And Canada Wastes No Time, Implementing a USA Border PAtrol


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
They desperately want to keep our liberals out!


Can't blame them. Who would want an influx of brain dead losers?
Actually, I would like to see someone compile a list of the high-profile entertainers who said that they would leave the country if Trump won.

Then harass the fuck out of them, because we know they ain't going nowhere. For Leftists, feelings trump actions.

Canadians Don’t Want America-Fleeing Liberals (Especially Lena Dunham)

Bad news for anyone looking to relocate to our neighbor to the north after last night’s election results: Canada doesn’t want you.

After Americans—and especially American celebrities—began considering making good on their promises to “move to Canada” in the wake of Donald Trump election victory, Canadians took to Twitter to warn Americans that they’d best stay where they are....

They’re even talking about building their own wall—to keep immigrants from American out of their pristine cities and away from their mounted law enforcement, gravy and cheese covered French fries, superior hockey coverage and French Sesame Street.

LOL Liberals in Russia?!? I imagine they'd just start disappearing into the wilderness - whoops lost another one...
LOL Liberals in Russia?!? I imagine they'd just start disappearing into the wilderness - whoops lost another one...
Well, Putin is offering 2.5 acres of free land to anyone wanting to move to Russia and live in Siberia.

Canadians Don’t Want America-Fleeing Liberals (Especially Lena Dunham)

Bad news for anyone looking to relocate to our neighbor to the north after last night’s election results: Canada doesn’t want you.

After Americans—and especially American celebrities—began considering making good on their promises to “move to Canada” in the wake of Donald Trump election victory, Canadians took to Twitter to warn Americans that they’d best stay where they are....

They’re even talking about building their own wall—to keep immigrants from American out of their pristine cities and away from their mounted law enforcement, gravy and cheese covered French fries, superior hockey coverage and French Sesame Street.


Canada is just your typical hypocritical Burb Brat country; they look the other way when Chinese slave traffickers pass through them to get into the U.S., and had no problems with sponsoring AL Quada's North American headquarters for years, until we finally raised a stink about those and they suddenly got all interested in that stuff. We should take a cue from Mexico and have our government run around handing out information booklets and maps to Democrats on the best ways to get into Canada illegally and where to hide, that sort of stuff, even sell forged Canadian IDs and birth certificates to them. Then we can yell 'rayccisssism N Stuff' at them when they discriminate against Americans. lol lol lol see how they like their own BS back at them.

By no means should any of the gimps who leave because of their bigoted anti-American Trump hate ever be allowed back into the U.S., for any reason whatsoever.
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Canadians Don’t Want America-Fleeing Liberals (Especially Lena Dunham)

Bad news for anyone looking to relocate to our neighbor to the north after last night’s election results: Canada doesn’t want you.

After Americans—and especially American celebrities—began considering making good on their promises to “move to Canada” in the wake of Donald Trump election victory, Canadians took to Twitter to warn Americans that they’d best stay where they are....

They’re even talking about building their own wall—to keep immigrants from American out of their pristine cities and away from their mounted law enforcement, gravy and cheese covered French fries, superior hockey coverage and French Sesame Street.


Canada is just your typical hypocritical Burb Brat country; they look the other way when Chinese slave traffickers pass through them to get into the U.S., and had no problems with sponsoring AL Quada's North American headquarters for years, until we finally raised a stink about those and they suddenly got all interested in that stuff. We should take a cue from Mexico and have our government run around handing out information booklets and maps to Democrats on the best ways to get into Canada illegally and where to hide, that sort of stuff, even sell forged Canadian IDs and birth certificates to them. Then we can yell 'rayccisssism N Stuff' at them when they discriminate against Americans. lol lol lol see how they like their own BS back at them.

By no means should any of the gimps who leave because of their bigoted anti-American Trump hate ever be allowed back into the U.S., for any reason whatsoever.
There's also the problem in Canada with 85% of the mosques preaching hardline anti-non-Muslim rhetoric and no doubt some are slipping over our northern border to set up cells.

Canadians Don’t Want America-Fleeing Liberals (Especially Lena Dunham)

Bad news for anyone looking to relocate to our neighbor to the north after last night’s election results: Canada doesn’t want you.

After Americans—and especially American celebrities—began considering making good on their promises to “move to Canada” in the wake of Donald Trump election victory, Canadians took to Twitter to warn Americans that they’d best stay where they are....

They’re even talking about building their own wall—to keep immigrants from American out of their pristine cities and away from their mounted law enforcement, gravy and cheese covered French fries, superior hockey coverage and French Sesame Street.


Canada is just your typical hypocritical Burb Brat country; they look the other way when Chinese slave traffickers pass through them to get into the U.S., and had no problems with sponsoring AL Quada's North American headquarters for years, until we finally raised a stink about those and they suddenly got all interested in that stuff. We should take a cue from Mexico and have our government run around handing out information booklets and maps to Democrats on the best ways to get into Canada illegally and where to hide, that sort of stuff, even sell forged Canadian IDs and birth certificates to them. Then we can yell 'rayccisssism N Stuff' at them when they discriminate against Americans. lol lol lol see how they like their own BS back at them.

By no means should any of the gimps who leave because of their bigoted anti-American Trump hate ever be allowed back into the U.S., for any reason whatsoever.
There's also the problem in Canada with 85% of the mosques preaching hardline anti-non-Muslim rhetoric and no doubt some are slipping over our northern border to set up cells.

They tried to get Mexicans to come up and work their farms and other crap jobs, but the Mexicans would take the work visas and then split for the States when they got to Canada, so now they like to import Pakistanis and and other terrorist groups for that.
Canada accepted thousands of Viet Nam m war resisters and draft dodgers. In the long run they turn out to be a positive for Canada.

The potential influx of malcontents, due to the election of Trump may or may not be as welcomed as is taken for granted by said malcontents.
Hell. One of the guys on The Five yesterday said that he has first class tickets for all of them.

Any takers??
Ca-nada is a beautiful country.

I would hate to see it turn into California 2.0

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