Analysis: Biden Restrictions on ICE Agents to Devastate U.S. Border Towns


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
F U all you idiot Biden voters.

Biden’s order, issued by DHS on January 20, instructs ICE agents to only arrest and deport illegal aliens who are known or suspected terrorists, recent border crossers, or those who have recently been convicted of an aggravated felony — not including those convicted of drunk driving, simple assault, and various drug crimes.

The order means localities that have historically cooperated with ICE agents in turning illegal aliens over to their custody for arrest and deportation will be blocked from doing so.

An analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies’ Director of Policy Jessica Vaughan finds that border towns, cities north of the border, and jurisdictions in between will be most devastated by revolving door criminal policy where local law enforcement is forced to release illegal aliens back into their communities instead of being turned over to ICE.

Arrest data reveals that Texas counties like El Paso, Reeves, Howard, Harris, Hidalgo, Dallas, Willacy, Garza, Travis, Cameron, Tarrant, Concho, Walker, Webb, and Bexar turned over the most illegal aliens, who were not recently convicted aggravated felons, to ICE in 2018.

El Paso County law enforcement, for example, turned over more than 8,300 illegal aliens to ICE agents in 2018. In Reeves County, nearly 7,700 illegal aliens were turned over. All of those arrested, under Biden’s order, would have been released back into the community.


There is a big desert out there. The cartels can be made to be responsible for anything. There was a cartel massacre of 19 just recently.
What I don't understand, is how does government get away with not defending your border? Trump was impeached for a phone call and a rally in which he did NOT direct anyone to be violent.

It's all really odd to me.
Biden should be impeached for this alone, with separate charges against him and his criminal son for bribery and conspiracy.

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