Ana Kasparian: Ron Desantis Is Right About...

Meh..... Not sure if it's a good and bad thing. His stuff is more along the lines of tactical not moral. I guess if there one thing I don't like it's his espousal of the lie as a tool; But then again there probably isn't a single area of modern politics that doesn't do the same.
I didn’t see him advocating lying in his rules for radicals

Mostly it is guidance on how to protest and get noticed
His work through the Chicago-based Industrial Areas Foundation helping poor communities organize to press demands upon landlords, politicians, bankers and business leaders won him national recognition and notoriety. Responding to the impatience of a New Left generation of activists in the 1960s, Alinsky – in his widely cited Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer (1971) – defended the arts both of confrontation and of compromise involved in community organizing as keys to the struggle for social justice.

I can see why Conservatives consider him evil
So, how concerned are you about how pretty you are? Do you spend a lot of time thinking about it? How much time do you spend in front of a mirror before you go out? 1 hour? 2 hours? An entire morning or afternoon into evening??

Enquiring minds.
Stopped caring long ago. I mean I try not to be offensive....bathe, deodorant/cologne and clean, neat clothing....but I can shave and brush teeth with no mirror....and often do. The head? It's a quick hand swipe to make sure there's nothing stuck up there....other than that I've spent an entire lifetime looking at my face....had enough of it.
When you step out of your house into a pile of human feces on your way to a completely looted Walgreens and get physically beaten once there because of your skin color before being ignored by law enforcement because you're white............ means you're having a bad dream after watching Faux.
Trump had 4 years to get rid of the democrats. And he failed. In fact, he increased the population of democrats. The size and scope of the swamp grew under Trump.
Trump gave them access to the future. In fact, he even reauthorized their authority under FISA 702, the Patriot Act and the NDAA.
I agree. Trump was in over his head.

His biggest mistakes by far were in who he trusted. His daughter and her useless dimocrap husband are, I think (hope) are out of the picture. They did incalculable damage.

His cabinet members were often a joke -- Two of the worst Attorneys General in Republican history. Probably THE two worst.

But, it's like he said, he didn't think he had any chance at all to win. So, IMO, he gets a mulligan. The worst Republican in human history is better than ANY dimocrap.

In fact, sans two horns and a tail, ANYBODY is better than ANY dimocrap. Not kidding. dimocraps are worse than the National Socialists, the Russian communists, Mao's communists, the Kim Dynasty in Nork Land; even worse than Pol Pot. The only reason they haven't started with the killing fields, the gas chambers, the gulags, is they don't have the power. But they want it. And they WILL use it for those things. J6 anybody?

dimocraps are the scummiest scumbags to ever exist on Planet Earth. THAT is not hyperbole or acting out, or anger. It is FACT. And the sooner all of you realize what we're up against, the better chance we have of saving our Country. They are not misinformed, misguided, poorly lead, gullible.... None of that. They are scum.

dimocrap FILTH are not redeemable, they can not be saved or converted. They can not be re-educated, they can not be used for any purpose other than menial duties. Even then, they aren't worth the trouble.

Republicans and other Conservatives don't have the 'meanness' in them to do what is necessary. To look at them they way they need to be looked at. They too often feel pity toward them when they are down.

Bad move. As soon as they can, they will stab you in the back.
All the questions were directed at what Hannity claimed were failed Democratic Policies.
None were directed at failed Republican policies or DeSantis policy
Democrats are in power, why would he ask about failed Republican policies when the White House is owned by the democrats?

When Trump was in the WH, his failures was spending -- something Democrats love -- and shutting down the country on a poorly managed pandemic by the CDC.

Other than that, his policies were not too bad, not great, but not to bad.
Democrats are in power, why would he ask about failed Republican policies when the White House is owned by the democrats?

When Trump was in the WH, his failures was spending -- something Democrats love -- and shutting down the country on a poorly managed pandemic by the CDC.

Other than that, his policies were not too bad, not great, but not to bad.
The debate was about State politics and DeSantis runs Florida

No questions were directed at DeSantis about some of his questionable policies
When you step out of your house into a pile of human feces on your way to a completely looted Walgreens and get physically beaten once there because of your skin color before being ignored by law enforcement because you're begin to wonder why you're paying City, State and Federal payroll taxes on top of a lavishly inflated property tax, gas tax and sales tax.
You've been to San Francisco haven't you.

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