And the Melting Pot Keeps on Bubbling

Just think how many US citizen's children could of been those highest income earners, but when the 1/2 white turd Obammy gave the illegals a definite advantage over the American children, of course the children of illegals will end up better.
While millions of illegals and their anchors come in and take up the food and fuel that would be for US citizens, the money that the government is giving the illegals makes it very unfair for US citizens just trying to make ends meet. Why do you hate US citizens so much?
While millions of illegals and their anchors come in and take up the food and fuel that would be for US citizens, the money that the government is giving the illegals makes it very unfair for US citizens just trying to make ends meet. Why do you hate US citizens so much?
There is no such thing as an "anchor baby."
There is no such thing as an "anchor baby."

anchor baby​

[ ang-ker bey-bee ]SHOW IPA

nounDisparaging and Offensive.
  1. a term used to refer to a baby born to an undocumented mother in a country where the baby becomes a citizen at birth, especially when the birth is planned to facilitate eventual legal residency for the family.
The Dem / Socialist open borders. Gee whiz, who says we can’t be third world, too.

In NYC alone, it’s costing $billions for housing, welfare, healthcare, etc. to accommodate half the third world. The mayor and governor are demanding federal help.

Let’s see now. “Federal help” means they want boat loads of federal money. Federal money is taxpayer money.

Anybody have a Casio calculator? Hundreds of sanctuary cities, each demanding $billions of taxpayer dollars… I don't know if a Casio calculator has enough memory to do that arithmetic.

Yes, they do. I have personally known many families separated in this manner.

They don't leave the infant "CITIZEN" up here and send home the parents. End of story. If they send the Illegal old man home then they pay to house, feed, medicate, deliver, transportation etc for the Mom, Anchor baby citizen....if they leave them behind as you suggested. They are not dying in parking lots so something is keeping them going.

You are simply being a pain in the ARSE on purpose. We are talking about millions of them. They can't all stay at your house.
They don't leave the infant "CITIZEN" up here and send home the parents. End of story. If they send the Illegal old man home then they pay to house, feed, medicate, deliver, transportation etc for the Mom, Anchor baby citizen....if they leave them behind as you suggested. They are not dying in parking lots so something is keeping them going.

You are simply being a pain in the ARSE on purpose. We are talking about millions of them. They can't all stay at your house.
You are guessing and imagining. I actually know what the hell I’m talking about.

"second generation immigrants are successfully climbing the economic ladder, with incomes that surpass those of their foreign-born parents, and sometimes even surpass the incomes of native-born Americans. In fact, it appears that recent waves of immigrants are even more economically mobile than prior ones."

This report is a few years old (before the pandemic), but recognizes trends that are, and almost always have been true of immigrants to America.


The process of immigration and assimilation to American political, economic, and social culture has for the most part remained consistent over many, many generations. The assimilative nature of many aspects of American culture is one of the things that distinguishes America from, say, Europe. Recent events demonstrate the consequence of this distinction.
Bullshit. Half of LA can't speak English.

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