An Invitation to Apologist and Defenders of the "current events"

You can't assume everybody else hears whatever the voices in your head are.

Do you feel you'll be treated better?
Will you get paid higher wages?
Will you be more free to exercise your liberty?
Do you feel being on the side of tyranny makes you a better person?
Do you think (I know that's extremely difficult for you and you might need to wait on a talking point from your betters) life will be better?
Do you feel, if it comes down to the nut cutting your nuts won't be cut because you're on their side?

Or anything you believe will be different-
I haven't seen anything that's been shown as voter fraud evidence??

Do you feel you'll be treated better?
Will you get paid higher wages?
Will you be more free to exercise your liberty?
Do you feel being on the side of tyranny makes you a better person?
Do you think (I know that's extremely difficult for you and you might need to wait on a talking point from your betters) life will be better?
Do you feel, if it comes down to the nut cutting your nuts won't be cut because you're on their side?

Or anything you believe will be different-
Please show us your best evidence of widespread voter fraud, that could change the results of the election in any of the battleground states, then multiply it by three....
No need- you've either seen it or you redfuse to see it- my bet is on the latter-

They are mostly indoctrinated idiots. And in growing numbers.
They have been pounded with an edict of conformity and terrified against bucking that directive for fear of communal rejection and peer indictment.
So they carry the banner of their betters without question.

More so, they join the fray and collectively reject any and all calls for investigative exploration or verification. It simply isn't needed because their betters already told them what to believe.

The very definition of "Useful Idiot"
With at least a tiny bit of specificity, explain, if you can, what it is you hope you gain by defending the fraud and apologizing for the MSM lies.

Do you feel you'll be treated better?
Will you get paid higher wages?
Will you be more free to exercise your liberty?
Do you feel being on the side of tyranny makes you a better person?
Do you think (I know that's extremely difficult for you and you might need to wait on a talking point from your betters) life will be better?
Do you feel, if it comes down to the nut cutting your nuts won't be cut because you're on their side?

Or anything you believe will be different-

Sertiously. One poster this morning said he wanted a dialogue- of course being a defender of tyranny he meant he wanted to inserty his demogoguery as convo- but, if you really feel you'll be better off, here's the opportunity, an invitation, for you to show everyone just hat it is you're going to gain-

Whenever a wingnut talks about "liberty" or "Freedom", it usually means the ability of the rich to abuse the rest of us.

As a practical matter, every time a Republican has gotten in, they usually leave the country in a recession, which means that if you don't lose your job, your boss can certainly feel better about not giving you good raises or otherwise abusing you.

As much as you whine about Obama or Clinton, the fact is, they left the economy in better shape than they found it.

Trump will be the first president to have lost jobs on his watch since Hoover.
You appear to have no credible evidence to sustain Cry Baby Loser's baseless claims of a "stolen election."

I can't pretend to be surprised. No one has.
Copy and paste question(s) y'all keep ignoring-
With at least a tiny bit of specificity, explain, if you can, what it is you hope you gain by defending the fraud and apologizing for the MSM lies.

Do you feel you'll be treated better?
Will you get paid higher wages?
Will you be more free to exercise your liberty?
Do you feel being on the side of tyranny makes you a better person?
Do you think (I know that's extremely difficult for you and you might need to wait on a talking point from your betters) life will be better?
Do you feel, if it comes down to the nut cutting your nuts won't be cut because you're on their side?

Or anything you believe will be different-
Okay, I'm going to try to take your questions "Seriously"...

Do you feel you'll be treated better?
Will you get paid higher wages?

If I go by historical performance, I'd say, "yes". I made more money at the end of the presidencies of Clinton and Obama than I did when they took office. I suffered economic setbacks under both Bushes, and the only reason why Trump's mismanagement of the economy didn't hit me as hard as it could have is because I've spent the last four years preparing for the fuckup I knew he was going to eventually make.

Will you be more free to exercise your liberty?

Which liberties are those. The problem with liberty, as I've said, is that you guys think it involves those with wealth and power to abuse those who don't. Clearly, you guys aren't for liberty if you want to limit a woman's right to choose or keep gays from getting married. Since I'm not rich, I don't need to abuse anyone making less money, and since I'm straight and male, abortion and sexual orientation freedoms won't have any direct effect on me.

Do you feel being on the side of tyranny makes you a better person?

You see, you start with a false premise and then you argue it to the hilt. What "Tyranny" are you talking about? That you might have to fill out extra paperwork to get your fifth gun? I just can't get worked up about that.

Do you think (I know that's extremely difficult for you and you might need to wait on a talking point from your betters) life will be better?

As stated, the fact that we don't have the "Stable Genius" in there ready to throw the country into chaos will definitely make my life better.

The Chinese had a curse, "May you live in interesting times." I want to live in boring times. I want to turn on the news and be bored to tears that nothing crazy happened today.

Do you feel, if it comes down to the nut cutting your nuts won't be cut because you're on their side?

Specious argument... nobody is getting their nuts cut.

Or anything you believe will be different-

Again, just having Trump out of there will be a big improvement... and hopefully, they'll put in reforms so something like that never happens again.

Do I think the country will address the issues like wealth inequality or crumbling infrastructure or such? Not really.
Whenever a wingnut talks about "liberty" or "Freedom", it usually means the ability of the rich to abuse the rest of us.

As a practical matter, every time a Republican has gotten in, they usually leave the country in a recession, which means that if you don't lose your job, your boss can certainly feel better about not giving you good raises or otherwise abusing you.

As much as you whine about Obama or Clinton, the fact is, they left the economy in better shape than they found it.

Trump will be the first president to have lost jobs on his watch since Hoover.
Just answer the questions- geezus- how fucking stupid can you be? It's really simple. No trick questions, just a forth right what do you expect to gain?
Said Joseph Stalin

Who went on to murder millions of his own people

The 1950s called, they want their Bircher Propaganda back.

So how is it that Stalin murdered millions of his own people, but the population of the USSR increased by 50 million during his reign?

Them Russian Babes must have been fucking like rabbits.

Which liberties are those. The problem with liberty, as I've said, is that you guys think it involves those with wealth and power to abuse those who don't. Clearly, you guys aren't for liberty if you want to limit a woman's right to choose or keep gays from getting married. Since I'm not rich, I don't need to abuse anyone making less money, and since I'm straight and male, abortion and sexual orientation freedoms won't have any direct effect on me.
Liberty is for the exerciser to use- not the gov't's decision- maybe you don't understand liberty - or the fact, that the gov't's job is to secure liberty, not restrict it-

You use "you guys" as a pejorative and pretend to be above the fray- you ain't and using a broad brush to paint a narrow picture proves it.

IDGAF about all your anecdotes- and if you really believe you'll be better off, you're in for a rude awakening-

If anything, your situation will only worsen- that is the historically accurate assessment- having a little more money is because a lot more is printed, which requires interest be paid to the issuer- the fed reserve- when you owe you are enslaved, therefore, liberty is restricted, to what you're allowed to keep, that you earned. Period.

It's a sad day (well a lot of sad days) when people feel that the gov't has an authority not granted and tries to justify it-

Read the preamble to the constitution and tell us what you see-
Liberty is for the exerciser to use- not the gov't's decision- maybe you don't understand liberty - or the fact, that the gov't's job is to secure liberty, not restrict it-

Guy the problem with your definintion of liberty is how the government balances out different interests. Again, if you are white, male and straight, you have all sorts of liberties, the society is biased in your favor (and mine as well). YOu can whine about the government "infringing" on your liberties all day, but you don't have to worry about being shot by a thug cop during a Driving While Black.

You use "you guys" as a pejorative and pretend to be above the fray- you ain't and using a broad brush to paint a narrow picture proves it.
IDGAF about all your anecdotes- and if you really believe you'll be better off, you're in for a rude awakening-

If anything, your situation will only worsen- that is the historically accurate assessment- having a little more money is because a lot more is printed, which requires interest be paid to the issuer- the fed reserve- when you owe you are enslaved, therefore, liberty is restricted, to what you're allowed to keep, that you earned. Period.

Ho-hum. The thing is I have the things I have because government protects them, not the other way around. Because we have property rights and police and all the other protections, slightly biased towards the privileges of straight white males. So personally, I'll be fine. It would be nice if things were a little more fair for everyone.

t's a sad day (well a lot of sad days) when people feel that the gov't has an authority not granted and tries to justify it-

Read the preamble to the constitution and tell us what you see-

That was written by guys who owned slaves, shit in chamber pots and thought bleeding was a good medical treatment. I have to live in the modern world.

Lets take a subject near and dear to your heart. Guns. You want the freedom to own as many guns as you want. Awesome. I don't want to own any guns. Saw enough guns in the Army to last me three lifetimes.

The problem is, in order for you to have guns, the rest of us have to live with security guards, active shooter drills, metal detectors, key-carded doors and a bunch of other Security Theater to make us all feel safe from the day one of you goes nuts and starts shooting up a place.
You appear to have no credible evidence to sustain Cry Baby Loser's baseless claims of a "stolen election."

I can't pretend to be surprised. No one has.
Copy and paste question(s) y'all keep ignoring-

Do you feel you'll be treated better?
Will you get paid higher wages?
Will you be more free to exercise your liberty?
Do you feel being on the side of tyranny makes you a better person?
Do you think (I know that's extremely difficult for you and you might need to wait on a talking point from your betters) life will be better?
Do you feel, if it comes down to the nut cutting your nuts won't be cut because you're on their side?

Or anything you believe will be different-

That y'all ignore what's actually written is indicative of seeing what you want to see- it seems to be a trait-

Intellectual cowards deflect-
A pertinent question for Americans is, "Do you support or oppose the Trump goons who were wee wee'd up by their God Emperor and rioted in a murderous insurrection against the United States?
Guy the problem with your definition of liberty is how the government balances out different interests. Again, if you are white, male and straight, you have all sorts of liberties, the society is biased in your favor (and mine as well). You can whine about the government "infringing" on your liberties all day, but you don't have to worry about being shot by a thug cop during a Driving While Black. ...

When white privilege is not strictly observed by law enforcement, there is outrage:

...Many were shocked that the police put up any resistance at all. “We backed you guys this summer!” a man can be heard shouting at the police, probably in reference to Black Lives Matter protests. “When the whole country hated you, we had your back!”
“This is not America,” Andrew McCormick of The Nation overheard a woman saying. “They’re shooting at us. They’re supposed to shoot B.L.M., but they’re shooting the patriots.”
In a clip that went viral for its obliviousness, a woman who identified herself only as “Elizabeth from Knoxville, Tennessee” complained to Hunter Walker, a reporter for Yahoo News, that she’d been stopped at the door.
“I made it like a foot inside and they pushed me out and they maced me!” she cries. When Walker asks her why she wanted to go in, she’s exasperated at his ignorance. “We’re storming the Capitol, it’s a revolution!”...

A pertinent question for Americans is,
You don't decide pertinent for anyone but yourself- now, will you answer the questions or are you going to keep deflecting?

Your Public Education has failed you- I'll copy and paste, real slow and hi-lite the pertinent parts

With at least a tiny bit of specificity, explain, if you can, what it is you hope you gain by defending the fraud and apologizing for the MSM lies.

Do you feel you'll be treated better?
Will you get paid higher wages?
Will you be more free to exercise your liberty?
Do you feel being on the side of tyranny makes you a better person?
Do you think (I know that's extremely difficult for you and you might need to wait on a talking point from your betters) life will be better?
Do you feel, if it comes down to the nut cutting your nuts won't be cut because you're on their side?

Or anything you believe will be different-
With at least a tiny bit of specificity, explain, if you can, what it is you hope you gain by defending the fraud and apologizing for the MSM lies.

Do you feel you'll be treated better?
Will you get paid higher wages?
Will you be more free to exercise your liberty?
Do you feel being on the side of tyranny makes you a better person?
Do you think (I know that's extremely difficult for you and you might need to wait on a talking point from your betters) life will be better?
Do you feel, if it comes down to the nut cutting your nuts won't be cut because you're on their side?

Or anything you believe will be different-

Sertiously. One poster this morning said he wanted a dialogue- of course being a defender of tyranny he meant he wanted to inserty his demogoguery as convo- but, if you really feel you'll be better off, here's the opportunity, an invitation, for you to show everyone just hat it is you're going to gain-
Who cares? Trump's out. All that matters.
--the left
A pertinent question for Americans is,
You don't decide pertinent for anyone but yourself- now, will you answer the questions or are you going to keep deflecting?

Your Public Education has failed you- I'll copy and paste, real slow and hi-lite the pertinent parts

With at least a tiny bit of specificity, explain, if you can, what it is you hope you gain by defending the fraud and apologizing for the MSM lies.

Do you feel you'll be treated better?
Will you get paid higher wages?
Will you be more free to exercise your liberty?
Do you feel being on the side of tyranny makes you a better person?
Do you think (I know that's extremely difficult for you and you might need to wait on a talking point from your betters) life will be better?
Do you feel, if it comes down to the nut cutting your nuts won't be cut because you're on their side?

Or anything you believe will be different-
It's not about me, or about your fantasies about me, or about whatever dogma you need to impose upon others.

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