And The Number Of Bump Stocks Actually Turned In?

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
08 OCT 2019
And The Number Of Bump Stocks Actually Turned In?
1 day, 18 hours ago
The Washington Times.

The federal government collected fewer than 1,000 bump stocks during the run-up to a new ban in March, despite estimates that hundreds of thousands of the devices that mimic machine gun fire are in circulation, according to federal data provided to The Washington Times by the Justice Department.

As the nation marked the second anniversary Oct. 1 of the Las Vegas massacre, which prodded the Trump administration to ban bump stocks, the numbers offer a cautionary tale on the scope and resources needed to enforce any sort of gun buyback program.

Between the issuance of the final rule banning the devices in December 2018 and April 4, 2019, shortly after the prohibition took effect in late March, 582 bump stocks were “abandoned” to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, according to Justice Department records, and 98 bump stocks were kept as evidence.

The Times obtained the records through a Freedom of Information Act request.

The administration cited estimates that 280,000 to 520,000 bump-stock-type devices were in circulation when it published the final rule in December.

I’ve seen estimates as high as 550,000 in circulation, but we’ll take their number of 520,000. That computes to 0.1119%.

What do you think will happen when the FedGov demands that citizens turn over $1000 rifles which have been bought with the intent of bequeathing to their children for personal defense?

Banning bump stocks was nothing more than trump appealing to the knee jerkers.
95 percent of the country didnt even know what they were until Las vegas.
Its fucking stupid. Americans are stupid.
Banning bump stocks was nothing more than trump appealing to the knee jerkers.
95 percent of the country didnt even know what they were until Las vegas.
Its fucking stupid. Americans are stupid.

Look what they did to this poor dumb son of a bitch in my former communist homeland of NY
The Captain's Journal » ‘Ghost’ Handguns And ARs Confiscated
Nassau is just an extension of queens

Not only do they demonize the shit out of him ......he was just a family man with NO criminal history ...or mental illness

Where did he go wrong

Never list your weapons on line
Never ever ever
Doesn't really matter. Only any idiot would use a bump stock.

This is not and should not be the case. If the people you call "idiots" like to pay whatever a bump stock costs to do a magazine dump for chits and giggles, they don't need our permission.

The BATFE has admitted that they did not have the authority to ban bump stocks in the first place. They were forced to do it:

ATF Admits It Lacked Authority to Issue Legislative Rule, NCLA Condemns the Agency’s Attempt to Ban Bump Stocks Anyway

Secondary to that, there were two more important issues that Trump supporters and gun owners are neglecting to mention:

1) It is unconstitutional to pass an ex post facto law. See Article I Section 9 of the Constitution. An ex post facto law criminalizes something you have or something you did AFTER the fact.

Perhaps the courts don't acknowledge certain parts of the Constitution, but you cannot make bump stocks illegal if they were legally owned before the ban. I suspect that is the driving force behind why owners of them are not complying with such an outrage

2) If the government plans on banning something and / or confiscating it, they must give you just compensation. That is in the Fifth Amendment. Trump could only ban bump stocks in the public interest AND private property includes personal possessions:

"The {United States Supreme Court} Court has also held that the government has a “categorical duty to pay just compensation” when it physically takes personal property, just as when it takes real property."

Just Compensation

IF this is allowed to stand, the Democrats have clearly signaled that they will outlaw any firearms they don't like and force people to turn them in. Joe Biden says he will pay you for them, but fails to say if he will also pay for the magazines, ammunition, scopes, slings, lasers, etc. Hell, he can't find money for socialized medicine. Where are they going to get money to pay you for your weapons? They won't. They will use Trump's precedent and take what they want.
Banning bump stocks was nothing more than trump appealing to the knee jerkers.
95 percent of the country didnt even know what they were until Las vegas.
Its fucking stupid. Americans are stupid.

Most of those 95% still don't know what they are, they just know they are bad.

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