An Indian teenager was reportedly beaten to death by her male relatives because they didn't like her wearing jeans


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Several male family members of Neha Paswan, 17, have been accused of murdering her over an attire-related argument.

The BBC spoke to Paswan's mother, Shakuntala Devi Paswan, who said her daughter had put on a pair of jeans to perform religious rituals. This sparked an argument in the family's home in the remote Savreji Kharg village in Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state.

The teenager's family took issue with her jeans, which violated a local government ruling implemented in March. The ruling bars men from wearing shorts and women from wearing jeans and other supposed emblems of Western culture," and restricts them to traditional clothes like sarees.

This will go under as brown on brown crime and from Hindus, so no big deal to the left.
Several male family members of Neha Paswan, 17, have been accused of murdering her over an attire-related argument.

The BBC spoke to Paswan's mother, Shakuntala Devi Paswan, who said her daughter had put on a pair of jeans to perform religious rituals. This sparked an argument in the family's home in the remote Savreji Kharg village in Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state.

The teenager's family took issue with her jeans, which violated a local government ruling implemented in March. The ruling bars men from wearing shorts and women from wearing jeans and other supposed emblems of Western culture," and restricts them to traditional clothes like sarees.

This will go under as brown on brown crime and from Hindus, so no big deal to the left.

Human beings are such horrible animals.

Reminds me of so-called "parents" who will kick out their children who are discovered to be gay, thus forcing their children to become homeless and prey to unscrupulous types.

And, of course, we all know about honor killings in the Middle East.

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