Andrew for Trump with joy.....may he win in November...if he doesn't we are F*****.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Andrew Klavan points out why Trump was the leader we needed.....and why the left is really evil...

One of the most poignant stories in the Bible is in the first book of Samuel. The Israelites have been living in the promised land as free men and women. Strong leaders rise up when they’re needed. Prophets guide them in the ways of the Lord.

But when the sons of the prophet Samuel become corrupt, the elders go to Samuel and ask him to appoint a king to lead them. He tries to dissuade them. “A King will make servants of your sons and daughters and take the best of your wealth to give to his advisors,” he says.

But the elders insist. “We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations.”

When Samuel prays, God tells him, “It’s not you they are rejecting. They are rejecting me. Give them their king.”

To me, the story reads like a second Fall of Man. It’s as if the first Fall has impressed its pattern on the soul of humanity. People are compelled to re-enact it in various forms just as people often re-enact their childhood traumas.

I hear that trauma being re-enacted now as the Left cries for the end of American freedom. “Let judges make our laws. Let the deep state enforce them as they will. Let government and big business silence the voices of our opponents. Let governors choose who can speak safely: yes, for rioters; no for worshippers. Let them tell us how to cower behind our masks. Then we will be like all the other nations.”

I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 with a shrug of tragic resignation. I thought a battle between him and Hillary was like one of those old Japanese monster movies—“Mothra vs Godzilla,” say. You’re sort of rooting for one monster over the other, but either way Tokyo gets destroyed. I figured if this was the end of the republic, better a loud mouth with some practical instincts in the White House than a corrupt jade with no feel for the best traditions of the country.

It turned out I was wrong. Trump was much better than that. He allowed all of his personal flaws—his rudeness, his ignorance, his moral corner-cutting—to be contained within the structures of our constitutional system. His virtues—his fix-it practicality, his contrarian common sense, his visceral love of America—were turned by incident and instinct to the values that preserve our freedom.

He has curtailed the reach of government by cutting regulations and appointing constitutional judges. He has beaten back the globalizing rush of the elites, which would transfer power from the people’s representatives to world organizations without our values. He has refused the panicked calls to abandon federalism and create new bureaucratic structures to handle a pandemic better handled by each state. He has defended the rights to speak, worship, and bear arms. The Left keeps calling him an authoritarian. I do not think that word means what they think it means.

Meanwhile, the Left has become what they accuse everyone else of being. They are tyrants. They are racists. They want to dismantle the systems that protect our liberty. Their cities are awash in homelessness, poverty, crime, and mass violence—and yet they believe so completely that they deserve power, they cannot imagine a scenario in which their defeat is legal and legitimate. Everyone who opposes them is hateful. Every political loss they suffer is a flaw in the system.

If he doesn't........America becomes a servant to the Chinese Communist party

Amazing how a country that thrives only from stealing from others has come to be the biggest global threat.

EVERYTHING in China is an idea or R&D stolen from another country.

Wickedness and evil often have major advantages.
If he doesn't........America becomes a servant to the Chinese Communist party

Amazing how a country that thrives only from stealing from others has come to be the biggest global threat.

EVERYTHING in China is an idea or R&D stolen from another country.

Wickedness and evil often have major advantages.

I doubt that. And Tramp and Ivanka love it. Who had the Bank of China in tramp towers, did they move yet?

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