates to "The Race". But that's their own definition of themselves. There is no "Hispanic Race."

The "America that we know and love" refers to white America, that is what has changed. There are less white people and more people of differing skin tones. That is what she does not like.

You can put lipstick on it and call it whatever you wish, does not change what it is.

And you are basing that conclusion on the fact that Laura Ingraham is white, right? I take it you've never noticed the multitude of black people she's had on her show, again right? Or Tucker Carlson, or Hannity?

Of course you haven't. That's probably because you hardly ever watch FOX News, right?

Soooo if she occasionally has black people on her show, she isn’t a racist ?

Far less a racist than those leftwad shitheads on CNN and MSNBC. They only have black people on their programs in order to perpetuate the stereotype of black folks as being the poor, downtrodden "victims".

We conservatives know otherwise. Anyone regardless of their race, has the same opportunities in our world.

Let’s recap. Cons believe there’s no
Such thing as racism . But they DO believe that the fbi is/was out to sabotage Trump .

Sure there's a thing called "racism". It's evident throughout American history because of the Democrat Party's slavery throughout the 1800's south their Jim Crow laws, their lynchings, the manner in which they tried everything they could to prevent the Civil Rights Act in the 1960's, and the laws that were passed by such racists as LBJ, who tried to ensure that black folks would be utterly dependent on soul-killing government handouts for the "next 100 years".

Remember, it was LBJ who secretly said that by enacting his "Great Society", he'd have those ni**ers voting for Democrats for the next 100 years. Thanks to Democrats like LBJ, we today have massive crime and drug-infested ghettos in every large city in this country.

I know you leftists have good intentions, but you seem to be completely oblivious to the unintended consequences of your actions.
The "America that we know and love" refers to white America, that is what has changed. There are less white people and more people of differing skin tones. That is what she does not like.

You can put lipstick on it and call it whatever you wish, does not change what it is.

And you are basing that conclusion on the fact that Laura Ingraham is white, right? I take it you've never noticed the multitude of black people she's had on her show, again right? Or Tucker Carlson, or Hannity?

Of course you haven't. That's probably because you hardly ever watch FOX News, right?

Soooo if she occasionally has black people on her show, she isn’t a racist ?

Far less a racist than those leftwad shitheads on CNN and MSNBC. They only have black people on their programs in order to perpetuate the stereotype of black folks as being the poor, downtrodden "victims".

We conservatives know otherwise. Anyone regardless of their race, has the same opportunities in our world.

Let’s recap. Cons believe there’s no
Such thing as racism . But they DO believe that the fbi is/was out to sabotage Trump .

Sure there's a thing called "racism". It's evident throughout American history because of the Democrat Party's slavery throughout the 1800's south their Jim Crow laws, their lynchings, the manner in which they tried everything they could to prevent the Civil Rights Act in the 1960's, and the laws that were passed by such racists as LBJ, who tried to ensure that black folks would be utterly dependent on soul-killing government handouts for the "next 100 years".

Remember, it was LBJ who secretly said that by enacting his "Great Society", he'd have those ni**ers voting for Democrats for the next 100 years. Thanks to Democrats like LBJ, we today have massive crime and drug-infested ghettos in every large city in this country.

I know you leftists have good intentions, but you seem to be completely oblivious to the unintended consequences of your actions.
Only LBJ never said that

It makes no sense as LBJ knew he was giving up the Southern vote in passing civil rights legislation
Ingraham lamented the changing demographics in America and the crazy liberals went into a rage. “Wow,” Oliver said. “She just came right out and said it . . . You almost want to give her credit for honesty there, and then deduct twice as much credit, because she’s only just honest about how racist she is.”

For about the last 20 years I have been hearing the left winger boast about “changing demographics.” The Democrats are boasting that they are going to outbreed the Republicans. It doesn’t get much more racist that. The only other political party that had a breeding program was the Nazi Party. The crazy Liberals are the real racist demagogues, not Ingraham.

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A few typos in your title. Obviously meant to read: Angry right wing nut job Laura Ingraham rants racist stupidity. Righties jerk off ferociously in response

Actually, Laura Ingraham is pretty mild compared to Lou Dobbs on Fox Business News.

But then, I didn't expect that you would know that, since you're too busy whacking off to a picture of that ugly man on MSNBC. What's that thing's name again? Rachel....something?


Just the type of person Laura Ingraham wants out of her version of America
And you are basing that conclusion on the fact that Laura Ingraham is white, right? I take it you've never noticed the multitude of black people she's had on her show, again right? Or Tucker Carlson, or Hannity?

Of course you haven't. That's probably because you hardly ever watch FOX News, right?

Soooo if she occasionally has black people on her show, she isn’t a racist ?

Far less a racist than those leftwad shitheads on CNN and MSNBC. They only have black people on their programs in order to perpetuate the stereotype of black folks as being the poor, downtrodden "victims".

We conservatives know otherwise. Anyone regardless of their race, has the same opportunities in our world.

Let’s recap. Cons believe there’s no
Such thing as racism . But they DO believe that the fbi is/was out to sabotage Trump .

Sure there's a thing called "racism". It's evident throughout American history because of the Democrat Party's slavery throughout the 1800's south their Jim Crow laws, their lynchings, the manner in which they tried everything they could to prevent the Civil Rights Act in the 1960's, and the laws that were passed by such racists as LBJ, who tried to ensure that black folks would be utterly dependent on soul-killing government handouts for the "next 100 years".

Remember, it was LBJ who secretly said that by enacting his "Great Society", he'd have those ni**ers voting for Democrats for the next 100 years. Thanks to Democrats like LBJ, we today have massive crime and drug-infested ghettos in every large city in this country.

I know you leftists have good intentions, but you seem to be completely oblivious to the unintended consequences of your actions.
Only LBJ never said that

It makes no sense as LBJ knew he was giving up the Southern vote in passing civil rights legislation

You truly suck at historical revisionism. Would you believe one of your most trusted sources, the Huffington Post?

The Democratic Party's Two-Facedness of Race Relations | HuffPost

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