an overview of current and future wars, and how to prevent overextending ourselves (spreading ourselves too thin).


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands

i'd like to discuss in this thread an overview of current, past->future, and likely future conflicts that we have
with the (Middle-)East Alliance (Russia, China, Iran, BRICS and all of their allies).

seems to me we gotta split up the conlicts and potential conflicts into manageable blocks,
or we'll be overrun by the 3to1 advantage in population count (and thus shell production capabilities) that these people have.

we owe it to the Ukranians, if you don't mind me saying it out loud, to grant them a quick victory over the Russians on their turf.

at the same time, we need to be ready to pick up the fight against Muslim terrorists again, as they may be used by the Chinese or Iranians as soldiers in their broiling conflicts with the West.

we can do this with a fairly massive investment in our own militaries,
using old shell and munitions factories to their capacity while developing new weapons and ammunition to be produced at scale as well,
for a potential conflict involving Taiwan or Iran.

the Chinese leadership will likely have the final say, in collaboration with the very religious leadership in Teheran,
on whether an nuclear arms race in the Middle-East will actually reach the headlines.

meanwhile, the Chinese leadership will likely be in a stalemate situation with the US position on Taiwan,
unless they choose to force the issue, in which case we should make sure we are able to defeat their sea and air fleets even as they produce them with
much shorter supply lines than we have to Taiwan.

any other thoughts please?
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and btw, as to Joe Biden seemingly appeasing the Chinese atm :
this is all part of the plan.
appeasement before a war gives one the moral highground.
and a hold on the moral highground is essential to keeping a volunteer army well stocked with fresh recruits.
The last time America "spread itself too thin" was in a two front world conflict called WW2. You could say U.S. forces were spread thin in Korea but only because exhausted poorly supplied Troops were forced into an ambush by a political general with an ego complex. LBJ used a faked crisis to get U.S. Troops into Vietnam and he set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war but it wasn't a case of "spread too thin either". U.S. Troops went further and faster and took Iraq with less casualties than any other conflict of it's type. The problem isn't about the greatest fighting force in the world being "spread too thin", it's more about thin leadership and corrupt politicians.

i'd like to discuss in this thread an overview of current, past->future, and likely future conflicts that we have
with the (Middle-)East Alliance (Russia, China, Iran, BRICS and all of their allies).

seems to me we gotta split up the conlicts and potential conflicts into manageable blocks,
or we'll be overrun by the 3to1 advantage in population count (and thus shell production capabilities) that these people have.

we owe it to the Ukranians, if you don't mind me saying it out loud, to grant them a quick victory over the Russians on their turf.

at the same time, we need to be ready to pick up the fight against Muslim terrorists again, as they may be used by the Chinese or Iranians as soldiers in their broiling conflicts with the West.

we can do this with a fairly massive investment in our own militaries,
using old shell and munitions factories to their capacity while developing new weapons and ammunition to be produced at scale as well,
for a potential conflict involving Taiwan or Iran.

the Chinese leadership will likely have the final say, in collaboration with the very religious leadership in Teheran,
on whether an nuclear arms race in the Middle-East will actually reach the headlines.

meanwhile, the Chinese leadership will likely be in a stalemate situation with the US position on Taiwan,
unless they choose to force the issue, in which case we should make sure we are able to defeat their sea and air fleets even as they produce them with
much shorter supply lines than we have to Taiwan.

any other thoughts please?
Sound like a rube. Ukraine has already dangerously depleted our modern ammo. Try to keep up
The last time America "spread itself too thin" was in a two front world conflict called WW2. You could say U.S. forces were spread thin in Korea but only because exhausted poorly supplied Troops were forced into an ambush by a political general with an ego complex. LBJ used a faked crisis to get U.S. Troops into Vietnam and he set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war but it wasn't a case of "spread too thin either". U.S. Troops went further and faster and took Iraq with less casualties than any other conflict of it's type. The problem isn't about the greatest fighting force in the world being "spread too thin", it's more about thin leadership and corrupt politicians.
if even "Taiwan" and the development of nuclear weapons in Iran happen at the same time, with Ukraine still in play, we'd be spread too thin. All of NATO, AUKUS, and the EU.
Sound like a rube. Ukraine has already dangerously depleted our modern ammo. Try to keep up
well, do you Americans wanna build the ammo factories, or do you wanna let the EU/UK handle that? :D
btw, the only really correct answer to that question is : all of the above.
an ammo factory is a beautiful asset that can be turned off when it's not needed (it's workers retrained for other work).
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i'd like to discuss in this thread an overview of current, past->future, and likely future conflicts that we have
with the (Middle-)East Alliance (Russia, China, Iran, BRICS and all of their allies).

seems to me we gotta split up the conlicts and potential conflicts into manageable blocks,
or we'll be overrun by the 3to1 advantage in population count (and thus shell production capabilities) that these people have.

we owe it to the Ukranians, if you don't mind me saying it out loud, to grant them a quick victory over the Russians on their turf.

at the same time, we need to be ready to pick up the fight against Muslim terrorists again, as they may be used by the Chinese or Iranians as soldiers in their broiling conflicts with the West.

we can do this with a fairly massive investment in our own militaries,
using old shell and munitions factories to their capacity while developing new weapons and ammunition to be produced at scale as well,
for a potential conflict involving Taiwan or Iran.

the Chinese leadership will likely have the final say, in collaboration with the very religious leadership in Teheran,
on whether an nuclear arms race in the Middle-East will actually reach the headlines.

meanwhile, the Chinese leadership will likely be in a stalemate situation with the US position on Taiwan,
unless they choose to force the issue, in which case we should make sure we are able to defeat their sea and air fleets even as they produce them with
much shorter supply lines than we have to Taiwan.

any other thoughts please?
As a consistent money making gambler in certain tightly defined areas over many years , I never back guaranteed losers because of near zero good value for money .
America is dying as a military force and its track record of success is abysmal .
We are seeing that they are being obliterated in Ukraine right now -- as long forecast --and betting on any future success by them ( direct or proxy) represents betting for the sake of it .
Which successful gamblers never do .
As a consistent money making gambler in certain tightly defined areas over many years , I never back guaranteed losers because of near zero good value for money .
America is dying as a military force and its track record of success is abysmal .
We are seeing that they are being obliterated in Ukraine right now -- as long forecast --and betting on any future success by them ( direct or proxy) represents betting for the sake of it .
Which successful gamblers never do .
i disagree strongly with your statements about NATO military strength.
the military strength of the EU and UK and it's Commonwealth are on the rise again too,
and soldiers are not gamblers to begin with.
after 9/11, it was already clear, but now,
with Hamas now having attacked Israel on such a large scale,
and Israel (rightfully imo) on a mission to root out Hamas,
with Russia having opened the attack on Ukraine,
and the Chinese publicly saying they'll retake Taiwan by peaceful means or force,

we can all, as amateur historians talking about the present day,
acknowledge that The (Middle-)East Alliance opened the attacks on The Western Alliance.

and i predict this will lead to the eventual division and even downfall of the (Middle-)Eastern Alliance.
we over here in The West fight with less brutal means and less collateral damage.
and that makes sure we retain the moral highground.
that, in turn, ensures we retain the morale advantage and recruiting power advantage,
which is what wins wars.

maybe it's not just the rich and the businesspeople who are at fault with all of these consecutive wars.
maybe the relative stupidity of youth has something to do with it as well.

but the sheer brutality of the (Middle-)Eastern leaders and armies does not allow for a multipolar reality.
from now on, i'll support a unipolar world-view, and a shock warfare, 'Vulcan' (yes, from Star Trek) approach to warfare.

that means i'd support Israel rooting out Hamas down to it's last member,
regardless of the cost to the Palestinians, who voted in Hamas and Hezbollah.
let their God comfort the innocent.

but we, the gravity-bound living older people, parents and grandparents,
can not see our youths abused this way
by the Gods, politicians and rich people any longer.
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Yet another thread that I predict will all be the OP pontificating over and over, and simply another example of mental masturbation.
as a DIARY with the ability for others to comment on my OBSERVATIONS and opinions, mr moron.

Israel says Gaza border secured after another night of air strikes - Reuters
  1. Israel says Gaza border secured after another night of air strikes Reuters
  2. Hamas armed wing warns it will start killing Israeli hostages for any new bombing of homes without warning Fox News
  3. Israel-Gaza live updates: Iran's UN mission denies involvement in Hamas attacks; Gaza under ‘complete siege’ CNBC
  4. Israel moving tanks to Re'im 11Alive
  5. Middle East crisis: Guterres appeals for end to 'vicious cycle of bloodshed, hatred and polarization' UN News
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

Remote : Tue, 10 Oct 2023 06:33:00 GMT
Local : 2023-10-10(Tuesday) 08 : 33 : 00

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congratulations, Israelis.
but it does seem like Hamas is ready for peacetalks.
i must revert my stance on the ousting of Hamas being a sane and legitimate course of action, again.

sorry if this makes it seem as if i'm only prolonging this conflict.
but to hold 2 million Palestinians in a state of war over the loss over just over a thousand,
can not be justified in the end, i think.

what do you all think of this -pretty accurate- caricature?
this could well be the crux of the wars between The Western Alliance and the (Middle-)Eastern Alliance..
at least in my current set of viewpoints, and i'd really like some input as to why i should play dove or wolf in this "game"
(that affects many lives in traumatically real ways, i know that, that is why i chose this online peace activism as one of my hobbies).
i leave the (immediate) fate of the Palestinian people and Hamas as an organisation (it would soon be replaced if eradicated) in the capable hands of the Israelis.
but i do so somewhat grudgingly, because i know a huge terrorism threat that led to 9/11/2001 already happened. followed by other real acts of terror on western streets.
and Arab, Palestinian and Muslim hatred against Jews, Zionists and Israelis is well known and advertised.
once again, together with Russian and Chinese support, that BRICS alliance and the Muslims, it's a 3 to 1 advantage in population count for them.
the Israelis have to think about their allies now, the ones who supply them with guns and moral backing in the media.
think long term, is my advice.
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as a DIARY with the ability for others to comment on my OBSERVATIONS and opinions, mr moron.

No, you mean your ignorant beliefs.

Ultimately, it is about as important as a bunch of observations and opinions on automotive engine technology, from somebody that has never even opened the hood of a car.

When you are so obviously biased and hold everything even military related in complete contempt, your "observation and opinions" are completely and utterly a waste of time.

Like expecting an accurate review of the best steakhouses in town, from a vegan.

And like any threads even close to this you ever create, just another excuse for you to attack others you do not agree with. Oh, but we also get the added thrill to read the brain dead comments by those that also hate the MIC, "de gubnent", or the political party they are opposed to. Because everybody knows of course everything is their fault.

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