And Now About Socialist "Trickle Down!"


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
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So TARP didn't stimulate, The Bail-Outs Didn't Stimulate, The Stimulus Didn't Stimulate, and so now the Obama Administration will trickle down to the small business owners.

Obama tries again to revive small business loans - Oct. 21, 2009

'Lest anyone might miss the point, then anyone is reminded: That when the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer--then the economy fails!

"Trickle Down" from AIG, BofA, Chase, Citigroup, Chrysler, GM, and on and on: Didn't happen and didn't work! The Stimulus money sent to the $300,000.00 annual faculty, and the successively lower paid teachers, and to the state and local bureaucracies--and didn' work. The the 30,000 federal contracted jobs: Probably don't work either!

And so now the transfigure-moguration, is under way(?): In our New Messiah world(?)! The First African American President in history--20% Afrikaner, 80% Not Too Up On Things--is just as dumb as the other one he replaced!

Trickle down, like with the tax cuts for the wealthy, doesn't work: And apparently even when it's socialist! (The other one was the More Conservative version!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Not that anyone is likely to say so! We're like, so past all that!"
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Our first Mulatto President WANTS to damage the economy so Stimulus is working
Trickle down isn't socialism, it's Reaganomics
xÞx;1638159 said:
Trickle down isn't socialism, it's Reaganomics

Reaganomics worked to improve the economy, Obamanomics seeks to destroy it.

See the difference?
"Trickle Down" was even used before Reagan: To describe the GOP general approach to the economy. Union leaders used it a lot.

The basis idea is to allow the rich to keep the money, which they invest, which is used to finance the creation of the means of production, and even goods and services themselves. The practice is to buy the shares and corporate bonds--from the astronomically paid, commissioned, financial houses. The shares that are purchased create financing for the astronomically paid Controllers, and astronmically paid managers, and to pay the dividends to the astronomically rich investors. In the process, procurements happen from companies with astronomically paid managers and controllers, who in turn pay astronomically rich investors. In the process, that even happens, again and again.

In there, an occasional dollar "trickles down," after taxes.

Anyone has seen this in practice in recent months--minus the federal, state, and local taxes. Hence, "The Stimulus and Deficits!'

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(It also had other names, in the past: But now, the Ivy League is Past All That, and 1/3 Jewish, aka "Diversity" oriented. In fact, there is apparently a black at Harvard University, who even got a whole glass of beer! Apparently, just the thought of it seems to have surprised a lot of people. The Ivy League knows about Diversity, and how "Trickle Down" applies, even now! The past--even all that--no longer applies! All anyone has to do is ask one, even about where the "terrorists" live--and even right there in the neighborhood!)
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