Andrew Breitbart is Dead

Conservative publisher Breitbart dies in LA at 43 - CBS News

Breitbart was walking near his house in the Brentwood neighborhood shortly after midnight Thursday when he collapsed, his father-in-law Orson Bean said.

Someone saw him fall and called paramedics, who tried to revive him. They rushed him to the emergency room at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, Bean said.

Breitbart had suffered heart problems a year earlier, but Bean said he could not pinpoint what happened.

"I don't know what to say. It's devastating," Bean told The Associated Press.

Larry Dietz, watch commander at the Los Angeles County coroner's office, said a cause of death was unknown and an autopsy would "more than likely" be conducted.
I remember it.

how is remembering his cruel treatment of someone elses family being hypocritical?

That's not why I called you a hypocrite. I called you a hypocrite for accepting it instead of demanding a source - like you would if it was a right wing claim.

You are a hypocritical hack.... that's not news to anyone.... except you. idiot.

I remembered him saying that as well as a few other nasty things said by the right about kenendy.

I bumped the Kenedys dead thread for you, now go see how nice you all were about it.

ted was one of my favorite drunk, serial philandering cowards

i still miss him
Andrew Breitbart Dead

I just saw this myself. I rarely agreed with the guy, but it's always sad to see someone willing to stand up for what they believe in pass on. It reminds us that as strong as our spirits are, eventually it's our human nature that fails us.
Yeah.....right....."human nature"......



A human being died, show some respect.


In the hours following Ted Kennedy's death, Breitbart called him:

"duplicitous bastard"
"a special pile of human excrement"

I won't mourn this guy's exit.

and your point is what?

Michael Jackson was a fucking pedo and a drug addict.....I never celebrated his death, didn't wish it and left it alone, but if thats your yardstick, lets see those MJ quotes of yours? Where in you take him to task?

maybe you're an alchoholic and a pedo./druggie
She accepted it because I do not lie, asshole. All his remarks have links directly to the source (Twitter), so you can click right to his original comments.

So don't come back with any of that ThinkProgress bullshit, you stupid bitch:

Andrew Breitbart Unleashes A Torrent Of Invective Against Sen. Ted Kennedy’s Legacy On Twitter

By Matt Corley on Aug 26, 2009 at 5:30 pm

Early this morning, news broke that Sen. Ted Kennedy had passed away after serving in the U.S. Senate for nearly 50 years. Soon after, conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart began a sustained assault on Kennedy’s memory, tweeting “Rest in Chappaquiddick

Over the course of the next three hours, Breitbart unapologetically attacked Kennedy, calling him a “villain,” “a big ass motherf@#$er,” a “duplicitous bastard” and a “prick.” “I’ll shut my mouth for Carter. That’s just politics. Kennedy was a special pile of human excrement,” wrote Breitbart in one tweet.

When Politico’s Michael Calderone highlighted Breitbart’s attacks in an article called, “Not all Kennedy critics hold fire,” a pleased Breitbart tweeted:
When a fellow conservative tweeted to Breitbart asking him not to treat Kennedy like they believe some on the left treated the passing of Tony Snow and Ronald Reagan, Breitbart responded “How dare you compare Snow & Reagan to Kennedy! Why do you grant a BULLY special status upon his death? This isnt lib v con.” Despite his claim that his attacks weren’t about “lib v. con,” Breitbart repeatedly justified them in ideological terms.

“Look, this man was granted absolution for nothing. Class, life station played a part but PARTY was everything. GOP couldnt get away with it,” complained Breitbart in one tweet. “IF a GOP possesses 1/100 of human failings of T. Kennedy he/she is TOAST,” he claimed in another. “In this moment I cant but recognize absolute backwardness of media & society. Bush=EVIL. Ted Kennedy=SAINT. Im gonna keep fighin’, folks,” Breitbart said in another tweet.

You don't lie? :lol: That's a lie right there.


We all realize that you don't have enough integrity to apologize, or to even acknowledge that what I said was correct.

And you also won't have enough integrity to point out where I have ever lied. You are a pathetic child.

Oh, ok. I'm sorry that you're a fucking idiot. Does that help?

I didn't say you were wrong, you fucking moronic half wit. I challenged TruthMocker on her lack of insistence that you 'prove' your claim.... which she does to every rightwinger on the board.

I never apologize for other people's stupidity.... only ever for my own. You lie like TruthMocker.
Then why Respond to me, Idiot?... :lol:




And also to give you te boo boo face when you realized I wasn't going to be baited into bashing Breitbart.

Now go play in traffic.

Your Original Post in this Thread was Low Rent...

But you Know that... It's where you Live. :lol:



By the way, Ms. Manners. I keep waiting for you to scold the "imagine how much political hay we could make if he was assassinated"!

I'd hate to think yo suffer from inconsistency......
You don't lie? :lol: That's a lie right there.


We all realize that you don't have enough integrity to apologize, or to even acknowledge that what I said was correct.

And you also won't have enough integrity to point out where I have ever lied. You are a pathetic child.

Oh, ok. I'm sorry that you're a fucking idiot. Does that help?

I didn't say you were wrong, you fucking moronic half wit. I challenged TruthMocker on her lack of insistence that you 'prove' your claim.... which she does to every rightwinger on the board.

I never apologize for other people's stupidity.... only ever for my own. You lie like TruthMocker.

why are you being so evil in a thread about someones death?
Conservative publisher Breitbart dies in LA at 43 - CBS News

Breitbart was walking near his house in the Brentwood neighborhood shortly after midnight Thursday when he collapsed, his father-in-law Orson Bean said.

Someone saw him fall and called paramedics, who tried to revive him. They rushed him to the emergency room at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, Bean said.

Breitbart had suffered heart problems a year earlier, but Bean said he could not pinpoint what happened.

"I don't know what to say. It's devastating," Bean told The Associated Press.

Larry Dietz, watch commander at the Los Angeles County coroner's office, said a cause of death was unknown and an autopsy would "more than likely" be conducted.

There's just so much in this short story!

He was married to Orson Bean's daughter?
It happened in Brentwood? Has anyone seen OJ?
He was taken to the Ronald Reagan ER?

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