An Inconvenient Truth

Saw someone on this morning that basically said the reason they don't go after Clinton more but "raise issues about her too" is that she is boring, her campaign is boring, and her events are boring.
Saw someone on this morning that basically said the reason they don't go after Clinton more but "raise issues about her too" is that she is boring, her campaign is boring, and her events are boring.

Plus if they did her horrible record would be exposed to CNN's audience
There has been a pretty interesting topic of conversation on multiple networks over the last few days - specifically how difficult it is to produce "objective journalism" with Trump.

It's essentially an admission that they're not being objective, but it's because of his behavior. And the fact that it's been discussed more than once indicates they know what they're doing and they don't see it changing.

I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, but it is not the job of a "reporter" to make value judgements, their job is to report the news and allow the viewer/listener/reader to make their own judgements. Unfortunately, that job description no longer applies.
The media has tossed aside any journalistic objectivity and are now officially on a crusade to pick the "right" President for America. Since they are 99% Liberals, that is of course Clinton. So now their job description is "hide the bodies, squash the corruption stories, shout down Trump supporters, and dissect and spin every single freaking syllable that Trump says."

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