An Insult to the Audience


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

^^ The most objective post you'll read anywhere including the MSM. Good job.

If I'm going to be objective IMO neither candidate did anything to move the ball. Neither candidate talked about policy that matters to voters. The candidate that is truly leading in the polls (I.E. Is this 2016 all over again or does Biden really have a lead???) probably came out the winner.
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

Our thoughts march together on this. After 30 minutes I couldn't watch any more of it either. I would have asked Trump about the Insurrection Act and under what circumstances he would employ it if the riots continue. And I would ask Biden why he does not call for the democratic mayors and governors in the affected states to put an end to the riots. It's not enough to denounce the violence and destruction, as president what are you gonna do about it? And I would also like to know where Biden is going to get the money to pay for all his additional spending he talks about. All of his ideas call for more gov't spending, does he really think raising taxes on the rich will cover it all?
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

Yet here you are stating that you'll still vote for Trump. So the debate performance didn't affect your decision. It was already made.
That's the case with most voters. Unfortunately, for Trump, given his narrow victory in 2016 and his current standing in the polls, he needed
to come off as at least a little Presidential to sway maybe some independents who are still on the fence in battleground states.
He failed miserably.
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

Yet here you are stating that you'll still vote for Trump. So the debate performance didn't affect your decision. It was already made.
That's the case with most voters. Unfortunately, for Trump, given his narrow victory in 2016 and his current standing in the polls, he needed
to come off as at least a little Presidential to sway maybe some independents who are still on the fence in battleground states.
He failed miserably.

Well here's one independent that's not on the fence especially since I just watched Tik Tock that covered the debate. Biden had a wire on. Someone was telling the POS what to say. I know who I'm voting for and it ain't him.

Get on Tik Tock and see for yourself. What a dishonest POS.
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

Yet here you are stating that you'll still vote for Trump. So the debate performance didn't affect your decision. It was already made.
That's the case with most voters. Unfortunately, for Trump, given his narrow victory in 2016 and his current standing in the polls, he needed
to come off as at least a little Presidential to sway maybe some independents who are still on the fence in battleground states.
He failed miserably.

Well here's one independent that's not on the fence especially since I just watched Tik Tock that covered the debate. Biden had a wire on. Someone was telling the POS what to say. I know who I'm voting for and it ain't him.

Get on Tik Tock and see for yourself. What a dishonest POS.

I don't deal in doctored conspiracy theories. TikTok??? LOL. Doesn't Trump want to ban that? :)
The debate reminded me of kids fighting in the school yard. I nearly turned it off and consider it a waste of my time to watch. I support Trump and hope he wins the election because if he doesn’t our country is screwed. Biden is 40 miles of bad road.
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

Yet here you are stating that you'll still vote for Trump. So the debate performance didn't affect your decision. It was already made.
That's the case with most voters. Unfortunately, for Trump, given his narrow victory in 2016 and his current standing in the polls, he needed
to come off as at least a little Presidential to sway maybe some independents who are still on the fence in battleground states.
He failed miserably.

Well here's one independent that's not on the fence especially since I just watched Tik Tock that covered the debate. Biden had a wire on. Someone was telling the POS what to say. I know who I'm voting for and it ain't him.

Get on Tik Tock and see for yourself. What a dishonest POS.
You people are absolutely insane.
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

Yet here you are stating that you'll still vote for Trump. So the debate performance didn't affect your decision. It was already made.
That's the case with most voters. Unfortunately, for Trump, given his narrow victory in 2016 and his current standing in the polls, he needed
to come off as at least a little Presidential to sway maybe some independents who are still on the fence in battleground states.
He failed miserably.
So you object to him not being stupid then? I'm still voting for Trump because biden spells the end. And, that being said, I don't give a flying fuck who wins. The democrat filth can come get me.
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

Yet here you are stating that you'll still vote for Trump. So the debate performance didn't affect your decision. It was already made.
That's the case with most voters. Unfortunately, for Trump, given his narrow victory in 2016 and his current standing in the polls, he needed
to come off as at least a little Presidential to sway maybe some independents who are still on the fence in battleground states.
He failed miserably.

Well here's one independent that's not on the fence especially since I just watched Tik Tock that covered the debate. Biden had a wire on. Someone was telling the POS what to say. I know who I'm voting for and it ain't him.

Get on Tik Tock and see for yourself. What a dishonest POS.

I don't deal in doctored conspiracy theories. TikTok??? LOL. Doesn't Trump want to ban that? :)
If you are a regular citizen, Biden and the Progs represent the end of the Republic. We see their handiwork today and over the last several years which has been perculating for decades. This is more R versus D with more of a hatred for Trump then his policies to your voters. It is really Prog Socialist to Moderation with an attempt to make our nation a bit more self sufficient while not enriching China.
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

Yet here you are stating that you'll still vote for Trump. So the debate performance didn't affect your decision. It was already made.
That's the case with most voters. Unfortunately, for Trump, given his narrow victory in 2016 and his current standing in the polls, he needed
to come off as at least a little Presidential to sway maybe some independents who are still on the fence in battleground states.
He failed miserably.

Well here's one independent that's not on the fence especially since I just watched Tik Tock that covered the debate. Biden had a wire on. Someone was telling the POS what to say. I know who I'm voting for and it ain't him.

Get on Tik Tock and see for yourself. What a dishonest POS.

I don't deal in doctored conspiracy theories. TikTok??? LOL. Doesn't Trump want to ban that? :)

Nothing doctored about it. Go to Tik Tock and see for yourself. Or be a good little sheeple and don't bother.
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

Yet here you are stating that you'll still vote for Trump. So the debate performance didn't affect your decision. It was already made.
That's the case with most voters. Unfortunately, for Trump, given his narrow victory in 2016 and his current standing in the polls, he needed
to come off as at least a little Presidential to sway maybe some independents who are still on the fence in battleground states.
He failed miserably.

Well here's one independent that's not on the fence especially since I just watched Tik Tock that covered the debate. Biden had a wire on. Someone was telling the POS what to say. I know who I'm voting for and it ain't him.

Get on Tik Tock and see for yourself. What a dishonest POS.

I don't deal in doctored conspiracy theories. TikTok??? LOL. Doesn't Trump want to ban that? :)

Nothing doctored about it. Go to Tik Tock and see for yourself. Or be a good little sheeple and don't bother.

It doesn't show what you think it shows. It just shows you are a true believer. Any falsehood can be whispered in your ear and you'll lap it up and repeat it adnauseum. Makes you seem weak-minded. Who's the sheep again?
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

Yet here you are stating that you'll still vote for Trump. So the debate performance didn't affect your decision. It was already made.
That's the case with most voters. Unfortunately, for Trump, given his narrow victory in 2016 and his current standing in the polls, he needed
to come off as at least a little Presidential to sway maybe some independents who are still on the fence in battleground states.
He failed miserably.

Well here's one independent that's not on the fence especially since I just watched Tik Tock that covered the debate. Biden had a wire on. Someone was telling the POS what to say. I know who I'm voting for and it ain't him.

Get on Tik Tock and see for yourself. What a dishonest POS.

I don't deal in doctored conspiracy theories. TikTok??? LOL. Doesn't Trump want to ban that? :)

Nothing doctored about it. Go to Tik Tock and see for yourself. Or be a good little sheeple and don't bother.

It doesn't show what you think it shows. It just shows you are a true believer. Any falsehood can be whispered in your ear and you'll lap it up and repeat it adnauseum. Makes you seem weak-minded. Who's the sheep again?

Shows a wire and that's all I need to see. Seems your a true believe yourself.
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

Yet here you are stating that you'll still vote for Trump. So the debate performance didn't affect your decision. It was already made.
That's the case with most voters. Unfortunately, for Trump, given his narrow victory in 2016 and his current standing in the polls, he needed
to come off as at least a little Presidential to sway maybe some independents who are still on the fence in battleground states.
He failed miserably.

Well here's one independent that's not on the fence especially since I just watched Tik Tock that covered the debate. Biden had a wire on. Someone was telling the POS what to say. I know who I'm voting for and it ain't him.

Get on Tik Tock and see for yourself. What a dishonest POS.

I don't deal in doctored conspiracy theories. TikTok??? LOL. Doesn't Trump want to ban that? :)

Nothing doctored about it. Go to Tik Tock and see for yourself. Or be a good little sheeple and don't bother.

It doesn't show what you think it shows. It just shows you are a true believer. Any falsehood can be whispered in your ear and you'll lap it up and repeat it adnauseum. Makes you seem weak-minded. Who's the sheep again?

Shows a wire and that's all I need to see. Seems your a true believe yourself.

No it doesn't. You just prove you're NOT an independent. Just soft, malleable, and weak minded.
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

Yet here you are stating that you'll still vote for Trump. So the debate performance didn't affect your decision. It was already made.
That's the case with most voters. Unfortunately, for Trump, given his narrow victory in 2016 and his current standing in the polls, he needed
to come off as at least a little Presidential to sway maybe some independents who are still on the fence in battleground states.
He failed miserably.

Well here's one independent that's not on the fence especially since I just watched Tik Tock that covered the debate. Biden had a wire on. Someone was telling the POS what to say. I know who I'm voting for and it ain't him.

Get on Tik Tock and see for yourself. What a dishonest POS.

I don't deal in doctored conspiracy theories. TikTok??? LOL. Doesn't Trump want to ban that? :)

Nothing doctored about it. Go to Tik Tock and see for yourself. Or be a good little sheeple and don't bother.

It doesn't show what you think it shows. It just shows you are a true believer. Any falsehood can be whispered in your ear and you'll lap it up and repeat it adnauseum. Makes you seem weak-minded. Who's the sheep again?

Shows a wire and that's all I need to see. Seems your a true believe yourself.

No it doesn't. You just prove you're NOT an independent. Just soft, malleable, and weak minded.

Nothing soft, malleable or weak minded about me. You on the other hand are a TRUE believer. Don't let a little thing like Biden wearing an ear wire get in your way.

Carry on you little sheeple you.
My belief in speaking to Canadians is, "we can survive 4 more years of Trump, there is no way on Gods Green earth Canada benefits if the far left socialists dictates Americas direction." Canada is already in deep trouble, thanks in part, to Ontario and it's weak, broke "economy" which was sped up by Green policies of the Wynne admin.

Trumps biggest support from me has been his position on China and dragging global socialists back to capitalism. In fact, I place China so far ahead of all other issues that I believe that this issue/threat alone should decide the elections of ALL Western leaders for at least the next eight years.

Trump was underwhelming in making this the front and center issue. He could have trounced him with this. Weak ass Wallace didn't even ask ONE question about China...from a so-called conservative network. We were all mocking the Dem Primaries for avoiding China, and here we are, in a G.E debate, where China is called out often on the highest rated shows on Fox, and it is avoided entirely. It makes no sense. Just as Fox avoided showing Trumps words about China at the U.N recently.

It's almost as if Fox has decided, "hey, let's try and get what Bloomberg has with that easy cash made in China"
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.
We get the politicians we deserve.

So maybe just maybe the American public should be asking themselves why we can't seem to find anyone better to lead the country.

In short American politicians suck because Americans suck
Well...if Biden was wired AND Trump knew about it, THAT would explain why Trump was so loud and obnoxious. There is no way Biden could have paid any attention to his Minions while hearing Trump's raving in his other ear.

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